
When Systems Fail

This is not a sharp picture - not even that good. I was flying early in the morning friday July 19th when I realized something was really wrong. The ticket counter was in a flurry of checking lists and creating paper tickets. I would learn within 30m that Spirit Airlines was SOL in the airport and the TSA was checking my paper ticket against printed manifests. I couldn't be prouder of my own teams at work for having dug in and weathered the Crowdstrike storm - it's a testament of having skilled, available and committed SREs. By the time I landed and was back at my desk to help, the main production systems were healthy. I can't really speak to the rest - but my day wrapped later than usual friday but it was an amazing team effort and really, I couldn't be prouder of the people I work with at WellSky
Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 7

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 7

Published Apr 30, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In our last article we covered deploying AKS with the Azure CLI and Kubespray.  Today we will dig into two more ways; Hashicorp Terraform and ARM Templates.

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 6

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 6

Published Apr 23, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

Let’s cover all the ways we can create clusters in AKS (and other providers as well): CLI, Kubespray, Terraform, and ARM Templates. We can start by comparing CLI and Kubespray.

AKS and Service Mesh: Istio

AKS and Service Mesh: Istio

Published Apr 14, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In our prior guides we covered creating and monitoring clusters, but how do we handle service mesh? That is, a service for discovering and routing services.  There are many options for “service mes...

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 5 (AppD)

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 5 (AppD)

Published Apr 7, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In Part 4we explored setting up EFK, both OSS and Commercial. But in considering commercial, there are other great options as well including ApplicationDynamics (AppD).  

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 4 (EFK)

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 4 (EFK)

Published Apr 7, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In the case of those who have a cross cloud or hybrid cloud environment, or prefer to use cloud-agnostic tooling, there are ways to monitor using several other monitoring frameworks.

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 3

Automating AKS Deployments like a Boss: Part 3

Published Mar 31, 2019 by Isaac Johnson

In our last post, we tackled Auto-Scaling AKS clusters which adjusts the size of our clusters based on load.  However, we have yet to address monitoring.  How can we monitor our clusters using both...

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