The thaw
Distributed Artifactory and Kubernetes
Published Dec 3, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
I sat in a meeting recently discussing the merits of an artifact deployment strategy. One of the leads of the team on the phone wasn’t sure if this strategy would actually work and asked “why don’...
LKE: A solid k8s offering from Linode
Published Nov 26, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Linode announced LKE this year, and while still in private beta, it’s looking quite good for a release any day now (they are actively updatingas I write). Just this past week I was invited to try ...
Getting Started: Skaffold, a k8s build framework
Published Nov 13, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Skaffold is a recent project from Google recently covered in an article by CBR). It is meant to be a simple pipeline tool for building container images. It dates back to January 3 2018 by Matt Ri...
Lenovo Flex 6 14" 2-in-1 : A Developers Review
Published Oct 28, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
I got permission. It was so much as a need as a want - to get a personal laptop again as my last, an i3 based chromebook had moved on to my eldest and I like having a laptop that isn’t from my empl...
Ubuntu Multipass: Part Deux (k3s and PVC)
Published Oct 22, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
K3s on Multipass is pretty nice, but we have to add storage to make it useful. Let’s add StorageOS to provide a Persistant Volume system.
Ubuntu Multipass - Better than Docker?
Published Oct 6, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Multipass is billed as a “mini-cloud” for Mac and Windows machines. . It’s ubuntu’s play at a small virtual machine environment akin to Docker. How well does it perform and can we run Rancher’s k3...
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