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Getting Started with K3S
Published Aug 27, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
With all the kubernetes talk lately, it caught my eye when k3s started to make its way into my news feeds. After a conference seeing plenty of k3s stickers, i felt it was time to dig into it.
Kubernetes Aspen Mesh
Published Aug 19, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Aspen Meshis a supported distribution of Istio with hosted Graphana and Prometheus among other features. It has an “Enterprise” offering “coming soon” but for now has a free public beta. I became...
Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 9 (AKS AAD Refinements)
Published Aug 8, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
In our last post we covered setting up AKS with AAD integration as well as namespaces and service accounts. While we did launch the cluster with Terraform, almost all of the post configuration was...
Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 8 (AKS and AAD)
Published Jul 26, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
In recent weeks I’ve been helping several clients with AKS and RBAC. Specifically, how can we use Azure Kubernetes Service but still leverage our identity management in AD (be it native or synced ...
GCP: App Engine Flex vs Standard (followup)
Published Jul 14, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
I’ve left both running for the last couple weeks. I was interested to know what are real world costs.
GCP: App Engine Flex
Published Jul 12, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Last time we experimented with GCP App Engine Standard which provides an easy way to launch a containerized app provided we stay within some narrowly defined guardrails.
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