The Nashville Parthenon
Azure DevOps (VSTS) security and policies (part 4)
Published Mar 2, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
In our last post we covered the Pull Request process and problems with leaving merged feature branches. But what about validating the code in a pull request before merging? What does AzDO offer by...
Azure DevOps (VSTS) security and policies (part 3)
Published Feb 28, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
We have now created a PR but there are some features we can explore that make it even more automated.
Azure DevOps (VSTS) security and policies (part 2)
Published Feb 28, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
We had set up some common branch policies in our last post. But how does that really work?
Azure DevOps (VSTS) security and policies (part 1)
Published Feb 28, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Azure DevOps security and policies
Maven and Nexus Tutorial: Part 3
Published Feb 21, 2019 by Isaac Johnson
Nexus is used as a medium between components.
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