
When Systems Fail

This is not a sharp picture - not even that good. I was flying early in the morning friday July 19th when I realized something was really wrong. The ticket counter was in a flurry of checking lists and creating paper tickets. I would learn within 30m that Spirit Airlines was SOL in the airport and the TSA was checking my paper ticket against printed manifests. I couldn't be prouder of my own teams at work for having dug in and weathered the Crowdstrike storm - it's a testament of having skilled, available and committed SREs. By the time I landed and was back at my desk to help, the main production systems were healthy. I can't really speak to the rest - but my day wrapped later than usual friday but it was an amazing team effort and really, I couldn't be prouder of the people I work with at WellSky
Mitigating SPOF: Migrating and Replicating Container Images

Mitigating SPOF: Migrating and Replicating Container Images

Published Mar 8, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Recently my cluster took another nose dive. This really panicked me as I cannot blog (easily) without it - my private Github runners are hosted in my cluster and moreover the container registry (h...



Published Mar 1, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Kubecost started as an OSS tool in 2019 as a way to give developers insights into their Kubernetes spend. In a Techcrunch interview, Webb Brown, one of the co-founders, noted “There has been a prob...

K8s Tools You Should Try: K9s, Lens, and Weaveworks Scope

K8s Tools You Should Try: K9s, Lens, and Weaveworks Scope

Published Feb 22, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

My colleague Paul pointed out a really amazing toolset with which I’ve become rather smitten; k9s. It is a fully OSS Kubernetes CLI tool that does a whole lot of things while staying within the com...



Published Feb 15, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

I’m guilty of saying “Junkins” in meetings. For years, I’ve had a not-so-hidden disdain for Jenkins. It stemmed from being in a team that touted itself as “Jenkineers” back at a prior as well as f...

Argo Part 2: Argo Workflows

Argo Part 2: Argo Workflows

Published Feb 8, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Argo Workflows is the workflow system from Argo Project that can be used to run containerized parallel workloads in Kubernetes.

GCP Anthos

GCP Anthos

Published Feb 1, 2022 by Isaac Johnson

Anthos is Google’s offering for Hybrid Cloud management leveraging Service Mesh (managed Istio), GKE and Cloud Run (managed KNative). Releases of Anthos go back to June of 2019 and one can referen...

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