
When Systems Fail

This is not a sharp picture - not even that good. I was flying early in the morning friday July 19th when I realized something was really wrong. The ticket counter was in a flurry of checking lists and creating paper tickets. I would learn within 30m that Spirit Airlines was SOL in the airport and the TSA was checking my paper ticket against printed manifests. I couldn't be prouder of my own teams at work for having dug in and weathered the Crowdstrike storm - it's a testament of having skilled, available and committed SREs. By the time I landed and was back at my desk to help, the main production systems were healthy. I can't really speak to the rest - but my day wrapped later than usual friday but it was an amazing team effort and really, I couldn't be prouder of the people I work with at WellSky
DataDog: Kubernetes and AzDO

DataDog: Kubernetes and AzDO

Published Apr 22, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

In our exploration of Logging and Metrics tooling, one company/product worth checking out is Datadog. It’s been around since 2010 and is one of the larger offerings with over 350 integrations out o...

Azure DevOps: Debt, Pipelines and YAML

Azure DevOps: Debt, Pipelines and YAML

Published Apr 14, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

Let’s talk about why I spent $40 this month because of DevOps debt.  That’s right, even yours truly can kick the can on some processes for a while and eventually that bit me in the tuchus.  

AKS and NewRelic

AKS and NewRelic

Published Apr 13, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

As we look at various APM and Logging tools, one suite that deserves attention is NewRelic.  New Relic is not a new player, having been founded in 2008 by Lew Cirne (anagram of ‘new relic’) and goi...

Azure Arc for Servers (Preview)

Azure Arc for Servers (Preview)

Published Apr 6, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

Azure Arc is a preview feature for Azure that will let you manage in Azure resources outside of Azure.  So far they’ve discussed Arc for databases, servers and Kubernetes.  I was recently given acc...

AKS and Ingress : Constraining Access

AKS and Ingress : Constraining Access

Published Apr 3, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

In my last missive I detailed out AKS and Ingress using NGinx Ingress Controllers. For public facing services this can be sufficient.  However, many businesses require tighter controls - either for...

AKS and Ingress, again

AKS and Ingress, again

Published Mar 28, 2020 by Isaac Johnson

I wrote most of my Azure Kubernetes guides a while back in a time where Helm 2 was standard and RBAC was an optional add-in.  Recently when doing AKS work for work, I realized really how much has c...

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