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The Other Clouds: Vultr

The Other Clouds: Vultr

Published May 17, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In our last post we explored DigitalOcean following Linode.  Another that often gets mentioned alongside DigitalOcean and Linode is Vultr.  So how does Vultr compare for k8s hosting? Follow my ardu...

The Other Clouds: Digital Ocean and Kubernetes

The Other Clouds: Digital Ocean and Kubernetes

Published May 11, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

Another fantastic public cloud provider outside the big three is DigitalOcean. Known for high speeds and low costs, they’ve been around for 7 years and have quite a fan base. According to Hackernoo...

The Other Clouds: Linode and Kubernetes

The Other Clouds: Linode and Kubernetes

Published May 8, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

So far we have dug in quite a bit using Azure’s Kubernetes Service (AKS). This is primarily because i’m a bit of a fan and use it daily.  But what other offerings are out there?  Certainly Amazon h...

AKS and Stash: k8s native backups

AKS and Stash: k8s native backups

Published May 5, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

Appscode Stash is slick k8s native suite to backup a variety of kubernetes objects including deployments and more. Let’s dig in on AKS to see how we can use stash for a real application.

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 7

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 7

Published Apr 30, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In our last article we covered deploying AKS with the Azure CLI and Kubespray.  Today we will dig into two more ways; Hashicorp Terraform and ARM Templates.

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 6

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 6

Published Apr 23, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

Let’s cover all the ways we can create clusters in AKS (and other providers as well): CLI, Kubespray, Terraform, and ARM Templates. We can start by comparing CLI and Kubespray.

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