Process Compose and GitQL

Published: Dec 14, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

Process Compose caught my eye recently when linked from a TLDR email. It’s a simple Open-Source tool for scheduling and orchestrating non-containerized applications. As the author puts it:

Why? Because sometimes you just don’t want to deal with docker files, volume definitions, networks and docker registries.

GQL, or GitQL, or “Git Query Language” is a SQL-like tool written in Rust to get quick interactive counts for a git repo. This includes diffs, branches and results by author, just to name a few. The main Readme has a few examples. We’ll set it up and explore outputs the compare that with details we can get from SLOCCount and just find/sed/awk commands.

Process Compose: Installation

We can use just the direct shell install:

sh -c "$(curl --location" -- -d

However, I think I’ll use homebrew in WSL for this.

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ brew install f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
Running `brew update --auto-update`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 6 taps (codefresh-io/cli, mogenius/punq, derailed/k9s, azure/functions, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> New Formulae
abi3audit                            graphqlviz                           python-configobj                     raven
action-validator                     haiti                                python-cycler                        rdap
ain                                  immer                                python-dateutil                      redwax-tool
ali                                  instaloader                          python-dicttoxml                     reflex
amass                                intercept                            python-distlib                       regclient
ansible@8                            invoice                              python-distro                        rekor-cli
apkleaks                             jprq                                 python-docopt                        retry
appstream                            kew                                  python-filelock                      richgo
asitop                               lager                                python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme       ruler
auditwheel                           libconfini                           python-hatch-vcs                     scarb
authz0                               libcyaml                             python-hatchling                     scikit-image
awscli-local                         libdpp                               python-idna                          scilla
badkeys                              libjuice                             python-jinja                         shell2http
bao                                  libsail                              python-jmespath                      shellspec
biodiff                              mariadb@11.1                         python-json5                         sigma-cli
bkcrack                              mediamtx                             python-kiwisolver                    signmykey
bob                                  memray                               python-magic                         sigstore
bomber                               minder                               python-mako                          skate
bounceback                           modsurfer                            python-markdown-it-py                sloth
cariddi                              node@20                              python-matplotlib                    snakeviz
certgraph                            noir                                 python-mdurl                         snyk-cli
certsync                             orbuculum                            python-mpmath                        spglib
cfripper                             osctrl-cli                           python-msgpack                       spicetify-cli
chainsaw                             oslo                                 python-networkx                      spidermonkey@91
changie                              pan                                  python-oauthlib                      sqlfmt
cherrybomb                           patat                                python-openapi3                      squealer
cliam                                patch-package                        python-pathspec                      ssh-mitm
crunchy-cli                          pciutils                             python-pbr                           sshportal
csprecon                             pdfalyzer                            python-platformdirs                  tailspin
daktilo                              perl-xml-parser                      python-pluggy                        telegram-downloader
der-ascii                            php@8.2                              python-ply                           terraform-local
dicebear                             phylum-cli                           python-prompt-toolkit                texttest
dockerfile-language-server           pmix                                 python-regex                         three-body
doppler                              presenterm                           python-requests                      tlrc
eatmemory                            python-abseil                        python-requests-oauthlib             uvicorn
faircamp                             python-anytree                       python-rich                          vet
favirecon                            python-asn1crypto                    python-s3transfer                    virtctl
flyscrape                            python-attrs                         python-setuptools-scm                vulsio-gost
frozen                               python-boto3                         python-sympy                         whisper-cpp
gdrive@2                             python-botocore                      python-termcolor                     witness
geoip2fast                           python-brotli                        python-trove-classifiers             xeol
ghc@9.6                              python-cachetools                    python-urllib3                       xnvme
git-mediate                          python-chardet                       python-wcwidth                       zix
gitsign                              python-charset-normalizer            python-websocket-client              zug
gittuf                               python-cli-helpers                   python-xlsxwriter
goresym                              python-colorama                      qbittorrent-cli
gotpm                                python-configargparse                rapidfuzz-cpp
==> New Casks
affine                   commandpost              gstreamer-development    macgpt                   nvs                      simplex
batchoutput-pdf          deskpad                  gstreamer-runtime        mdb-accdb-viewer         ok-json                  timemachinestatus
bezel                    deveco-studio            hides                    mediamate                orka3                    tunetag
brickstore               douyin-chat              hoppscotch               metamer                  ovito                    writerside
btp                      effect-house             jazz2-resurrection       mindmac                  ovito-pro                xliff-editor
clibor                   fossa                    keymapp                  mitmproxy                proton-drive             xsplit-vcam
codewhisperer            greenery                 libndi                   music-decoy              rode-central

You have 59 outdated formulae installed.

==> Tapping f1bonacc1/tap
Cloning into '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/Library/Taps/f1bonacc1/homebrew-tap'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 33, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Total 33 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (33/33), 10.40 KiB | 1.16 MiB/s, done.
Tapped 1 formula (44 files, 207.8KB).
==> Fetching dependencies for f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose: linux-headers@5.15, gmp, mpfr and xz
==> Fetching linux-headers@5.15
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching gmp
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching mpfr
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching xz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Installing process-compose from f1bonacc1/tap
==> Installing dependencies for f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose: linux-headers@5.15, gmp, mpfr and xz
==> Installing f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose dependency: linux-headers@5.15
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/083e011e56b4363c7e6aedf0d0d3358658201ed65381d174d1e00d4d8894ea66--linux-headers@5.15-5.15.140.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring linux-headers@5.15--5.15.140.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/linux-headers@5.15/5.15.140: 961 files, 5.7MB
==> Installing f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose dependency: gmp
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/70a72a71216843d66a953c06ff6337445ce9bc94fae9f0e301e2f59005274a8e--gmp-6.3.0.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring gmp--6.3.0.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gmp/6.3.0: 23 files, 3.9MB
==> Installing f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose dependency: mpfr
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/a2a3424f4974f6febfa0334a93f35f508eaef3f4ad04320f73d9498302295635--mpfr-4.2.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring mpfr--4.2.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/mpfr/4.2.1: 31 files, 3.9MB
==> Installing f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose dependency: xz
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/4e81fda476fb634a7e1ac650019bfe768a65d6c387015992df4cd75adf9b3fce--xz-5.4.5.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring xz--5.4.5.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/xz/5.4.5: 313 files, 4.1MB
==> Installing f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/process-compose/0.75.1: 5 files, 23.8MB, built in 1 second
==> Running `brew cleanup process-compose`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
Warning: The following dependents of upgraded formulae are outdated but will not
be upgraded because they are not bottled:
==> Upgrading 39 dependents of upgraded formulae:
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
alsa-lib 1.2.9 -> 1.2.10, cairo 1.16.0_5 -> 1.18.0, dbus 1.14.6 -> 1.14.10, devspace 6.3.2 -> 6.3.5, gh 2.32.0 -> 2.39.2, gnutls 3.8.0 -> 3.8.2, cups 2.4.2 -> 2.4.7, gettext 0.21.1 -> 0.22.3, glib 2.76.3 -> 2.78.1, harfbuzz 7.3.0 -> 8.3.0, hugo 0.112.3 -> 0.120.4, icu4c 72.1 -> 73.2, jpeg-turbo -> 3.0.0, jq 1.6 -> 1.7, kubernetes-cli 1.27.3 -> 1.28.4, libedit 20221030-3.1 -> 20230828-3.1, libnghttp2 1.53.0 -> 1.58.0, libnsl 2.0.0_1 -> 2.0.1, libtiff 4.5.0 -> 4.6.0, libxcb 1.15_1 -> 1.16, libx11 1.8.4 -> 1.8.7, libxml2 2.11.4 -> 2.12.1, gawk 5.2.2 -> 5.3.0, libxrandr 1.5.3 -> 1.5.4, nettle 3.9 -> 3.9.1, oniguruma 6.9.8 -> 6.9.9, opa 0.53.0 -> 0.58.0, openjdk@11 11.0.19 -> 11.0.21, p11-kit 0.24.1_1 -> 0.25.3, python@3.10 3.10.11 -> 3.10.13_1, python@3.11 3.11.3 -> 3.11.6_1, pyyaml 6.0_1 -> 6.0.1_1, readline 8.2.1 -> 8.2.7, sonar-scanner ->, sqlite 3.42.0 -> 3.44.2, python-yq 3.2.2 -> 3.2.3, unbound 1.17.1 -> 1.19.0, vault 1.13.2 -> 1.14.4, yq 4.31.1 -> 4.40.3
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/2dee97539c09d15349d9935f14c299bce3e52d11fd6d399a05a5190d0e7a1028--dbus-1.14.10.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for sqlite: readline
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/14125f7fa4b49853f76160b864f58379d90e52833ffeb8bd0643609bcd7f02a7--readline-8.2.7.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching readline
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching sqlite
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/aa32e07f286c25cd98716dc981bedecd086e432b4f5336ca63a30da3be5c79e1--libedit-20230828-3.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for libnsl: openssl@3 and libedit
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching openssl@3
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/aa32e07f286c25cd98716dc981bedecd086e432b4f5336ca63a30da3be5c79e1--libedit-20230828-3.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching libedit
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/b37f5047d8199fa3a77cb2a5e176b6fd38e74913292694e09cc8f4d916a23444--libedit--20230828-3.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Fetching libnsl
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching python@3.11
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for glib: dbus
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/2dee97539c09d15349d9935f14c299bce3e52d11fd6d399a05a5190d0e7a1028--dbus-1.14.10.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching dbus
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/6bb96c475a5bbe7f4d6044050acca04835a67ba9a974257c91ce1ba3bdc4ebcb--dbus--1.14.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Fetching glib
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for libxcb: xorgproto
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/8740825bd79ba6441c86fb430f955cb3d08f4693dd2947fe877c11c7c8122343--xorgproto-2023.2.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching xorgproto
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/e08c0cf22c8671ad90528b8bcf2c9a08048f43ed01867b87fea4069d0645f9de--xorgproto--2023.2.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Fetching libxcb
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libx11
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching cairo
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/2e5082de52a2c85ae665e51f8d0de0651611397cb02f4b4e2bb37898ba52a629--icu4c-73.2.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching icu4c
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/d467742181d935c7e6128244f70d5fced229aaf7d1f2b7af9ae1009f663c0f49--icu4c--73.2.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching harfbuzz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/325e745bcb7840d6a83df7bfcafaa4dbc30b29140f252fb82b7714493df29d6d--jpeg-turbo-3.0.0.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching jpeg-turbo
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/07522ed0e693cbb4aad5c3962ddaba9db85e6d2855246055d1a957ea6175bc13--jpeg-turbo--3.0.0.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libtiff
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/f8e0e4a32aebd4f2125c90c3739136bcf9dbde8c807c8cc515a4558850648c5b--alsa-lib-1.2.10.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching alsa-lib
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/352ac261bab0810167ac73f2933ea888a5829c744d33ae709789ae202451da65--alsa-lib--1.2.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libxrandr
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching cups
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching openjdk@11
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching kubernetes-cli
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching devspace
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching gh
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/a02ae3a1ecc6cff56e632f6452fd57f3fa72be16cde0b69e5b47747283fd3f6b--nettle-3.9.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libnghttp2
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for unbound: libevent
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libevent
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching unbound
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for gnutls: nettle and p11-kit
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/a02ae3a1ecc6cff56e632f6452fd57f3fa72be16cde0b69e5b47747283fd3f6b--nettle-3.9.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching nettle
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/4f6411a11bae436aba59c5ddd1fbcc2e5cfcead5ad961d48825b0a6874a810b4--nettle--3.9.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/cc547bf2f72da03680090015f5b720aff280ce33de9c33783a69c24fe97a4246--p11-kit-0.25.3.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching p11-kit
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching gnutls
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching libxml2
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching gettext
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching hugo
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching oniguruma
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/f58ea096b48ef3cd8719cb0ec4581f6929b3c5fa4340fd648205306f0e6fab49--jq-1.7.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching gawk
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching opa
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching python@3.10
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/bde285dde2b469ed3741edde1c6e63c6f5c0d73a261ae95a3f781a3f60be7de2--sonar-scanner-
==> Fetching dependencies for sonar-scanner: openjdk
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching openjdk
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching sonar-scanner
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/dfeafc91e3fc600c69e85ca68cbc1dc088cf2bbf42c252d49f38575f233dd094--sonar-scanner--
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching dependencies for python-yq: jq, python-argcomplete, python@3.12 and pyyaml
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/f58ea096b48ef3cd8719cb0ec4581f6929b3c5fa4340fd648205306f0e6fab49--jq-1.7.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching jq
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/d31ead2bd558012d960dd5fb39944c1ddaf2563fa222821397e152be3856861f--jq--1.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching python-argcomplete
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching python@3.12
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/bb167293fae0bea9e7a2acd7496bdc04de8fd1d22a0d4c554a42477cda37397a--pyyaml-6.0.1_1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Fetching pyyaml
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching python-yq
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
Warning: vault has been deprecated because it will change its license to BUSL on the next release!
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching vault
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Fetching yq
==> Downloading
############################################################################################################################################# 100.0%
==> Upgrading sqlite
  3.42.0 -> 3.44.2

==> Installing dependencies for sqlite: readline
==> Installing sqlite dependency: readline
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/14125f7fa4b49853f76160b864f58379d90e52833ffeb8bd0643609bcd7f02a7--readline-8.2.7.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring readline--8.2.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/readline/8.2.7: 50 files, 2MB
==> Installing sqlite
==> Pouring sqlite--3.44.2.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/sqlite/3.44.2: 12 files, 6MB
==> Running `brew cleanup sqlite`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/sqlite/3.42.0... (12 files, 5.8MB)
==> Upgrading libnsl
  2.0.0_1 -> 2.0.1

==> Installing dependencies for libnsl: openssl@3 and libedit
==> Installing libnsl dependency: openssl@3
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/f4198e1c20f075acafccf58da7f0da06963e40006c4c127cbc667a85750039df--openssl@3-3.2.0.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring openssl@3--3.2.0.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/openssl@3/3.2.0: 6,815 files, 38.2MB
==> Installing libnsl dependency: libedit
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/aa32e07f286c25cd98716dc981bedecd086e432b4f5336ca63a30da3be5c79e1--libedit-20230828-3.1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring libedit--20230828-3.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libedit/20230828-3.1: 54 files, 793.6KB
==> Installing libnsl
==> Pouring libnsl--2.0.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libnsl/2.0.1: 17 files, 189.0KB
==> Running `brew cleanup libnsl`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libnsl/2.0.0_1... (18 files, 183.4KB)
==> Upgrading python
  3.11.3 -> 3.11.6_1

==> Pouring python@3.11--3.11.6_1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.6_1/bin/python3.11 -Im ensurepip
==> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.6_1/bin/python3.11 -Im pip install -v --no-index --upgrade --isolated --target=/home/linuxbre
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.6_1: 2,843 files, 67.2MB
==> Running `brew cleanup python@3.11`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.2_1... (2,735 files, 66.8MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.3... (2,735 files, 66.7MB)
==> Upgrading glib
  2.76.3 -> 2.78.1

==> Installing dependencies for glib: dbus
==> Installing glib dependency: dbus
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/2dee97539c09d15349d9935f14c299bce3e52d11fd6d399a05a5190d0e7a1028--dbus-1.14.10.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring dbus--1.14.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/dbus/1.14.10/bin/dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/var/lib/dbus/machine-id
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/dbus/1.14.10: 77 files, 2.9MB
==> Installing glib
==> Pouring glib--2.78.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.1.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/glib/2.78.1: 463 files, 26.4MB
==> Running `brew cleanup glib`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/glib/2.76.3... (462 files, 26.1MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/glib--2.78.0... (7.2MB)
==> Upgrading libxcb
  1.15_1 -> 1.16

==> Installing dependencies for libxcb: xorgproto
==> Installing libxcb dependency: xorgproto
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/8740825bd79ba6441c86fb430f955cb3d08f4693dd2947fe877c11c7c8122343--xorgproto-2023.2.bottle_manifest.json
==> Pouring xorgproto--2023.2.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/xorgproto/2023.2: 267 files, 4.0MB
==> Installing libxcb
==> Pouring libxcb--1.16.x86_64_linux.bottle.1.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libxcb/1.16: 2,491 files, 6.9MB
==> Running `brew cleanup libxcb`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libxcb/1.15_1... (2,461 files, 6.8MB)
==> Upgrading libx11
  1.8.4 -> 1.8.7

==> Pouring libx11--1.8.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libx11/1.8.7: 1,049 files, 8.0MB
==> Running `brew cleanup libx11`...
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libx11/1.8.4... (1,061 files, 8MB)
==> Upgrading cairo
  1.16.0_5 -> 1.18.0

Error: The maximum number of open files on this system has been reached. Use `ulimit -n` to increase this limit.

This was the first time I hit a ulimit on my WSL instance

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ ulimit -n

I then upped it and double checked

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ ulimit -f 100000
builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ brew install f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
Warning: f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose 0.75.1 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 0.75.1, run:
  brew reinstall process-compose
builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ brew reinstall process-compose
==> Fetching f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/ba3ba9c71b92404c0b804abe17eb939eafbf711b5838247ab6443769bdb2be9d--process-compose_linux_amd64.tar.gz
==> Reinstalling f1bonacc1/tap/process-compose
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/process-compose/0.75.1: 5 files, 23.8MB, built in 1 second
==> Running `brew cleanup process-compose`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
==> `brew cleanup` has not been run in the last 30 days, running now...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/btop--1.2.13... (580.7KB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/dbus/1.14.6... (77 files, 2.9MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/devspace--6.3.3... (23MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/gawk--5.2.2... (1.6MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gmp/6.2.1_1... (23 files, 3.9MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/gnutls--3.8.1... (3.3MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/libedit/20221030-3.1... (54 files, 793.1KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/libxml2--2.11.5... (2.3MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/linux-headers@5.15/5.15.135... (961 files, 5.7MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/linux-headers@5.15--5.15.135... (1.5MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/mpfr/4.2.0-p12... (31 files, 3.9MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/mpfr--4.2.0-p12... (1.2MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/openjdk@11-- (185.8MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/openssl@3/3.1.2... (6,504 files, 35.3MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/p11-kit--0.25.0... (1.4MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/punq--1.4.8.tar.gz... (21.2MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/readline/8.2.1... (50 files, 2MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/unbound--1.18.0_1... (7.2MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/xorgproto/2022.2... (268 files, 4.0MB)
Removing: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/xz/5.4.4... (313 files, 4MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/xz--5.4.4... (1MB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/devspace_bottle_manifest--6.3.2... (7.6KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/btop_bottle_manifest--1.2.13... (10.6KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/kubernetes-cli_bottle_manifest--1.27.3... (7.3KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/linux-headers@5.15_bottle_manifest--5.15.120... (1.9KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/gh_bottle_manifest--2.32.0... (7.4KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/linux-headers@5.15_bottle_manifest--5.15.118... (1.9KB)
Removing: /home/builder/.cache/Homebrew/Logs/punq... (4KB)
Pruned 0 symbolic links and 4 directories from /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew

I’ll create a directory and a quick 3 tier hello-world similar to how it is shown in Getting Started

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~/process-compose$ cat process-compose.yaml
version: "0.5"

log_location: /home/builder/process-compose/combined-logfile.log
log_level: debug

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo 'done manager'"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo donewithClientA"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started
      - "LOCAL_ENV_VAR=1"

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo donewithclientB"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started
      - "LOCAL_ENV_VAR=2"

    command: "/bin/sleep 5 && echo 'done server 1a'"
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo 'done server 2a'"
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 3 && echo 'done server1b'"
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 3 && echo 'done server2b'"
      restart: "always"

I can run using:

$ process-compose -f /home/builder/process-compose/process-compose.yaml

This shows it clearly expects the process to stay up.

The fact they exit when echoing shows that it’s not really meant for backgrounded server launches.

I can see that from the log:

$ cat combined-logfile.log
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2A","replica":0,"message":"done server 2a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Manager","replica":0,"message":"done manager"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Manager","replica":0,"message":"done manager"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2A","replica":0,"message":"done server 2a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_2B","replica":0,"message":"done server2b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1B","replica":0,"message":"done server1b"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}
{"level":"info","process":"Server_1A","replica":0,"message":"done server 1a"}

Key here is adding the ‘is_daemon’ flag to indicate it’s a Daemon process

$ cat process-compose.yaml
version: "0.5"

log_location: /home/builder/process-compose/combined-logfile.log
log_level: debug

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo 'done manager'"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo donewithClientA"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started
      - "LOCAL_ENV_VAR=1"

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo donewithclientB"
      restart: "always"
        condition: process_started
        condition: process_started
      - "LOCAL_ENV_VAR=2"

    command: "/bin/sleep 5 && echo 'done server 1a'"
    description: "Process for Server 1A"
    is_daemon: true
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 10 && echo 'done server 2a'"
    description: "Process for Server 2A"
    is_daemon: true
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 3 && echo 'done server1b'"
    description: "Process for Server 1B"
    is_daemon: true
      restart: "always"

    command: "/bin/sleep 3 && echo 'done server2b'"
    description: "Process for Server 2B"
    is_daemon: true
      restart: "always"

I can now see that the managers are still restarting, but the “server” processes, marked as daemon, stay up (“Launched”)


How might this work for something like a ruby process? Could I launch this Jekyll blog using process-compose?

When launched, I can see it running


Which is verified by checking the standard URL


If I click enter on the process, I can see the logs which indeed show it running


I tried to stop it with F9 but it just restarted


However, F10 which quit the app did end up stopping it.

Then I realized why. By setting the ‘restart’ to ‘on_failure’, it took the F9 kill command as a “failure” and just restarted.

Switching to restart: no solved it and F9 nicely ended the process

$ cat jekyllblog.yaml
version: "0.5"

log_location: /home/builder/process-compose/jekyll-logfile.log
log_level: debug

    command: "bundle exec jekyll serve"
    working_dir: "/home/builder/Workspaces/jekyll-blog"
      restart: "no"

    command: "bundle exec jekyll serve"
    disabled: true
    working_dir: "/home/builder/Workspaces/jekyll-blog2"
      restart: "on_failure"


GitQL is a slick Git Query Language we can use for metrics and search.

To install GQL, we first need to add Cargo as GQL is written in Rust:

$ curl -sSf | sh
info: downloading installer

Welcome to Rust!

This will download and install the official compiler for the Rust
programming language, and its package manager, Cargo.

Rustup metadata and toolchains will be installed into the Rustup
home directory, located at:


This can be modified with the RUSTUP_HOME environment variable.

The Cargo home directory is located at:


This can be modified with the CARGO_HOME environment variable.

The cargo, rustc, rustup and other commands will be added to
Cargo's bin directory, located at:


This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by
modifying the profile files located at:


You can uninstall at any time with rustup self uninstall and
these changes will be reverted.

Current installation options:

   default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
     default toolchain: stable (default)
               profile: default
  modify PATH variable: yes

1) Proceed with installation (default)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation

info: profile set to 'default'
info: default host triple is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'
info: latest update on 2023-11-16, rust version 1.74.0 (79e9716c9 2023-11-13)
info: downloading component 'cargo'
info: downloading component 'clippy'
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
info: downloading component 'rustc'
 58.7 MiB /  58.7 MiB (100 %)  27.1 MiB/s in  2s ETA:  0s
info: downloading component 'rustfmt'
info: installing component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'clippy'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
 14.4 MiB /  14.4 MiB (100 %)   7.0 MiB/s in  1s ETA:  0s
info: installing component 'rust-std'
 26.3 MiB /  26.3 MiB (100 %)  16.7 MiB/s in  1s ETA:  0s
info: installing component 'rustc'
 58.7 MiB /  58.7 MiB (100 %)  17.7 MiB/s in  3s ETA:  0s
info: installing component 'rustfmt'
info: default toolchain set to 'stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'

  stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu installed - rustc 1.74.0 (79e9716c9 2023-11-13)

Rust is installed now. Great!

To get started you may need to restart your current shell.
This would reload your PATH environment variable to include
Cargo's bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin).

To configure your current shell, run:
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

I do as suggested, source the env file then I can cargo install gql

$ source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
$ cargo install gitql
    Updating index
  Downloaded gitql v0.9.0
  Downloaded 1 crate (16.3 KB) in 0.68s
  Installing gitql v0.9.0
    Updating index
  Downloaded autocfg v1.1.0
  Downloaded colorchoice v1.0.0
  Downloaded rustversion v1.0.14
  Downloaded strum v0.25.0
  Downloaded scopeguard v1.2.0
  Downloaded tinyvec_macros v0.1.1
  Downloaded gitql-engine v0.9.0
  Downloaded form_urlencoded v1.2.1
  Downloaded anstyle-query v1.0.0
  Downloaded heck v0.4.1
  Downloaded cc v1.0.83
  Downloaded unicode-width v0.1.11
  Downloaded anstyle v1.0.4
  Downloaded clap_lex v0.6.0
  Downloaded lazy_static v1.4.0
  Downloaded anstream v0.6.4
  Downloaded gitql-parser v0.8.0
  Downloaded log v0.4.20
  Downloaded termcolor v1.4.0
  Downloaded unicode-bidi v0.3.13
  Downloaded num-traits v0.2.17
  Downloaded tinyvec v1.6.0
  Downloaded anstyle-parse v0.2.2
  Downloaded iana-time-zone v0.1.58
  Downloaded utf8parse v0.2.1
  Downloaded smallvec v1.11.2
  Downloaded parking_lot v0.12.1
  Downloaded comfy-table v7.1.0
  Downloaded memchr v2.6.4
  Downloaded unicode-normalization v0.1.22
  Downloaded aho-corasick v1.1.2
  Downloaded regex-syntax v0.8.2
  Downloaded regex-automata v0.4.3
  Downloaded libc v0.2.150
  Downloaded libz-sys v1.1.12
  Downloaded gitql-ast v0.7.0
  Downloaded libgit2-sys v0.16.1+1.7.1
  Downloaded gitql-cli v0.9.0
  Downloaded idna v0.5.0
  Downloaded chrono v0.4.31
  Downloaded syn v2.0.39
  Downloaded regex v1.10.2
  Downloaded vcpkg v0.2.15
  Downloaded git2 v0.18.1
  Downloaded clap_builder v4.4.9
  Downloaded crossterm v0.27.0
  Downloaded url v2.5.0
  Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.70
  Downloaded clap v4.4.10
  Downloaded parking_lot_core v0.9.9
  Downloaded bitflags v2.4.1
  Downloaded lock_api v0.4.11
  Downloaded clap_derive v4.4.7
  Downloaded jobserver v0.1.27
  Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.12
  Downloaded percent-encoding v2.3.1
  Downloaded pkg-config v0.3.27
  Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0
  Downloaded strsim v0.10.0
  Downloaded quote v1.0.33
  Downloaded strum_macros v0.25.3
  Downloaded 61 crates (9.8 MB) in 0.67s (largest was `libz-sys` at 3.0 MB)
   Compiling libc v0.2.150
   Compiling autocfg v1.1.0
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.70
   Compiling pkg-config v0.3.27
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
   Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15
   Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.9
   Compiling bitflags v2.4.1
   Compiling smallvec v1.11.2
   Compiling heck v0.4.1
   Compiling rustversion v1.0.14
   Compiling iana-time-zone v0.1.58
   Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1
   Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
   Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0
   Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0
   Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0
   Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.2
   Compiling memchr v2.6.4
   Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
   Compiling anstyle v1.0.4
   Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.0
   Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.13
   Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.1
   Compiling strsim v0.10.0
   Compiling clap_lex v0.6.0
   Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.1
   Compiling anstream v0.6.4
   Compiling num-traits v0.2.17
   Compiling lock_api v0.4.11
   Compiling regex-syntax v0.8.2
   Compiling strum v0.25.0
   Compiling log v0.4.20
   Compiling clap_builder v4.4.9
   Compiling unicode-width v0.1.11
   Compiling termcolor v1.4.0
   Compiling aho-corasick v1.1.2
   Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22
   Compiling quote v1.0.33
   Compiling syn v2.0.39
   Compiling idna v0.5.0
   Compiling jobserver v0.1.27
   Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1
   Compiling url v2.5.0
   Compiling cc v1.0.83
   Compiling chrono v0.4.31
   Compiling crossterm v0.27.0
   Compiling regex-automata v0.4.3
   Compiling libz-sys v1.1.12
   Compiling libgit2-sys v0.16.1+1.7.1
   Compiling gitql-ast v0.7.0
   Compiling gitql-parser v0.8.0
   Compiling regex v1.10.2
   Compiling clap_derive v4.4.7
   Compiling strum_macros v0.25.3
   Compiling comfy-table v7.1.0
   Compiling clap v4.4.10
   Compiling gitql-cli v0.9.0
   Compiling git2 v0.18.1
   Compiling gitql-engine v0.9.0
   Compiling gitql v0.9.0
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 20.20s
  Installing /home/builder/.cargo/bin/gitql
   Installed package `gitql v0.9.0` (executable `gitql`)

Let’s first experiment on a small repo.

I’ll use it on an initial pull of OpenToFu:

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~$ gitql --repos /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/
Compiletime ERROR: [13 - 21] -> Can't complete parsing this expression
gql > select COUNT(title) AS CTT FROM commits
│ ctt   │
│ 31742 │
│ mytitle                                                                                          │
│ OpenTofu will now attempt to create the configuration directory ~/.terraform.d on startup (#512) │
│ update maintainer and contirbuting to OpenTofu (#542)                                            │
│ rename OpenTofu testing folder (#532)                                                            │
│ rename code owner to open tofu (#540)                                                            │
│ Update release process to release `tofu` binary (#456)                                           │
│ Renaming to OpenTofu leftover in `main.go` (#536)                                                │
│ Retag package docker image (#535)                                                                │
│ internal/command: wrap formatted errors (#519)                                                   │
│ Rename multiple packages to OpenTofu (addrs, backend, command) (#506)                            │
│ Rename GitHub settings to OpenTofu (#522)                                                        │
gql > exit

Just to see it is live, I’ll update that repo

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~/Workspaces/opentofu$ git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 2220, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1062/1062), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (216/216), done.
remote: Total 2220 (delta 879), reused 938 (delta 838), pack-reused 1158
Receiving objects: 100% (2220/2220), 1.33 MiB | 7.66 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1440/1440), completed with 268 local objects.
   0930a90822..d38fdb69aa main                                                    -> origin/main
 * [new branch]          824-tofu-client-should-send-terraform-version-or-tofu-version-when-creating-new-workspace -> origin/824-tofu-client-should-send-terraform-version-or-tofu-version-when-creating-new-workspace
 * [new branch]          846-tests-add-integration-tests-for-base-execution-path -> origin/846-tests-add-integration-tests-for-base-execution-path
 * [new branch]          875-correct_backend_validation_nulls                    -> origin/875-correct_backend_validation_nulls
 * [new branch]          checks-workflow-dev/test_coverage                       -> origin/checks-workflow-dev/test_coverage
 * [new branch]          chore/test                                              -> origin/chore/test
 * [new branch]          conditionally-timeout-lock                              -> origin/conditionally-timeout-lock
 * [new branch]          contexts-in-consul-backend                              -> origin/contexts-in-consul-backend
 * [new branch]          fix-interface-casting                                   -> origin/fix-interface-casting
 * [new branch]          fix/docu-command-test-typo                              -> origin/fix/docu-command-test-typo
 * [new branch]          fix_release_workflow                                    -> origin/fix_release_workflow
 * [new branch]          kubas-unknown-variables-experiment                      -> origin/kubas-unknown-variables-experiment
 * [new branch]          move-build-oss-folder                                   -> origin/move-build-oss-folder
 * [new branch]          poc-hombrew-registry                                    -> origin/poc-hombrew-registry
 * [new branch]          test_coverage                                           -> origin/test_coverage
 * [new tag]             v1.6.0-beta2                                            -> v1.6.0-beta2
 * [new tag]               v1.6.0-alpha1                                           -> v1.6.0-alpha1
 * [new tag]               v1.6.0-alpha3                                           -> v1.6.0-alpha3
 * [new tag]               v1.6.0-alpha4                                           -> v1.6.0-alpha4
 * [new tag]               v1.6.0-alpha5                                           -> v1.6.0-alpha5
 * [new tag]               v1.6.0-beta1                                            -> v1.6.0-beta1
Updating 0930a90822..d38fdb69aa
 .github/                                                                                                 |   25 -
 .github/scripts/                                                                                       |   30 +
 .github/scripts/                                                                                         |    8 +-
 .github/workflows/build-Dockerfile                                                                                               |    2 +-
 .github/workflows/{build-opentf-oss.yml => build-opentofu-oss.yml}                                                               |   10 +-
 .github/workflows/build.yml                                                                                                      |   12 +-
 .github/workflows/compare-snapshots.yml                                                                                          |    2 +-
 .github/workflows/release.yml                                                                                                    |   37 +-
 .gitignore                                                                                                                       |    5 +-
 .go-version                                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 .goreleaser.yaml                                                                                                                 |   28 +-                                                                                                                      |    4 +-                                                                                                                     |   52 +-
 CODEOWNERS                                                                                                                       |    5 +-                                                                                                               |    2 +-                                                                                                                  |   25 +-                                                                                                                     |   71 +++
 Dockerfile                                                                                                                       |    4 +-
 MAINTAINERS                                                                                                                      |    6 +
 Makefile                                                                                                                         |  156 +++++-                                                                                                                        |   13 +-                                                                                                                      |   62 +++                                                                                                                   |   41 ++                                                                                                                |  256 +++++++++
 commands.go => cmd/tofu/commands.go                                                                                              |   28 +-
 experiments.go => cmd/tofu/experiments.go                                                                                        |    2 +-
 help.go => cmd/tofu/help.go                                                                                                      |    6 +-
 main.go => cmd/tofu/main.go                                                                                                      |   14 +-
 main_test.go => cmd/tofu/main_test.go                                                                                            |   20 +-
 plugins.go => cmd/tofu/plugins.go                                                                                                |    0
 provider_source.go => cmd/tofu/provider_source.go                                                                                |    0
 signal_unix.go => cmd/tofu/signal_unix.go                                                                                        |    0
 signal_windows.go => cmd/tofu/signal_windows.go                                                                                  |    0
 telemetry.go => cmd/tofu/telemetry.go                                                                                            |    0
 version.go => cmd/tofu/version.go                                                                                                |    0
 working_dir.go => cmd/tofu/working_dir.go                                                                                        |    2 +-
 docs/                                                                                                             |   29 +-
 go.mod                                                                                                                           |  115 ++--
 go.sum                                                                                                                           |  242 ++++++---
 internal/addrs/module_package.go                                                                                                 |    2 +-
 internal/addrs/module_source.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/addrs/module_source_test.go                                                                                             |   16 +-
 internal/addrs/provider.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/addrs/provider_config.go                                                                                                |    8 +-
 internal/addrs/provider_config_test.go                                                                                           |   30 +-
 internal/addrs/provider_test.go                                                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/backend/local/backend_apply_test.go                                                                                     |    8 +-
 internal/backend/local/backend_local.go                                                                                          |   15 +-
 internal/backend/local/backend_plan_test.go                                                                                      |   12 +-
 internal/backend/local/backend_refresh_test.go                                                                                   |   12 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/azure/                                                                                    |  158 ++++++
 internal/backend/remote-state/azure/arm_client.go                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/azure/backend_test.go                                                                              |   28 -
 internal/backend/remote-state/azure/helpers_test.go                                                                              |   18 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/consul/Dockerfile                                                                                  |   27 +
 internal/backend/remote-state/consul/backend_test.go                                                                             |    3 +
 internal/backend/remote-state/consul/client_test.go                                                                              |   11 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/gcs/backend_test.go                                                                                |    8 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/kubernetes/backend.go                                                                              |   14 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/kubernetes/backend_state.go                                                                        |   10 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/kubernetes/backend_test.go                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/pg/backend_test.go                                                                                 |   30 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/backend.go                                                                                      |  875 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/backend_complete_test.go                                                                        | 1955 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/backend_state.go                                                                                |   37 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/backend_test.go                                                                                 |  770 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/client.go                                                                                       |  185 ++++---
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/client_test.go                                                                                  |   60 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/diags.go                                                                                        |   31 +-
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/mocks_test.go                                                                                   |  129 -----
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/validate.go                                                                                     |  195 ++++++-
 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/validate_test.go                                                                                |  249 ++++++++-
 internal/backend/remote/backend.go                                                                                               |    4 +
 internal/backend/remote/backend_apply_test.go                                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/backend/remote/backend_context.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/backend/remote/backend_plan_test.go                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/backend/remote/testing.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/builtin/providers/tf/data_source_state.go                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/builtin/providers/tf/provider.go                                                                                        |    6 +-
 internal/builtin/providers/tf/testdata/complex_outputs.tfstate                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/checks/doc.go                                                                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/checks/state.go                                                                                                         |    8 +-
 internal/checks/state_report.go                                                                                                  |   11 +-
 internal/cloud/backend.go                                                                                                        |  150 ++---
 internal/cloud/backend_apply.go                                                                                                  |   16 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_apply_test.go                                                                                             |   32 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_plan.go                                                                                                   |   12 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_plan_test.go                                                                                              |   34 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_show.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_show_test.go                                                                                              |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/backend_test.go                                                                                                   |  683 ++++++++++-------------
 internal/cloud/e2e/helper_test.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/e2e/main_test.go                                                                                                  |    1 +
 internal/cloud/e2e/migrate_state_tfc_to_tfc_test.go                                                                              |    8 +-
 internal/cloud/errored.tfstate                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/errors.go                                                                                                         |    7 +
 internal/cloud/migration.go                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/state.go                                                                                                          |   23 +-
 internal/cloud/state_test.go                                                                                                     |  159 ++----
 internal/cloud/testdata/apply-json-with-outputs/plan-redacted.json                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/apply-json-with-provisioner-error/plan-redacted.json                                                     |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/apply-json-with-provisioner/plan-redacted.json                                                           |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/apply-json/plan-redacted.json                                                                            |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-basic-no-unredacted/plan-redacted.json                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-basic/plan-redacted.json                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-basic/plan-unredacted.json                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-full/plan-redacted.json                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-full/plan-unredacted.json                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-no-changes/plan-redacted.json                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/testdata/plan-json-no-changes/plan-unredacted.json                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/cloud/testing.go                                                                                                        |    4 +-
 internal/cloud/tfe_client_mock.go                                                                                                |    4 +
 internal/command/apply_test.go                                                                                                   |   29 +
 internal/command/autocomplete.go                                                                                                 |    2 +-
 internal/command/cliconfig/provider_installation_test.go                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/command/cliconfig/testdata/provider-installation                                                                        |    4 +-
 internal/command/cliconfig/testdata/provider-installation.json                                                                   |    4 +-
 internal/command/cloud.go                                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/command/command.go                                                                                                      |    8 +-
 internal/command/command_test.go                                                                                                 |    8 +-
 internal/command/console.go                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/command/console_test.go                                                                                                 |    4 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/automation_test.go                                                                                      |   10 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/init_test.go                                                                                            |   74 +--
 internal/command/e2etest/main_test.go                                                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/primary_test.go                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/provider_plugin_test.go                                                                                 |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/providers_mirror_test.go                                                                                |   18 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/providers_tamper_test.go                                                                                |   18 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/provisioner_plugin_test.go                                                                              |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/provisioner_test.go                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/test_test.go                                                                                            |   48 ++
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/multiple-run-blocks/                                                                    |    8 +
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/multiple-run-blocks/main.tftest.hcl                                                            |   30 +
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/plugin-cache/.terraform.lock.hcl                                                               |    2 +-
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/template/2.1.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-template_v2.1.0_x4      |    0
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/provider-not-found/                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/provider-plugin/                                                                        |    4 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/tofu-providers-mirror-with-lock-file/.terraform.lock.hcl                                       |    4 +-
 .../plugins/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/1.0.0+local/os_arch/terraform-provider-null_v1.0.0   |    0
 internal/command/e2etest/unmanaged_test.go                                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/command/e2etest/version_test.go                                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/command/fmt.go                                                                                                          |    4 +-
 internal/command/format/format.go                                                                                                |    6 +-
 internal/command/format/object_id.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/command/get.go                                                                                                          |    6 +-
 internal/command/get_test.go                                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/command/graph.go                                                                                                        |    4 +-
 internal/command/graph_test.go                                                                                                   |    6 +-
 internal/command/helper.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/command/import.go                                                                                                       |    8 +-
 internal/command/import_test.go                                                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/command/init.go                                                                                                         |   63 ++-
 internal/command/init_test.go                                                                                                    |   98 ++--
 internal/command/jsonchecks/checks.go                                                                                            |    6 +-
 internal/command/jsonconfig/config.go                                                                                            |   10 +-
 internal/command/jsonformat/                                                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/command/jsonplan/plan.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/command/jsonplan/values_test.go                                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/command/jsonstate/state.go                                                                                              |   10 +-
 internal/command/jsonstate/state_test.go                                                                                         |   18 +-
 internal/command/login.go                                                                                                        |    9 +-
 internal/command/login_test.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/command/meta.go                                                                                                         |   36 +-
 internal/command/meta_backend.go                                                                                                 |   60 +-
 internal/command/meta_backend_migrate.go                                                                                         |   50 +-
 internal/command/meta_backend_test.go                                                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/command/meta_config.go                                                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/command/meta_providers.go                                                                                               |   16 +-
 internal/command/plan_test.go                                                                                                    |   37 +-
 internal/command/plugins_lock.go                                                                                                 |   59 --
 internal/command/plugins_lock_test.go                                                                                            |   29 -
 internal/command/providers.go                                                                                                    |    6 +-
 internal/command/providers_lock.go                                                                                               |    8 +-
 internal/command/providers_lock_test.go                                                                                          |   10 +-
 internal/command/providers_mirror.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/command/providers_schema_test.go                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/command/providers_test.go                                                                                               |   22 +-
 internal/command/refresh_test.go                                                                                                 |    4 +-
 internal/command/show.go                                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/command/show_test.go                                                                                                    |    8 +-
 internal/command/state_mv.go                                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/command/state_mv_test.go                                                                                                |  118 ++--
 internal/command/state_replace_provider_test.go                                                                                  |   12 +-
 internal/command/state_rm_test.go                                                                                                |   12 +-
 internal/command/taint_test.go                                                                                                   |    8 +-
 internal/command/test.go                                                                                                         |   20 +-
 internal/command/test_test.go                                                                                                    |    6 +-
 internal/command/testdata/apply-plan-conditional-sensitive/                                                               |   89 +++
 internal/command/testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/.terraform/plugins/    |    2 -
 .../testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/.terraform/plugins/  |    2 -
 internal/command/testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/                                                                 |   21 -
 internal/command/testdata/login-oauth-server/main.go                                                                             |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/login-oauth-server/oauthserver.go                                                                      |    8 +-
 internal/command/testdata/login-tfe-server/tfeserver.go                                                                          |    8 +-
 internal/command/testdata/modules/terraform.tfstate                                                                              |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/plan-existing-state/terraform.tfstate                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/providers-lock/append/.terraform.lock.hcl                                                              |    2 +-
 .../append/fs-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/test/1.0.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-test       |    0
 .../basic/fs-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/test/1.0.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-test        |    0
 internal/command/testdata/providers-schema/basic/output.json                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/providers-schema/required/output.json                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/providers/state/terraform.tfstate                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-sensitive/output.json                                                                        |   14 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/basic/output.json                                                                      |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/basic/terraform.tfstate                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/modules/output.json                                                                    |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/modules/terraform.tfstate                                                              |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/sensitive-variables/output.json                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json-state/sensitive-variables/terraform.tfstate                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/basic-create/output.json                                                                     |   14 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/basic-delete/output.json                                                                     |   12 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/basic-delete/terraform.tfstate                                                               |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/basic-update/output.json                                                                     |    8 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/basic-update/terraform.tfstate                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/conditions/for-refresh.tfstate                                                               |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/conditions/output-refresh-only.json                                                          |    6 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/conditions/output.json                                                                       |   10 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/drift/output.json                                                                            |   16 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/drift/terraform.tfstate                                                                      |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/module-depends-on/output.json                                                                |    6 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/modules/output.json                                                                          |   20 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/moved-drift/output.json                                                                      |   16 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/moved-drift/terraform.tfstate                                                                |    4 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/moved/output.json                                                                            |    8 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/moved/terraform.tfstate                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/multi-resource-update/output.json                                                            |   12 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/multi-resource-update/terraform.tfstate                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/nested-modules/output.json                                                                   |    6 +-
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 internal/command/testdata/show-json/provider-aliasing-conflict/output.json                                                       |   12 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/provider-aliasing-default/output.json                                                        |   20 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/provider-aliasing/output.json                                                                |   44 +-
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 internal/command/testdata/show-json/provider-version/output.json                                                                 |   14 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/requires-replace/output.json                                                                 |    8 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/requires-replace/terraform.tfstate                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/show-json/sensitive-values/output.json                                                                 |    6 +-
 internal/command/testdata/state-list-backend-custom/local-state.tfstate                                                          |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/state-list-backend-default/terraform.tfstate                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/state-list-nested-modules/terraform.tfstate                                                            |   12 +-
 internal/command/testdata/state-push-serial-newer/local-state.tfstate                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/command/testdata/state-push-serial-newer/replace.tfstate                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/command/testing/test_provider.go                                                                                        |    4 +-
 internal/command/ui_input.go                                                                                                     |    4 +-
 internal/command/unlock.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/command/untaint_test.go                                                                                                 |   20 +-
 internal/command/validate.go                                                                                                     |   14 +-
 internal/command/version.go                                                                                                      |    4 +-
 internal/command/version_test.go                                                                                                 |   12 +-
 internal/command/views/test_test.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/command/views/testdata/plans/redacted-plan.json                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/command/views/validate.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/command/views/view.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/command/webbrowser/mock.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/command/workdir/dir.go                                                                                                  |   14 +-
 internal/command/workdir/doc.go                                                                                                  |    6 +-
 internal/command/workspace_delete.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/command/workspace_list.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/command/workspace_new.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/command/workspace_select.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/communicator/ssh/communicator_test.go                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/communicator/ssh/provisioner.go                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/configs/checks.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/configs/config.go                                                                                                       |   10 +-
 internal/configs/config_test.go                                                                                                  |   28 +-
 internal/configs/configload/copy_dir.go                                                                                          |  118 ----
 internal/configs/configload/copy_dir_test.go                                                                                     |  101 ----
 internal/configs/configload/inode.go                                                                                             |   25 -
 internal/configs/configload/inode_freebsd.go                                                                                     |   25 -
 internal/configs/configload/inode_windows.go                                                                                     |   12 -
 internal/configs/configload/loader.go                                                                                            |    4 +-
 internal/configs/configload/loader_load.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/configs/configschema/coerce_value.go                                                                                    |   21 +-
 internal/configs/configschema/decoder_spec_test.go                                                                               |   39 +-
 internal/configs/configschema/doc.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/configs/configschema/internal_validate.go                                                                               |    4 +-
 internal/configs/configschema/internal_validate_test.go                                                                          |   26 +
 internal/configs/doc.go                                                                                                          |    6 +-
 internal/configs/hcl2shim/values_equiv.go                                                                                        |    6 +-
 internal/configs/module.go                                                                                                       |   14 +-
 internal/configs/module_call_test.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/configs/module_test.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/configs/parser_config.go                                                                                                |    4 +-
 internal/configs/parser_config_dir.go                                                                                            |   12 +-
 internal/configs/provisioner.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/configs/test_file.go                                                                                                    |   24 +-
 internal/configs/testdata/config-diagnostics/tests-provider-mismatch-with-module/errors                                          |    6 +-
 internal/configs/testdata/config-diagnostics/tests-provider-mismatch/errors                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/configs/testdata/provider-reqs-with-tests/                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/configs/testdata/provider-reqs/                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/configs/version_constraint.go                                                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/depsfile/doc.go                                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/depsfile/locks_file_test.go                                                                                             |    8 +-
 internal/depsfile/testdata/locks-files/invalid-provider-addrs.hcl                                                                |    8 +-
 internal/e2e/e2e.go                                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/experiments/experiment.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/getproviders/didyoumean.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/getproviders/didyoumean_test.go                                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/getproviders/errors.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/getproviders/filesystem_mirror_source_test.go                                                                           |   22 +-
 internal/getproviders/filesystem_search.go                                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/getproviders/hash.go                                                                                                    |    8 +-
 internal/getproviders/mock_source.go                                                                                             |    4 +-
 internal/getproviders/multi_source_test.go                                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/getproviders/package_authentication.go                                                                                  |   40 +-
 internal/getproviders/package_authentication_test.go                                                                             |   73 ++-
 internal/getproviders/registry_client.go                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/getproviders/registry_client_test.go                                                                                    |    4 +-
 internal/getproviders/registry_source_test.go                                                                                    |   59 +-
 .../filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/-/legacy/1.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-legacy      |    0
 .../filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-null |    0
 .../filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-null  |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/windows_amd64/terraform-provider-null.exe              |    0
 internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/invalid         |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/null/                |    0
 .../filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/        |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/null/          |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/random-beta/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random-beta      |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/random/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random                |    0
 internal/getproviders/types.go                                                                                                   |   10 +-
 internal/httpclient/client.go                                                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/initwd/from_module_test.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/initwd/module_install_test.go                                                                                           |   26 +-
 internal/ipaddr/                                                                                                        |    5 +-
 internal/lang/funcs/descriptions.go                                                                                              |    2 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/acctest/acctest.go                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/schema/core_schema.go                                                                                     |    6 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/schema/doc.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/schema/provisioner.go                                                                                     |    8 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/schema/resource.go                                                                                        |   12 +-
 internal/legacy/helper/schema/resource_importer.go                                                                               |   12 +-
 internal/legacy/tofu/resource_address.go                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/legacy/tofu/resource_provisioner.go                                                                                     |    8 +-
 internal/legacy/tofu/schemas.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/legacy/tofu/state.go                                                                                                    |   36 +-
 internal/legacy/tofu/util.go                                                                                                     |   11 -
 internal/legacy/tofu/util_test.go                                                                                                |   15 -
 internal/logging/logging.go                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/logging/panic.go                                                                                                        |    6 +-
 internal/modsdir/manifest.go                                                                                                     |    4 +-
 internal/moduledeps/doc.go                                                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/moduletest/run.go                                                                                                       |    6 +-
 internal/plans/dynamic_value.go                                                                                                  |    8 +-
 internal/plans/planfile/tfplan.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/plugin/convert/schema.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/plugin/grpc_provider.go                                                                                                 |   37 +-
 internal/plugin/grpc_provider_test.go                                                                                            |   96 ++++
 internal/plugin/ui_input.go                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/plugin/ui_output.go                                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/plugin6/convert/schema.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/plugin6/grpc_provider.go                                                                                                |   37 +-
 internal/plugin6/grpc_provider_test.go                                                                                           |   96 ++++
 internal/providercache/cached_provider_test.go                                                                                   |   18 +-
 internal/providercache/dir_modify_test.go                                                                                        |    6 +-
 internal/providercache/dir_test.go                                                                                               |   14 +-
 internal/providercache/installer.go                                                                                              |   16 +-
 internal/providercache/installer_events.go                                                                                       |    4 +-
 internal/providercache/installer_test.go                                                                                         |   12 +-
 internal/providercache/package_install.go                                                                                        |    4 +-
 .../testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/-/legacy/1.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-legacy      |    0
 .../testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-null |    0
 .../testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-null  |    0
 .../cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/windows_amd64/terraform-provider-null.exe     |    0
 internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/invalid                 |    0
 .../cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/       |    0
 .../testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/        |    0
 .../cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ |    0
 .../{ =>}/hashicorp/random-beta/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random-beta      |    0
 .../cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/random/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random       |    0
 .../testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/missing/executable/2.0.0/linux_amd64/executable           |    0
 internal/providers/doc.go                                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/providers/mock_schema_cache.go                                                                                          |    9 +
 internal/providers/provider.go                                                                                                   |   16 +-
 internal/provisioners/doc.go                                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/provisioners/provisioner.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
 internal/refactoring/move_statement.go                                                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/refactoring/move_statement_test.go                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/refactoring/move_validate_test.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/registry/client.go                                                                                                      |   21 +-
 internal/registry/client_test.go                                                                                                 |  182 +++++++
 internal/registry/regsrc/friendly_host.go                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/registry/regsrc/friendly_host_test.go                                                                                   |   16 +-
 internal/registry/regsrc/module.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/registry/regsrc/module_test.go                                                                                          |    6 +-
 internal/registry/regsrc/regsrc.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/registry/response/module_download.go                                                                                    |   11 +
 internal/registry/response/module_versions.go                                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/registry/test/mock_registry.go                                                                                          |   51 +-
 internal/repl/repl.go                                                                                                            |    4 +-
 internal/repl/session.go                                                                                                         |    2 +-
 internal/replacefile/doc.go                                                                                                      |    2 +-
 internal/states/checks.go                                                                                                        |    8 +-
 internal/states/doc.go                                                                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/states/instance_object.go                                                                                               |    4 +-
 internal/states/instance_object_src.go                                                                                           |    2 +-
 internal/states/remote/state.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/states/remote/state_test.go                                                                                             |    8 +-
 internal/states/state.go                                                                                                         |   12 +-
 internal/states/state_string.go                                                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/states/state_test.go                                                                                                    |    4 +-
 internal/states/statefile/file.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/read.go                                                                                                |    4 +-
 internal/states/statefile/read_test.go                                                                                           |   34 ++
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 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/                                                                |    4 +-
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 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/v4-legacy-simple.out.tfstate                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/                                                               |    6 +-
 internal/states/statefile/testdata/roundtrip/                                                                |    4 +-
 internal/states/statefile/version0.go                                                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/version1.go                                                                                            |   18 +-
 internal/states/statefile/version2.go                                                                                            |   18 +-
 internal/states/statefile/version3_upgrade.go                                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/states/statefile/version4.go                                                                                            |    6 +-
 internal/states/statefile/write.go                                                                                               |    6 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/doc.go                                                                                                  |    4 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/lineage.go                                                                                              |    4 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/locker.go                                                                                               |   10 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/persistent.go                                                                                           |    4 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/testdata/lockstate.go                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/states/statemgr/transient.go                                                                                            |    2 +-
 internal/states/sync.go                                                                                                          |    2 +-
 internal/terminal/impl_windows.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/terminal/streams.go                                                                                                     |   12 +-
 internal/terminal/testing.go                                                                                                     |    2 +-
 internal/tfdiags/contextual.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/tfdiags/sourceless.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/context.go                                                                                                         |   22 +-
 internal/tofu/context_apply.go                                                                                                   |    6 +-
 internal/tofu/context_apply2_test.go                                                                                             |   38 +-
 internal/tofu/context_apply_checks_test.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/context_apply_test.go                                                                                              |  338 ++++++------
 internal/tofu/context_eval.go                                                                                                    |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/context_eval_test.go                                                                                               |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/context_import.go                                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/context_import_test.go                                                                                             |   28 +-
 internal/tofu/context_plan.go                                                                                                    |   30 +-
 internal/tofu/context_plan2_test.go                                                                                              |  114 ++--
 internal/tofu/context_plan_test.go                                                                                               |  160 +++---
 internal/tofu/context_plugins.go                                                                                                 |   15 +-
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 internal/tofu/context_refresh_test.go                                                                                            |   70 +--
 internal/tofu/context_test.go                                                                                                    |   18 +-
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 internal/tofu/eval_context_builtin.go                                                                                            |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/eval_import_test.go                                                                                                |   66 +++
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 internal/tofu/eval_variable_test.go                                                                                              |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/evaluate_valid_test.go                                                                                             |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/graph_builder.go                                                                                                   |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/graph_builder_apply_test.go                                                                                        |   52 +-
 internal/tofu/graph_builder_eval.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/tofu/graph_builder_plan.go                                                                                              |    6 +-
 internal/tofu/graph_builder_plan_test.go                                                                                         |   52 +-
 internal/tofu/graph_dot.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/hook.go                                                                                                            |   16 +-
 internal/tofu/hook_stop.go                                                                                                       |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/node_external_reference.go                                                                                         |    4 +-
 internal/tofu/node_module_variable.go                                                                                            |   10 +-
 internal/tofu/node_module_variable_test.go                                                                                       |  182 +++++++
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 internal/tofu/node_resource_abstract_test.go                                                                                     |    4 +-
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 internal/tofu/node_resource_plan.go                                                                                              |    4 +-
 internal/tofu/node_resource_plan_instance.go                                                                                     |    4 +-
 internal/tofu/node_resource_plan_orphan.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/node_resource_validate_test.go                                                                                     |   16 +-
 internal/tofu/node_root_variable.go                                                                                              |   16 +-
 internal/tofu/node_root_variable_test.go                                                                                         |   11 +-
 internal/tofu/opentf_test.go                                                                                                     |  214 ++++----
 internal/tofu/schemas.go                                                                                                         |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/transform_destroy_cbd_test.go                                                                                      |   24 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_destroy_edge_test.go                                                                                     |   32 +-
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 internal/tofu/transform_module_variable.go                                                                                       |   11 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_orphan_count.go                                                                                          |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_orphan_count_test.go                                                                                     |   30 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_orphan_resource.go                                                                                       |    2 +-
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 internal/tofu/transform_root_test.go                                                                                             |    8 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_transitive_reduction.go                                                                                  |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/transform_variable.go                                                                                              |    5 -
 internal/tofu/ui_input.go                                                                                                        |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/upgrade_resource_state.go                                                                                          |    2 +-
 internal/tofu/util.go                                                                                                            |   32 --
 internal/tofu/util_test.go                                                                                                       |   58 --
 internal/tofu/variables.go                                                                                                       |   18 +-
 internal/tofu/version_required.go                                                                                                |    2 +-
 internal/tofumigrate/testdata/mention/                                                                                    |   19 +
 internal/tofumigrate/testdata/nomention/                                                                                  |   11 +
 internal/tofumigrate/tofumigrate.go                                                                                              |   60 ++
 internal/tofumigrate/tofumigrate_test.go                                                                                         |  183 +++++++
 scripts/                                                                                                                 |    2 +-
 scripts/debug-opentofu                                                                                                           |    2 +-
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 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 MAINTAINERS
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 rename commands.go => cmd/tofu/commands.go (93%)
 rename experiments.go => cmd/tofu/experiments.go (96%)
 rename help.go => cmd/tofu/help.go (94%)
 rename main.go => cmd/tofu/main.go (98%)
 rename main_test.go => cmd/tofu/main_test.go (94%)
 rename plugins.go => cmd/tofu/plugins.go (100%)
 rename provider_source.go => cmd/tofu/provider_source.go (100%)
 rename signal_unix.go => cmd/tofu/signal_unix.go (100%)
 rename signal_windows.go => cmd/tofu/signal_windows.go (100%)
 rename telemetry.go => cmd/tofu/telemetry.go (100%)
 rename version.go => cmd/tofu/version.go (100%)
 rename working_dir.go => cmd/tofu/working_dir.go (85%)
 create mode 100644 internal/backend/remote-state/azure/
 create mode 100644 internal/backend/remote-state/consul/Dockerfile
 delete mode 100644 internal/backend/remote-state/s3/mocks_test.go
 create mode 100644 internal/command/e2etest/test_test.go
 create mode 100644 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/multiple-run-blocks/
 create mode 100644 internal/command/e2etest/testdata/multiple-run-blocks/main.tftest.hcl
 rename internal/command/e2etest/testdata/plugin-cache/cache/{ =>}/hashicorp/template/2.1.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-template_v2.1.0_x4 (100%)
 rename internal/command/e2etest/testdata/vendored-provider/terraform.d/plugins/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/1.0.0+local/os_arch/terraform-provider-null_v1.0.0 (100%)
 delete mode 100644 internal/command/plugins_lock.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/command/plugins_lock_test.go
 create mode 100644 internal/command/testdata/apply-plan-conditional-sensitive/
 delete mode 100644 internal/command/testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/.terraform/plugins/
 delete mode 100644 internal/command/testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/.terraform/plugins/
 delete mode 100644 internal/command/testdata/init-legacy-provider-cache/
 rename internal/command/testdata/providers-lock/append/fs-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/test/1.0.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-test (100%)
 rename internal/command/testdata/providers-lock/basic/fs-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/test/1.0.0/os_arch/terraform-provider-test (100%)
 delete mode 100644 internal/configs/configload/copy_dir.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/configs/configload/copy_dir_test.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/configs/configload/inode.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/configs/configload/inode_freebsd.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/configs/configload/inode_windows.go
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/-/legacy/1.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-legacy (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-null (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-null (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/windows_amd64/terraform-provider-null.exe (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/invalid (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/random-beta/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random-beta (100%)
 rename internal/getproviders/testdata/filesystem-mirror/{ =>}/hashicorp/random/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/-/legacy/1.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-legacy (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-null (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-null (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/2.0.0/windows_amd64/terraform-provider-null.exe (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/invalid (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/null/ (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/random-beta/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random-beta (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/hashicorp/random/1.2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-random (100%)
 rename internal/providercache/testdata/cachedir/{ =>}/missing/executable/2.0.0/linux_amd64/executable (100%)
 create mode 100644 internal/providers/mock_schema_cache.go
 create mode 100644 internal/registry/response/module_download.go
 create mode 100644 internal/states/statefile/read_test.go
 create mode 100644 internal/states/statefile/testdata/read/empty
 create mode 100644 internal/tofu/eval_import_test.go
 create mode 100644 internal/tofumigrate/testdata/mention/
 create mode 100644 internal/tofumigrate/testdata/nomention/
 create mode 100644 internal/tofumigrate/tofumigrate.go
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/module/main.tftest.hcl
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/nested-layout/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/nested-layout/main.tftest.hcl
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/offline/main.tftest.hcl
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/plan/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/plan/main.tftest.hcl
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/provider_alias/Dockerfile
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/provider_alias/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/provider_alias/main.tftest.hcl
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/simple/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/simple/main.tftest.hcl
 create mode 100755 website/docs/cli/commands/test/examples/
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/nested-layout-module.txt
 create mode 100644 website/docs/cli/commands/test/nested-layout.txt
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
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 create mode 100755 website/docs/intro/install/
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
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 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/portable.mdx
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
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 create mode 100755 website/docs/intro/install/
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/snap.mdx
 create mode 100644 website/docs/intro/install/
 delete mode 100644 website/docs/language/modules/testing-experiment.mdx

And try again

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~/Workspaces/opentofu$ gitql --repos /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/
gql > select COUNT(title) AS CTT FROM commits
│ ctt   │
│ 31888 │
│ mytitle                                                                                                          │
│ Update to remove hold-off message for alpha (#945)                                               │
│ Bump version for new beta. (#963)                                                                                │
│ Improve comments around the global and local provider schema cache. (#958)                                       │
│ Update aws-sdk-go-base and fix resulting type errors. (#957)                                                     │
│ Make goreleaser create draft releases instead of full releases, so that we can customize the description. (#956) │
│ Add gcs end-to-end tests to the makefile. (#955)                                                                 │
│ Fix global schema caching (#954)                                                                                 │
│ Fixes #292: Fixing broken website build (#952)                                                                   │
│ Fixes #292: Testing feature documentation (#939)                                                                 │
│ Bump version to first beta. (#943)                                                                               │
gql > exit

One thing I was trying to illustrate in the queries is case insensitivity. I generally run SQL via SSMS so I was in the habit of adding “;” which were not allowed. Also, at least in my WSL, the Up/Down arrows didn’t work. Though I havent tried installing this into Windows natively (they have a few windows installs including with Scoop).

It isn’t perfect. It’s pretty literal. For instance, I wanted to find the branches with changes. However, commit count is inclusive of the source branch

gql > SELECT name, commit_count FROM branches WHERE commit_count > 0
│ name                                                                                             ┆ commit_count │
│ main                                                                                             ┆ 31888        │
│ origin/824-tofu-client-should-send-terraform-version-or-tofu-version-when-creating-new-workspace ┆ 31840        │
│ origin/846-tests-add-integration-tests-for-base-execution-path                                   ┆ 31852        │
│ origin/875-correct_backend_validation_nulls                                                      ┆ 31859        │
│ origin/HEAD                                                                                      ┆ 31888        │
│ origin/checks-workflow-dev/test_coverage                                                         ┆ 31846        │
│ origin/chore/test                                                                                ┆ 31838        │
│ origin/conditionally-timeout-lock                                                                ┆ 31838        │
│ origin/contexts-in-consul-backend                                                                ┆ 31830        │
│ origin/fix-interface-casting                                                                     ┆ 31837        │
│ origin/fix/docu-command-test-typo                                                                ┆ 31878        │
│ origin/fix_release_workflow                                                                      ┆ 31844        │
│ origin/kubas-unknown-variables-experiment                                                        ┆ 31833        │
│ origin/main                                                                                      ┆ 31888        │
│ origin/move-build-oss-folder                                                                     ┆ 31768        │
│ origin/poc-hombrew-registry                                                                      ┆ 31795        │
│ origin/test_coverage                                                                             ┆ 31844        │
│ origin/add-broken-tf-test-hcl-files                                                              ┆ 31564        │
│ origin/add-coc                                                                                   ┆ 31515        │
│ origin/add-pr-validation                                                                         ┆ 31671        │
│ origin/another-test-to-make-sure-runtime-checks-are-fine-with-test                               ┆ 31582        │
│ origin/approximate-1.5                                                                           ┆ 31159        │
│ origin/brikis98-patch-1                                                                          ┆ 31646        │
│ origin/change-data-and-tempfile-names                                                            ┆ 31397        │
│ origin/change-default-registry                                                                   ┆ 31753        │
│ origin/change-readme-logo                                                                        ┆ 31456        │
│ origin/chore-add-is-files-sorted-test                                                            ┆ 31642        │
│ origin/chore-change-community-documents                                                          ┆ 31399        │
│ origin/chore-rename-terraform-test                                                               ┆ 31519        │
│ origin/chore-replace-terraformtfvars-file                                                        ┆ 31394        │
│ origin/chore-website-terraform-file-names                                                        ┆ 31518        │
│ origin/cidrcontains                                                                              ┆ 31683        │
│ origin/contributing-guidelines                                                                   ┆ 31632        │
│ origin/ensure-snapshots-up-to-date                                                               ┆ 31517        │
│ origin/eqtest                                                                                    ┆ 31504        │
│ origin/equivalence-tests-flaky-execution-time                                                    ┆ 31527        │
│ origin/fix-github-actions                                                                        ┆ 31393        │
│ origin/fix-test-crash-on-null-output                                                             ┆ 31656        │
│ origin/fix-typo-on-release                                                                       ┆ 31709        │
│ origin/fix-update-slack-invite-in-readme-file                                                    ┆ 31711        │
│ origin/internal-builtin-providers-tf                                                             ┆ 31520        │
│ origin/internal-legacy-opentf                                                                    ┆ 31523        │
│ origin/internal-opentf                                                                           ┆ 31563        │
│ origin/kubas-oci-images-experiment                                                               ┆ 31666        │
│ origin/kubas-state-encryption-experiment                                                         ┆ 31572        │
│ origin/kubatest                                                                                  ┆ 31625        │
│ origin/migration-guide                                                                           ┆ 31386        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-builtin                                                       ┆ 31433        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-dag                                                           ┆ 31433        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-depsfile                                                      ┆ 31451        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-genconfig                                                     ┆ 31451        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-getmodules                                                    ┆ 31456        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-instances                                                     ┆ 31456        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-ipaddr                                                        ┆ 31457        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-lang                                                          ┆ 31458        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-internal-plans                                                         ┆ 31460        │
│ origin/opentf-user-facing-version                                                                ┆ 31487        │
│ origin/opentf-website-placeholder                                                                ┆ 31521        │
│ origin/pr/516                                                                                    ┆ 31729        │
│ origin/readme-fix-links                                                                          ┆ 31640        │
│ origin/readme-slack-invite                                                                       ┆ 31644        │
│ origin/release-workflow                                                                          ┆ 31524        │
│ origin/remote-terraform-from-tests                                                               ┆ 31571        │
│ origin/remove-images                                                                             ┆ 31590        │
│ origin/remove-provider-terraform-folder                                                          ┆ 31518        │
│ origin/rename-internal-command-arguments                                                         ┆ 31437        │
│ origin/rename-internal-httpclient                                                                ┆ 31446        │
│ origin/rename-local-terraform-data-dir                                                           ┆ 31394        │
│ origin/rename-module-opentf                                                                      ┆ 31392        │
│ origin/rename-website-data                                                                       ┆ 31560        │
│ origin/revert-22-change-data-and-tempfile-names                                                  ┆ 31393        │
│ origin/rfc-and-contributing-guidelines                                                           ┆ 31612        │
│ origin/test-default-registry-stuff                                                               ┆ 31695        │
│ origin/test-refresh-only-test                                                                    ┆ 31635        │
│ origin/                                                                        ┆ 31649        │
│ origin/unmark-senstive-values-in-opentf-test                                                     ┆ 31657        │
│ origin/update-addrs-user-facing                                                                  ┆ 31458        │
│ origin/update-equivalenace-test                                                                  ┆ 31494        │
│ origin/update-github-and-release                                                                 ┆ 31593        │
│ origin/update-internal-bakcend-user-facing                                                       ┆ 31431        │
│ origin/update-internal-cloud                                                                     ┆ 31412        │
│ origin/update-internal-command                                                                   ┆ 31501        │
│ origin/update-internal-command-cliconfig                                                         ┆ 31446        │
│ origin/update-internal-e2etest                                                                   ┆ 31509        │
│ origin/update-internal-terraform                                                                 ┆ 31465        │
│ origin/update-internal-views                                                                     ┆ 31492        │
│ origin/update-internal/configs                                                                   ┆ 31461        │
│ origin/update-json-format                                                                        ┆ 31446        │
│ origin/update-readme                                                                             ┆ 31642        │
│ origin/update-rfc                                                                                ┆ 31638        │
│ origin/update-scripts                                                                            ┆ 31504        │
│ origin/update-website-docs-cli                                                                   ┆ 31518        │
│ origin/update-website-docs-internals                                                             ┆ 31560        │
│ origin/update-website-layouts                                                                    ┆ 31561        │
│ origin/update-website-root                                                                       ┆ 31590        │
│ origin/update-website-scripts                                                                    ┆ 31582        │
│ origin/upgrade-aws-sdk                                                                           ┆ 31684        │

However, I can think a bit differently on that. If I look at the available tables I can look instead at diffs.

One thing to be aware of is that despite its looks, this is NOT SQL. So joins just won’t work (as of today)

gql > SELECT, diffs.files_changed FROM branches LEFT JOIN commits ON branches.commit_id = diffs.commit_id
Compiletime ERROR: [15 - 15] -> No field with name `branches`
gql > SELECT name, files_changed FROM branches LEFT JOIN commits ON branches.commit_id = diffs.commit_id
Compiletime ERROR: [41 - 45] -> Unexpected statement
gql > SELECT name, files_changed FROM branches JOIN commits ON branches.commit_id = diffs.commit_id
Compiletime ERROR: [41 - 45] -> Unexpected statement
gql > SELECT name, files_changed FROM branches, commits WHERE branches.commit_id = diffs.commit_id
Compiletime ERROR: [40 - 40] -> Unexpected statement
gql >

gql > SELECT name, commit_count, sum(commit_count) as scc FROM branches SORT BY scc LIMIT 10
Compiletime ERROR: [66 - 70] -> Unexpected statement

This repo is actually pretty large, so doing a function query to summ new lines per author took some time:

gql > select commit_id, name, sum(insertions) FROM diffs GROUP BY name
│ name                                  ┆ commit_id                                ┆ column_1 │
│ James Humphries                       ┆ d38fdb69aac6dc73d5023cce100ed3208002157a ┆ 9411     │
│ Kuba Martin                           ┆ 7de758db943d7a892af0a1bf54da1d9fd618527b ┆ 6252     │
│ Dmitry Kisler                         ┆ 0d6a763a7488b415039b28783233741d3ffd469c ┆ 2108     │
│ Janos                                 ┆ 478a6ecf811533ef18639ed3b63d90ae282ec331 ┆ 1316     │
│ Isaac Parker                          ┆ 7b3c46abe0cd88d18e5ded89c21e32ed0d28d0c9 ┆ 3        │
│ Haidong Ji                            ┆ 8138991eed6ce49495fb7edeefe2c5150d99f366 ┆ 20       │
│ Abhay Kumar Gupta                     ┆ 7e1be68264752f9efd2a5562d92994bf52be22ab ┆ 1        │
│ Christian Mesh                        ┆ 14b0765cb488bc5bbf2ade58469544e98bf452ea ┆ 540      │
│ HaojueWang                            ┆ 084c5dfc8b6f62ed39e99be90c3e77368267307e ┆ 6        │
│ Kjell-Magnus                          ┆ 04c62c57261f5ae1328fbde06355d56ad452c0e2 ┆ 3        │
│ Thiago Padilha                        ┆ a3150d6b31df4f09fed4a8c83006f3b3625c938b ┆ 111      │
│ Roni Frantchi                         ┆ 60a3f72d43c002f83246e657a15b9b2157fd74c6 ┆ 62       │
│ Tomas                                 ┆ b2069bb0bbfc7dd121a5d72613bb71ca12375405 ┆ 1608     │
│ Marcin Białoń                         ┆ 16c6432c3ad49db3a94e4c6ae82f2e5d8822b6f9 ┆ 3723     │
│ Igor Savchenko                        ┆ 572d8d95d1591b2f9f3b27216745a3e81f8c3a02 ┆ 79       │
│ Serdar Dalgıç                         ┆ 7a1d3f3ac1f49a77db47f6e92232475f9a3e4cc7 ┆ 102      │
│ Marcin Wyszynski                      ┆ 772ac1fc35917e2a5ff35c231b223b0be3f6a5f7 ┆ 2581     │
│ Tim Bannister                         ┆ 0e7a600e15aa40dae5e4587d619c7a5ff7c980e3 ┆ 2        │
│ Andrey Tataranovich                   ┆ 48e9443cb5dc73370f9861229a486421db332131 ┆ 2        │
│ Elbaz                                 ┆ f4402d2d2ac0ca46aa0cb91e616499f9e56c1f74 ┆ 9750     │
│ RLRabinowitz                          ┆ 03c8f6cebd2dcca4b8a1c6439322cc02395d46c1 ┆ 191289   │
│ Jake Nelson                           ┆ 131b15c45e373c743648b0059d022b58b2f53251 ┆ 33       │
│ Jordan Gregory                        ┆ 913578a9f45acebbb2c35279925e475ff839c14b ┆ 1        │
│ Lars Lehtonen                         ┆ f708fbe17e216aec4ce8645b4d5558e02171f1aa ┆ 884      │
│ Andrew den Hertog                     ┆ d80fd2a3026b16fb3d7c4ccc31997a5583d16422 ┆ 15       │
│ William Pursell                       ┆ 3860a486b122e7f5cce63f23ab0b81c53c50954f ┆ 1        │
│ Michael Di Prisco                     ┆ 570ee9efdbd456d8e1bf030fbadb5550b6b71f3b ┆ 3        │
│ Jon Seager                            ┆ 27512903dca074a6ad98fef532adb0c992b1463c ┆ 28       │
│ Mikhail Sliusarev                     ┆ 60a9db0a43b574c505b6a43614852458ff0c59c5 ┆ 15       │
│ aimuz                                 ┆ be4f7fad8855c507ec343b3d7c8d07e6d5b99b9c ┆ 0        │
│ Ikko Eltociear Ashimine               ┆ c15ae78b30b4dd9b8c11929517eddc0925082053 ┆ 5        │
│ Luciano Facchinelli                   ┆ daf275ffbe213d06837be8e50c8081e54b266d2c ┆ 0        │
│ Serhii Babak                          ┆ 0930a908227376f0647f759cdfbadfc71f32fad5 ┆ 88       │
│ Yaron Yarimi                          ┆ 21a8bab84ee7bbbb4e0508c916db29661afd5481 ┆ 96656    │
│ Alexandros Panayi                     ┆ f87c6c4a6d15a69941e16881607d1ce08e39f033 ┆ 2        │
│ Michael G                             ┆ d7cc74d9e25a95339a33375c61d4398b687ebbbb ┆ 78       │
│ jakubabrzy                            ┆ 1804dcd2985ee66e131e76f75288ff08b5751794 ┆ 1        │
│ Julien Levasseur                      ┆ 4c0bda5386d51e07256633c7840535ca8522be80 ┆ 2497     │
│ michiboo                              ┆ 945599f5d261cb6c47da99956d210a204df596c6 ┆ 1        │
│ 7h3-3mp7y-m4n                         ┆ 915eb488fe38c59c6b6376ceb41ff9f5c9431200 ┆ 66       │
│ Patrick Decat                         ┆ 1ef63b4c92f8e2c7136e299a2fdd71b070cb74d1 ┆ 140      │
│ Evgeniy Ivlev                         ┆ 8a1ec44073e923d4345ca30f34d01a6fa5a6ab8b ┆ 1        │
│ Mahesh Rijal                          ┆ f5ba5390589c997b4d2ea7a193da3b9e9714ec52 ┆ 4        │
│ Roman Grinovski                       ┆ 91b8aba85f3e133988a8f0350a5928190ea86efb ┆ 978      │
│ Damian Stasik                         ┆ 4cab6e72b40a1d89c78da6c2dc9a91717f8caf38 ┆ 1355     │
│ Hefeweizen                            ┆ 6748c8482692aa9cd2bc49ceebc3a0e19131ce4f ┆ 1        │
│ Chris Cunningham                      ┆ e947fb2bbc1a12569e3e146d3e9361d309b15789 ┆ 14       │
│ Thomas Schuetz                        ┆ 8df7217aaf436571f8b45399c31a94cdf54c28d1 ┆ 18       │
│ Jasdeep Singh                         ┆ a5a8fbe62f2688a13c5b6bf6064b7fd6bc0bc5f7 ┆ 17       │
│ Adrian Mester                         ┆ 408470481ea28cb7ba73102d4d02b76de701c96b ┆ 9        │
│ Anuraag Marapally                     ┆ 3b589ff6b28139f3e658e5a8fb4b41349d09fd54 ┆ 1        │
│ Yevgeniy Brikman                      ┆ f330ace4e5e0973d20d10ca3d51bd8bf83e46542 ┆ 2        │
│ Omry Hay                              ┆ 16b83e483d33adad39531ae5d9a3fe407d376d59 ┆ 1        │
│ ohad maislish                         ┆ a458568bec3e45032709ff3c3354d1c1799873dd ┆ 28       │
│ Brandon Croft                         ┆ 8a085b427b74ce3829500a59508b77465f1bbef0 ┆ 9634     │
│ Liam Cervante                         ┆ 126f34e4e86389ec619deaa3d4b69bc852fd24c2 ┆ 95828    │
│ James Bardin                          ┆ e26d07dda41a74a009b1b750471395bf8773601c ┆ 2146978  │
│ kmoe                                  ┆ 53431a245fa861c812d00aa4f8259ca35ecd6b84 ┆ 3749     │
│ Karl Kirch                            ┆ d7e07e66fc0bda7db526e867b230dea8018b496a ┆ 426      │
│ Graham Davison                        ┆ 84edaaed57bf3424147929e84499f1f7312aa803 ┆ 6204     │
│ Craig Wright                          ┆ 52c7332d8a17b0ff4d5968f15f3bc48dd1bdee98 ┆ 791      │
│ CJ Horton                             ┆ 76b504f6d7393d47573fe7a24dea0a6fb115ad0c ┆ 3963     │
│ Sebastian Rivera                      ┆ 088b5724e17f316525d16100ae9dc2590fc3f1b4 ┆ 7098     │
│ Andrew Babichev                       ┆ 91c7402baded3b65ba5033359294e6fed6d1ad14 ┆ 11       │
│ Nick Fagerlund                        ┆ 1cbc95ce5664d82929ae82fae2aded08b5ce540a ┆ 68846    │
│ Lauren                                ┆ dcccd3b266afb39e7759cfa4f04f528acddc69df ┆ 217      │
│ Martin Atkins                         ┆ 4b2b34929de1f93f02804fddf2432984c62d1514 ┆ 1807908  │
│ hashicorp-tsccr[bot]                  ┆ 4671514676596d112b270588d505e0ebabcf3571 ┆ 38       │
│ Jason Murray                          ┆ 4c8e560120219d2811469dc677ecb1c467ed2324 ┆ 4        │
│ Leon                                  ┆ 0181c4e2d97fead2a80c7e6c9bc09d6991ca70ee ┆ 3        │
│ Din Mušić                             ┆ 8501d07dffdb6afa28e890d264372d338aaaab5c ┆ 1        │
│ Alisdair McDiarmid                    ┆ ad2298b1148451d8de5be075b5dc7ef6c300af77 ┆ 136251   │
│ Agustin Guayama                       ┆ db5b81d2c1bbca8cab65548aa3d57d60a3d61107 ┆ 2        │
│ rita                                  ┆ 76290e897ebfd7bbc951fd704979842533b6254f ┆ 29       │
│ Chris Trombley                        ┆ 6d817660eb9b480fd0dd05e12e9f258467c3ccaf ┆ 4        │
│ Roberto Hidalgo                       ┆ 8e5a66b2f5dd0d2945b49254586707a085ea43da ┆ 11       │
│ Andrew Hickman                        ┆ 49f99db1c28a463ff818dfa94730ce3a6f00a0a9 ┆ 118      │
│ Rose M Koron                          ┆ 66e3c20b181407fd93b787a359f97a2ae6aa66ac ┆ 29       │
│ Daven Du                              ┆ 8b8a4c4a95a3d9d826d90875b8514d886ddd72e2 ┆ 3        │
│ Kieran Lowe                           ┆ 0a2f62c8a0178bb11c24c49d438674b5c2c1d779 ┆ 3        │
│ guimin.hgm                            ┆ ce8790c9399e86ce9737c4222368a121765e4006 ┆ 4        │
│ Jonathan Matthews                     ┆ 43a8bc06f07b88434ef929a61b382f339119ee9c ┆ 1        │
│ bit-nibble-byte                       ┆ a166716bd6cc98d9e549f3d57ed451474a872e12 ┆ 1        │
│ Macaber                               ┆ 18655f169238b879a3c478f675127797cc941cd2 ┆ 1        │
│ wasim                                 ┆ 21f257a23124ac35dc597995221a170ea5df1ecf ┆ 2        │
│ Katy Moe                              ┆ 7ce5503c7a3e6482a81340c52af904d02a9e8c81 ┆ 1061     │
│ Bryce Kalow                           ┆ c42e0ee89c793d8dd34f8c56524f8f6862264fce ┆ 29446    │
│ modrake                               ┆ 0d7c7182632a31826881276c3f4ae7bf90534f4a ┆ 1        │
│ davendu                               ┆ ad84baf5ea635a37e99d04f1d27b2d4e799f71fd ┆ 4        │
│ Masayuki Morita                       ┆ 53755180fd453f9f873aa2da8316f6852c98fc6f ┆ 769      │
│ Stef Ki                               ┆ 719c5854bbe74002b3d777e1959069aa39c84dbe ┆ 4        │
│ hashicorp-copywrite[bot]              ┆ bb36298b21cd59627fc17adbd3fc4677f9361e3b ┆ 3866     │
│ Brian McClain                         ┆ ec390864a162a01200a3f4a94f0e18adb018619e ┆ 2        │
│ Victoria Mann                         ┆ 39667b77b81bc5c4e48bdde4668b6b5552e7e9f5 ┆ 1        │
│ Rees Pozzi                            ┆ fed6538dece2b0306d52f6c12facb5c4e5485725 ┆ 4        │
│ Vishnu Ravindra                       ┆ f0b3b74f7c56a53b55651932c9633028b8bc1bfb ┆ 1        │
│ Will Faught                           ┆ 35bef84306ea595451eb053711aaf4c6087010fc ┆ 2        │
│ Bilal                                 ┆ 39014782126e341035fc5ac389f694ee49b9a58c ┆ 2        │
│ Zac Clifton                           ┆ 3bb6a5896b7672ef3ad27f80769f9ca7d366556b ┆ 138      │
│ Scott Macfarlane                      ┆ fa3980b77d06f9f20bd5c495bbac8e6be82d36aa ┆ 2        │
│ dependabot[bot]                       ┆ 7ae272fe3184b3c0c6dc066b2d1bc86ac14606bd ┆ 50       │
│ Rémi Lapeyre                          ┆ af571b2642ece84bde4c81f6f0f5f4319f81a711 ┆ 17545    │
│ Glenn Sarti                           ┆ 7e2e834affd094cd754d0917528c1d208ebce457 ┆ 539      │
│ The Terraform Team                    ┆ c10a07f3b27b410b2a3d809caba502a90c5c7023 ┆ 1694     │
│ Matt Smith                            ┆ 2a2e1904ea580d8ff5a4733b1cfb322288f3e738 ┆ 4        │
│ kt                                    ┆ ee2f418f36ecd071cc4dde413b9c7cf7256f93b8 ┆ 297      │
│ Daniel Hibbert                        ┆ c1b6c457917a59c68c196b17ec46a1725dbcc5a9 ┆ 2        │
│ Daniel Kimsey                         ┆ eed06e2342130d1c10f63bb846449d7ff63c0c40 ┆ 100      │
│ janaurka                              ┆ 1f603b1a7f8d80e404a83b0b81092476f3dae152 ┆ 101      │
│ Robert Hafner                         ┆ dfbb9c2e10ede6f0a8bd4381d03b3360f0c2f32a ┆ 2        │
│ Alvin Huang                           ┆ c960b16e87dca456f89b27c52f1995e4edab8170 ┆ 3774     │
│ emily neil                            ┆ 649d6d3f12dea6bf4bb08542a95cec540463341e ┆ 466      │
│ Middleton, Nathan                     ┆ 2213d917462c69158cbd6d2a578687d94c4d6e29 ┆ 5        │
│ Brian Flad                            ┆ 9150a1bb75b729bc24c00a0e3ab2837e86eedd12 ┆ 812680   │
│ Adam Pugh                             ┆ 3b4207a14647f76b56febdfc8d617c0fdd8954d2 ┆ 2        │
│ Chan Kang                             ┆ 2ec0bf3cea26022529c87328903df8bf0f514841 ┆ 1        │
│ Christopher Hackett                   ┆ 493973d6da3da95abf747e19e28155ff7bb815d2 ┆ 2        │
│ Alan Szlosek Jr                       ┆ 8ab72c249d8b4085112bfacaf4720312185d98fc ┆ 16       │
│ Amanda B                              ┆ 956627d6615f1ed52b2f03dae89606a06e13b624 ┆ 3        │
│ Reda Khaled                           ┆ bf723bd65a6da952c8547716fbefca12f447c297 ┆ 121      │
│ Judith Malnick                        ┆ fcc6b7ac7f4eeb2c9259d4c777e4a869f1b176c0 ┆ 156      │
│ Ashlee M Boyer                        ┆ bb71273f7a50c07587f233cf642c6099d0926fc4 ┆ 1161     │
│ Omar Ismail                           ┆ bea8ad355c9a1cf91d3d5f80082d3647793dc492 ┆ 4838     │
│ Eugene Dementyev                      ┆ 36aac6b498c43aa04217ff92ead6aad20f534767 ┆ 24       │
│ Jim Wisniewski                        ┆ f395efdd8334f9db8757d6a6e20ece4579da46b6 ┆ 3        │
│ Ashlee Boyer                          ┆ c850399c0d5b554d70c6c0f8dea19deb7b4be335 ┆ 1162     │
│ Daniel Banck                          ┆ b8f3f802f591e5ff0523bfb8c2e06c9e62f56bfd ┆ 1283     │
│ Mrinali Rao                           ┆ afc9235f170af2f916a1356e6a5f0086874973a7 ┆ 1        │
│ mrinalirao                            ┆ 3104811c7d3d5b5daa61e3b15400c8420648c171 ┆ 1135     │
│ Jukie                                 ┆ e2106907f57aca904f66c24cc14bcb8fdd625c6d ┆ 357      │
│ yokomotod                             ┆ a62f4f076365adbc060216fd0c974c5607765ed7 ┆ 9        │
│ Yin Luo                               ┆ e9b066f514d26573d2909b4f14c989a3777ace60 ┆ 328      │
│ megan07                               ┆ d7d8a2262cf20077d355631315957ea2baf50736 ┆ 806      │
│ Mike Antonelli                        ┆ 961829fa49f4112a57bbd1239e7316987041113e ┆ 1        │
│ zetHannes                             ┆ c70244426aa55653036a5141fb1506e212adfac2 ┆ 113      │
│ Joshua Feierman                       ┆ d45ebfbdef745f4c518f5ef8f26dbd2d96458a94 ┆ 322      │
│ Sheridan C Rawlins                    ┆ 75e5ae27a258122fe6bf122beb943324c69de5b1 ┆ 933      │
│ Pooya                                 ┆ 6bbb76eca3a118e76cc4c95f9c21b61d381efcac ┆ 9        │
│ Anna Winkler                          ┆ 3cc7e5546578593a8353350dcd59a5aff1fa6fcc ┆ 100      │
│ Michele Degges                        ┆ f1bfe9bd01592450a45af672121bb76d78f0cd85 ┆ 19       │
│ Gary McDonald                         ┆ d3a49dacf24615aa8ff3f54f966d8b794ca233dd ┆ 1        │
│ bharathkkb                            ┆ 05ff3c3278ab55aba9250819dc41161078ac2d74 ┆ 2        │
│ Anton Patsev                          ┆ 119bff6ca2c6f9ced30235f27318647f914ae30b ┆ 1        │
│ Wojciech Kwolek                       ┆ 12c03eb71a01207565d0fae0c60a1211ec25e3bc ┆ 1        │
│ jerphi                                ┆ 9932642442c376e3be22726a9fcc83607e7504d2 ┆ 1        │
│ Claudio Maritan                       ┆ 2458007d25bc059060b2e1331c5384108c5cc511 ┆ 1        │
│ Michael Matloka                       ┆ 28d7a685a9e16c8da6b752c520ce0edf9bd5f9b4 ┆ 1        │
│ Stefan Sundin                         ┆ a4a1f470270a88653d4e692e007ef69f103f7abf ┆ 2        │
│ Brittan DeYoung                       ┆ 8881418c992804ae7b8eb86c9fd9111f033c4390 ┆ 63       │
│ Conor Evans                           ┆ e206d4e83e88baf92a89085f8cbe763765d01d95 ┆ 1        │
│ Bryan Stenson                         ┆ b2f681334122cdc3f2a3683a3b95ff44bb3f2285 ┆ 2        │
│ hc-github-team-tf-core                ┆ e4e0322d2a121393b356ad7bf7469f593f3ac9cc ┆ 88       │
│ hellertang                            ┆ 9dbaac5975bad0c5fab396244e0429ba8767b035 ┆ 17       │
│ Matthew Garrell                       ┆ 6ebc30ddcb30f4b0ec8ff689f0a95fa21da16224 ┆ 21       │
│ xiaozhu36                             ┆ ec62ca1b7078b501cd090a0fcebaa2476c87aa65 ┆ 81       │
│ HashiBot                              ┆ 6d9dc22834b01b184a459c901cc02553efb3d2ef ┆ 159      │
│ Laura Pacilio                         ┆ 1ce0b91e67417ce0847f9fdac282145a9a881985 ┆ 86881    │
│ alisdair                              ┆ ec6451a82a38f271361ec44713dc31361b8ce806 ┆ 13       │
│ Jarrett Spiker                        ┆ 21d98697cbcba6e4dda76703a1ba24b86bb4b4ad ┆ 273      │
│ sivchari                              ┆ ef4798de8e22eb280c0521168eaa8fafe58239b5 ┆ 5        │
│ Sarah French                          ┆ c0964438d6a781cf383f38f19dd79b369db722ae ┆ 361      │
│ Momoh Sani Musa                       ┆ c02d0737cacf51b15c41069b966b56432ef2790a ┆ 2        │
│ Jamie Finnigan                        ┆ 530c0d33e4ceaa627a2553ccea5946d6d2a0be3b ┆ 75       │
│ Ira                                   ┆ a32648aa538f1b3108e3d18946be9ea637f06ace ┆ 4        │
│ Joe Harrison                          ┆ 92719db19808056edd9b0490e081c999cc5e6d03 ┆ 4        │
│ Paschalis Tsilias                     ┆ 4cb355f3d6c27df7a84c2d03420b7f7de602c23f ┆ 18       │
│ Tom Bamford                           ┆ ff68c8d129d7b7850327acb3b3e95ead593965bb ┆ 378      │
│ Liam Nesteroff                        ┆ 5957d2657a8ed8cacc5299300f44b0d2a58fcb5e ┆ 10       │
│ Ben Drucker                           ┆ 81e620c96120fe1659abc2323b68cd6abd96e16a ┆ 119258   │
│ Igor Venturelli                       ┆ 6f335f233a62bc6eccd0503d6944b7f9546a426d ┆ 1        │
│ Corey Innis                           ┆ 4835deddaef450198bba00a50311f2ada6f79b96 ┆ 1        │
│ Albert Lloveras                       ┆ 095368b4b4bb7c8b530ed25fe5f05094a9e4e1c6 ┆ 8        │
│ Adam Gardner                          ┆ 0ec59af8ea4a27d64b11a8f0db2cb664b86f91ec ┆ 3        │
│ Kevin Wang                            ┆ 03e262a70b0236fcb412e90f44310f2a31dce2aa ┆ 2939     │
│ Peter Junos                           ┆ 9016e8d60787d2c42b00a4b86b71fce5ef1937db ┆ 2        │
│ sed-i                                 ┆ 42e689376a63cb3da86b9f94462eaca31cb0b22a ┆ 38       │
│ Kevin Schu                            ┆ bc07a54cfdb63838211cbfaf5c63b108b9363ca2 ┆ 23       │
│ Rob Pickerill                         ┆ 5d2e888e9673692db5bb6c482ec475f1ce539a96 ┆ 4        │
│ Radek Simko                           ┆ 196ff4c5c51fe1535c0b9890b15be1c6f3d56168 ┆ 2798238  │
│ zisom-hc                              ┆ d08fcd63db30f937b57df67e591a12e7075ec181 ┆ 11       │
│ UKEME BASSEY                          ┆ a5926f1e9a731130ec8f118e6618eeb083e03ce1 ┆ 17       │
│ koki-develop                          ┆ d5df330696ad3a1ef353129f2b9062f3e5a0cb19 ┆ 1        │
│ Ilya Margolin                         ┆ e4d5ffd8eb68332f15a9181f8bd30738d9e07b9f ┆ 1        │
│ S Dinay                               ┆ bbf60cdd65d8fde70985ae0d026a5f04e527f30c ┆ 1        │
│ Martynas Šateika                      ┆ c726a25fcdda4c8f5f94429b7e91a2ae3c490cb6 ┆ 1        │
│ Matteo Ferraroni                      ┆ 0900b787f81f1ab60444677c5f700cff256bf0b9 ┆ 2        │
│ Megan Bang                            ┆ 72ba8a869e69feb8151a88e3499de1f8266de1f5 ┆ 2057     │
│ fatahfattah                           ┆ 8a31f0a6c80a48e165bfb1854db10073e970e9b2 ┆ 66       │
│ kmchau                                ┆ 38b3bf8edbde0345f1d07f276529c5db5804bf51 ┆ 4        │
│ Tocho Tochev                          ┆ 4e506d5fda17efae79e258251b962f3f0a6d24ed ┆ 1        │
│ Przemysław Dąbek                      ┆ 39f0d91530e2f070e68809ec0c071541beb2eed7 ┆ 14       │
│ Enzo Venturi                          ┆ 235a8b7fcc00c6d60487a68221b1cc342d8918c3 ┆ 2        │
│ Bob Sutterfield                       ┆ 9ca771c9902a668071418c1505cb7906ff835161 ┆ 4        │
│ LiranV                                ┆ c2643b2adb044271948cc9e0485e409eeacb8b70 ┆ 1        │
│ Aleksandr Melnikov                    ┆ 05944cc0e21e572071ff0044fb93ee8a388744a2 ┆ 1        │
│ zimbatm                               ┆ 7a9ccc03b28e152fd828340d9866dfb8e67536ca ┆ 161      │
│ sebhcp                                ┆ 1ad649c446bf52047ecc38e8e9572bd9e458b469 ┆ 48       │
│ Zhuoyun Wei                           ┆ 7427aa1805b29bb9918d5af75011495e92be8f19 ┆ 8        │
│ Francis Nickels III                   ┆ 194afe087277fddd41df43f5dfb3994a76d4a565 ┆ 1        │
│ Francis Nickels                       ┆ 9a5d909931411b76a11afb492d555caceea9ca77 ┆ 3        │
│ Joshua Barton                         ┆ 0dfcbe6d0c4725fd48af86897e5d2381f558f851 ┆ 220      │
│ Jeff Bonhag                           ┆ f30738d96569d54f476214d3a6f0a9bc0d00c3e8 ┆ 185      │
│ Brian Sidebotham                      ┆ a6aa75931b428d1413da49a3f32703dec13fd49d ┆ 21       │
│ Chris Stella                          ┆ 9e3535be9c5e3a391863a88d4f466c68089b4b81 ┆ 1        │
│ CJ                                    ┆ e6d17166443a7928770ee808d29d0f84973d8537 ┆ 1        │
│ Tim Gates                             ┆ dce91cafb4411bd61f9ed5e7ffc070be177adf45 ┆ 6        │
│ Ian Rosenbery                         ┆ 1e2640367773302eda99257b6b3c35d56a330842 ┆ 2        │
│ Théophile Helleboid - chtitux         ┆ 53a9ac275a83cd6059a171bd5a575505bcb86261 ┆ 1        │
│ ianmrose-cm                           ┆ a52cf190a6a07a69fa8c6646b24607a7cf4cfc84 ┆ 6        │
│ Cory Twitty                           ┆ fa319494d842564b14a716015d7c4cdaccb1f84a ┆ 7        │
│ Dennis Gursky                         ┆ 2c1b1f3aa1a039e524afe4b25ab9d2dab6c2d6ec ┆ 76       │
│ Denny Gursky                          ┆ 8a694e81ff3eedd53657ffa0340e5f509cc9d728 ┆ 27       │
│ Dirk Leser                            ┆ ab93ef09eccfc917818aee78112614272e32f06f ┆ 21       │
│ Nicolas Vanheuverzwijn                ┆ bb1c134b94fc52345f86f8557aee47ac0da0b479 ┆ 12       │
│ Ansgar Mertens                        ┆ 6c4341e764be882541b8ce418286804ffde9ab52 ┆ 5        │
│ Park Choong Ho                        ┆ 7510dc4d47144ac7fa9d2b7f2bac0fa7803ca4bf ┆ 2        │
│ Pierre-Yves Aillet                    ┆ 2fd3da94c74a70bab482326319d3c06582d064c7 ┆ 1        │
│ Kagashino                             ┆ cab6cee3854e4d8ea45099da111a331dd8f44798 ┆ 39       │
│ Ryan Uber                             ┆ 52d54b0a647192d9f12d5b51a25f9b4a41f3f799 ┆ 822      │
│ Ignacio Miranda Figueroa              ┆ 68a83e48e7297bc01024fd04f65d95886cb78d00 ┆ 2        │
│ Paul Schock                           ┆ 48b06007dd96acd45f90c8528a75b2421c50a20d ┆ 1        │
│ Adam Christie                         ┆ 50919044d5ed4264ed975c2ea443240b9e757e29 ┆ 2        │
│ Luces Huayhuaca                       ┆ 70ddcc7d0dfdbc31d71b364d655087efe2062423 ┆ 242      │
│ Piggy                                 ┆ 367a850989a98d580f5c749c4afe466225a87720 ┆ 7        │
│ Dan Potepa                            ┆ 2dd5e10469ba2c40bc6a8dd617d9b46a486b438b ┆ 1        │
│ Gerard Nguyen                         ┆ fd21e6e510d0162b4541dff43f79c65618003abc ┆ 2        │
│ Valeriy Pastushenko                   ┆ 65c4ba736375607b6af6c035972f7f151232b6c6 ┆ 1        │
│ Georg Gadinger                        ┆ 590a91a40f7635680e1fd8ccd064a958a28efac9 ┆ 3        │
│ miyagawa-michiru                      ┆ 61271ef117a1d74540a0a74551fc75238d5e9d60 ┆ 11       │
│ tombuildsstuff                        ┆ 05528e8c8a1dddd083ef998d3227f31b4d170809 ┆ 61460    │
│ StefanSchoof                          ┆ 650ada19b7f17cf470d5b225733cef6c9b375411 ┆ 3        │
│ Sylvain METAYER                       ┆ 16d3fad714a236cc23e4f11631709bf0d4fb7b4c ┆ 2        │
│ Grégory Bataille                      ┆ 378ee6ac56bcf6a7880843173ad6136e8d6abe30 ┆ 98       │
│ Jan Hrcek                             ┆ fd5020cac76544ea83caa74a993db87340318f6e ┆ 2        │
│ Dan Slimmon                           ┆ 1f6d9865951f0d729ea47af98ca98df1b9ec611b ┆ 5        │
│ Tigerblue77                           ┆ 2928967b41c0cb08808b8ad6e27c905e4297ee9d ┆ 2        │
│ htamakos                              ┆ 4cfb6bc8938b96ba2fa0faef135b342ee1b7cefc ┆ 337      │
│ Ryoh Akiyoshi                         ┆ 9b4600cc238f63c3385f7592501893a6b3e72c1c ┆ 2        │
│ Christian Jensen                      ┆ 85a081bd2a8dfef87b6ff9b1c0968b5915aa8ea7 ┆ 1        │
│ Keith Clawson                         ┆ 23dffee568f431113ce196d6a03279bb9db58db4 ┆ 16       │
│ Claire Labry                          ┆ dd2decf9218166325acb69cec27c9cfa2189fc4b ┆ 1        │
│ Klaus Frank                           ┆ 39bbcf2f9cc954a8f03825f64a79d228b9b49f93 ┆ 1        │
│ chavacava                             ┆ 5f58daaf57fa8e20fc46be6883129055e54e8cc0 ┆ 1        │
│ Tom Harvey                            ┆ 0028a26cf81d6b9d7c036407426469597c017a02 ┆ 129769   │
│ Shanee D                              ┆ ed59bd7299d07f26973098b06a349a62c235eba5 ┆ 1        │
│ Eng Zer Jun                           ┆ fedd31527556b68a9c8624abe6d3070044db0bff ┆ 373      │
│ Jane                                  ┆ 8d490aad9fba8205211138ec0d3fc2f20df7947f ┆ 7        │
│ gabriel376                            ┆ f5a860898926f61854affc7f519384e6fa137cbf ┆ 410      │
│ uk1288                                ┆ 9093b487fdc2b4fb68ee477d400bd60b5587363f ┆ 3        │
│ Matthias Baur                         ┆ 971c899c121888dc583f6e69d865ddbc00b992bf ┆ 2        │
│ Nsikan                                ┆ a813854a82488e46ba19a98284a96ee7c780c108 ┆ 34       │
│ george-mengelberg                     ┆ d7316e79caa640e3c6d8715ea3434f7a5b7d8cd5 ┆ 1        │
│ Markus Bösling                        ┆ 275ff5b22352d5dc4b46a2bdbe1aca6373ad7414 ┆ 2        │
│ shinbunbun                            ┆ a1ead44c71d59f439d8a707e2c900622fe5f6062 ┆ 9        │
│ ritsok                                ┆ bef18c47cb655aa36b613d6edb8091fa711cf443 ┆ 26       │
│ Theo Chupp                            ┆ d15a2bc024bb742eb9a5b2945bb97d630135d213 ┆ 607      │
│ GoodmanBen                            ┆ 659fb09fc1fb5cc07f9518a106d25e46aacd0a83 ┆ 33       │
│ Loek Duys                             ┆ c6fa1e70efd935cad9e6b3ba8a6706c29d855230 ┆ 1        │
│ Nsikan Essien                         ┆ 880a4631a28c56003206dc988f9ad6c74caa28cb ┆ 14       │
│ Till Hoffmann                         ┆ c847e6634f296d631b0488e3bbe6b018b7aff011 ┆ 2        │
│ Kyle Davies                           ┆ 0ea6874bc1f80437a04a5e0a59caa271c0158625 ┆ 1        │
│ savage-tm                             ┆ d6a98ac22b0a571ec2f1fd9e7841815f000384f0 ┆ 2        │
│ Barrett Clark                         ┆ 979ac3da44004a2cdc7033d8397e387d4d1fcdaf ┆ 5352     │
│ uturunku1                             ┆ 542e3f901db4dee959336db4d5913efb0762e756 ┆ 467      │
│ Drew Hodun                            ┆ a26b551d4790beb5f09b3df7d640cd7a04eeac6a ┆ 1        │
│ nozaq                                 ┆ 3c32f7a56cc0dfbd68f0eeef3534fe488c1f919e ┆ 747      │
│ Ben Partridge                         ┆ 252865c6a034301f521565d14518e73be39ff650 ┆ 10       │
│ Pedro Belém                           ┆ aed7162e9a59aa7e3c1d35c7d2166a339c29a70f ┆ 30       │
│ sian                                  ┆ d81335a55edda7d8e333791979bf2a5f9fe58f75 ┆ 1        │
│ Mukesh Kumar                          ┆ 5b35c8c0984dd5bbfb8c6715bd698240fa300c6a ┆ 24       │
│ Tyron                                 ┆ 322622a0f40dd0c06f45f9b40f8a36515a7502f4 ┆ 1        │
│ Aurel Pintea                          ┆ a37d47e9558351b1ce30e9cc9d0b3bfe524af2b3 ┆ 1        │
│ GiannakopoulosJ                       ┆ 13907690a25c735e53167d97e8687409987ca49f ┆ 2        │
│ yuriy                                 ┆ d4ebed4c09a9f744bef40f5340509ad5b851438e ┆ 6        │
│ Krista LaFentres (she/her)            ┆ 6dcf00aefc56b48bae54822a6e62eacffd2bc3ea ┆ 1299     │
│ Krista LaFentres                      ┆ 64e1241ae34013d4db1582ea2caca5c37609418f ┆ 1330     │
│ SuperKooks                            ┆ 5171c89e1eaa184e827d1c29486ab026e7c8c73c ┆ 1        │
│ Dylan Staley                          ┆ a8bc7a0170fd34c4f851f1fe9e6b895980281ec2 ┆ 133661   │
│ Addison Grant                         ┆ 01be55b5c4b056126cd8f3dc8e5587fb03994851 ┆ 1        │
│ Chris Arcand                          ┆ 8b8fe2771fdbcbd643478a77a7057cdf46628653 ┆ 14671    │
│ Marcus Way                            ┆ b202eefc7bcafda5598a3de579668cf42fe9001a ┆ 3        │
│ Aleks Saul                            ┆ 4f634bf8db9efae66b6e0113678b60eaf3a3b77d ┆ 1        │
│ Ted Behling                           ┆ 16800d1305f3b9035095683e5cdeb64ea286f845 ┆ 6        │
│ Axel Neergaard                        ┆ 7756023564f006658a9bdef2a21a0005c4702b2b ┆ 1        │
│ Daniel Murphy                         ┆ fba26b10ee3c81e081651564194cf173497491df ┆ 1        │
│ Jonathan Ballet                       ┆ ecc8bcfe5b2551737a234ebf78a7df1123ad56d7 ┆ 4        │
│ Josef Šimánek                         ┆ ffcb167bce05c4eebc8d1b91f59251c1c210333f ┆ 2        │
│ Brandon Romano                        ┆ ce1dbd7d2c9fd3d1d9d7d98059be470d36248ccc ┆ 29715    │
│ Jared Ledvina                         ┆ 61a580868017ca4749f4599b990e683d93c62242 ┆ 24       │
│ Simão Gomes Viana                     ┆ 5bbd10857250a2c9bf5559ebd9bdc8aa2f144bc1 ┆ 2        │
│ AJ Jordan                             ┆ 8367c049c8c23e39fd94c871b902daa391359116 ┆ 1        │
│ Łukasz Sierant                        ┆ 19cce931a8067c714fbb5a096c2eec79a070ecd5 ┆ 84       │
│ Billy Keyes                           ┆ 52ca30273fef85ce1ddf01b9342d299f646dcffa ┆ 140      │
│ Alex Khaerov                          ┆ 6f1eceb0e21bfe75586440d1907b70b7861cbcd7 ┆ 15933    │
│ Chris Griggs                          ┆ e111c103b80a45e3659833f7f070391becc472f0 ┆ 69617    │
│ Jeff Escalante                        ┆ 44764ffdee24e2081f939ca14d1dfab2d2a33418 ┆ 1        │
│ Ram                                   ┆ 45dab1b956c4828a0b144ad1db9c1bc4564c53bf ┆ 1        │
│ Melissa Gurney Greene                 ┆ 0062e7112aac83304ea906f08c5aeb89b4ebfefa ┆ 3        │
│ Zach Whaley                           ┆ c9a5fdb36631f306d44e00fd41d224c3e737c035 ┆ 1        │
│ Paddy                                 ┆ 4fe75bead33dc03346bc8eeb20c878f0936c536c ┆ 385008   │
│ Draško Radovanović                    ┆ c8e2be76d2572282d4bde28afdaeb03fdfba8764 ┆ 2        │
│ Paul Hinze                            ┆ ad634f60a5acbaade1eb8c225564e17ad2267f00 ┆ 2215337  │
│ drewmullen                            ┆ e3b6c6403c3057f5be12046740556fd3b1dc0363 ┆ 8        │
│ Yves Peter                            ┆ fa4c590f515a9a5ae40d9122b325a803be975f0c ┆ 12       │
│ Peter Mescalchin                      ┆ f238e9395ab1e1cb7f311943c3a2506c3909d284 ┆ 7        │
│ Topher Ayrhart                        ┆ b1d56076a4880455cbd90a3b4460eecb97f75316 ┆ 1        │
│ Krzysztof Madej                       ┆ 49b31d005a7e068bf67a03d14ec6cde69ee5ad15 ┆ 4        │
│ joshschmitter                         ┆ cb41b158f1dda0236f7473aaddaf00fb57b7760d ┆ 2        │
│ Brent Woodruff                        ┆ ed84cb886e4803a785b3ddb6e070b12881a67a6e ┆ 3        │
│ Li Kexian                             ┆ 3f876d14d8fa3e85ff6c7155a5381d5983028c44 ┆ 6958     │
│ Fedor Golishevskiy                    ┆ 4fd3bd4911835850ab4e761ebf649bb34036e086 ┆ 9        │
│ Kyle Jones                            ┆ e4e5f5a1a41780960b0d9f4cec700489c50fb584 ┆ 1        │
│ Dominik Keil                          ┆ b764b3f8a6663cbc0229241c34f9cae5c509ce0b ┆ 3        │
│ moajo                                 ┆ b3e1a404990afdb681e1fa0df9771f5bf109a773 ┆ 2        │
│ 45deg                                 ┆ 494043ed24eaf14b4233b978c241b91892ff0984 ┆ 1        │
│ Vojtěch Srdečný                       ┆ 35115e968556a7a84de9d0d3f111fcc3a69d3daf ┆ 2        │
│ Top                                   ┆ 963771d39845d0c57042793b4d1a4f43860e7584 ┆ 168007   │
│ Alkis Tsitsigkos                      ┆ 1f5069d9dc29316103aa4543d2992e290c62d2de ┆ 1        │
│ Tigran Tch                            ┆ 0103f582971d347842210396d59cafe81575ce1f ┆ 1        │
│ mellab                                ┆ c69024783796bee74eebec4918948dfb3d6181ee ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Broadbridge                     ┆ f5cbe59386562daca7d886c4e9c2003d17520b0d ┆ 2        │
│ Kent 'picat' Gruber                   ┆ fc63c1949de7248eeff646b3331e0846f93fc094 ┆ 21       │
│ robe007                               ┆ 880f846f43cebf190d7090d0092e0187ac7d6cba ┆ 2        │
│ Daniel Schmidt                        ┆ 59dd7f8f51f45eda18cc9cb04823b56fbdd93f2e ┆ 13574    │
│ magodo                                ┆ 90e6a3dffb922b4b6f195ad6304c9fe387b4dcc0 ┆ 113      │
│ Neeraj Kumar                          ┆ 6b0be752bf94cd07450fb76a6254fdae09bed041 ┆ 9        │
│ Kristin Laemmert                      ┆ 0729e9fdd7fa843ebeef8c5c14cab9754c3377c5 ┆ 136966   │
│ Jason Smith                           ┆ 5ff9b7626b6f063caf3ed5e6a368dab125c8039a ┆ 34       │
│ Kevin Burke                           ┆ c047958b5708e4f500fe61000a662c169d048fff ┆ 75       │
│ Russell Rollins                       ┆ 3174dfd63f6fe2c89f72236cb436e39126193513 ┆ 1        │
│ Adrian                                ┆ 54a09b059fa4b48473896a3616279ee7171dcb60 ┆ 1        │
│ Sam Salisbury                         ┆ 2fdf898680c6f889ca807727e2c7443f871b9a06 ┆ 18       │
│ Ben Moskovitz                         ┆ 21228e19df4a0ea6da669f2813b7aa887d5714ba ┆ 7        │
│ Izaak Lauer                           ┆ 231175204d1cb4d07a181678b7b87e2dbad109d1 ┆ 1        │
│ Robin Norwood                         ┆ 50fe9808770cf604d429211a01ee7f16d64b522b ┆ 60       │
│ Vlad Romanenko                        ┆ d4d56a96b1b8d50b7cba5ff926a4dda1f20f84c8 ┆ 2        │
│ tjabbour                              ┆ 6993bad7540f67f3cafc8697e62a36c9d67bb28f ┆ 1        │
│ Felix Eyetan                          ┆ a9cc4360f5f25b77c5669e1e1f47a831cf787c45 ┆ 1        │
│ Kurt Lehnardt                         ┆ 165b2a250937e7bee8a1498db8178df1d7aaaa21 ┆ 1        │
│ Bryan Eastes                          ┆ 714632206c7bd4473af7dacc15132ebf2cbefe03 ┆ 28       │
│ Kai                                   ┆ f60de8cf36a6877a35c9168ccd04dfea0690d093 ┆ 2        │
│ J.D. Stone                            ┆ ce638c9231b2763725014b1cc1cbb49dd334be45 ┆ 1        │
│ Bren                                  ┆ 7fd6019b674206b58cf694a2671b5e1679514fa9 ┆ 1        │
│ Vladimir Kondratiev                   ┆ 58a5207dc4cc3f28cbd70432708a5186497556b3 ┆ 1        │
│ iaoiui                                ┆ 176cfad1dde3d14f603597579f8e4667b1e7c885 ┆ 1        │
│ Matthew Sanabria                      ┆ 1c3f4fe80f0a74259ff282be41735088a9d01f62 ┆ 111      │
│ TAY TS                                ┆ 511011335a1371b6060c530942abbee549ab93ed ┆ 2        │
│ Bredoxon                              ┆ 06e756eb0c4513648eba03cd7ddbef6815f656bc ┆ 1        │
│ Karol Szczepański                     ┆ f684f91f3f8a1b924655a7e7263bb56e53cfe6e0 ┆ 3        │
│ Kyle A. Matheny                       ┆ 3afa08b1bccb9ee15d93b1b2f4a224b4d9ab8a79 ┆ 1        │
│ Steve Matney                          ┆ e27a927ba4975a378d0260b8f20cd793bbbd2e2d ┆ 8        │
│ Roger Berlind                         ┆ b6885923d070919ef00d50ab9f1b3c90b42c24ce ┆ 60       │
│ Rachel Sharp                          ┆ 87c9e7866644d77214ef03c38d6b81c44ee33d14 ┆ 17       │
│ Chad Bailey                           ┆ a303a03f2f07a8e4937e876139ca61c1b433cc06 ┆ 11       │
│ Sam Velie                             ┆ 5d04c4ea279c7fc1a8491b46b374e746474a070b ┆ 3        │
│ upodroid                              ┆ 5a60db0974fc0d9b5697755b7427b35b63194359 ┆ 2670     │
│ John Houston                          ┆ fabdf0bea1fa2bf6a9d56cc3ea0f28242bf5e812 ┆ 333619   │
│ sanflores                             ┆ 751fba49a7c89c5130eecb3697571fdd3c731a62 ┆ 1        │
│ Paul Tyng                             ┆ b8a0929a5d607f1dc8ebc5ca8ed4a29450e4bcee ┆ 27905    │
│ Sergey Elantsev                       ┆ 1ad01debf3835e322ec9e07f11708416f7789be5 ┆ 15       │
│ Eva Harris                            ┆ e3258b6f3894a4acf4f6d77761275b1c1fa0f31f ┆ 1        │
│ Víctor Felipe Godoy Hernández         ┆ a9487c76740ec8481bfe839f318341f716fd5388 ┆ 1        │
│ Matthew Hooker                        ┆ 49c984ff77e067f8081530f94fcfd8d9d1dff931 ┆ 5        │
│ Matthew Frahry                        ┆ 15779013da90bd609760e1a1fe211bd89e417043 ┆ 112851   │
│ Tej-Singh-Rana                        ┆ 2a49d908b8a91388307d986b6d4b7bcdc703f3b9 ┆ 2        │
│ Pam Selle                             ┆ 683422e54fe9dae3bdd58d46a2ff0f6840e3b953 ┆ 179268   │
│ Jorge Nerín                           ┆ ede75a944f714fec980eb0cd06ba1bb308f930fe ┆ 1        │
│ Antoine Cotten                        ┆ 3442873cdb98909ae2fb9cae389182274c24108e ┆ 67       │
│ Aaron Lane                            ┆ f172585eaa23b9edc40c5b73b066654e1bae7120 ┆ 1        │
│ Oliver Ford                           ┆ 2f7c368d91ab2a8ae3dd9f2b7df206a076c7a47b ┆ 2        │
│ Jessica Stenning                      ┆ 24e7a5596b43104997090f7e3bfd4f5222667e6d ┆ 1        │
│ Paddy Carver                          ┆ 6c57395ef3adf70a0e1e149e00713c2ffe73cd23 ┆ 222      │
│ Andy Slezak                           ┆ 06390546833a57e03953153d2b64d46ee2171b29 ┆ 1        │
│ hashicorp-ci                          ┆ 7720d4a39539b2185c79ef44b5fb84b10b479167 ┆ 244      │
│ Stephen                               ┆ e39abbf6f07126a03a68fcb912b9168f384310be ┆ 1        │
│ Philip Sahli                          ┆ d7cbf8f1fce4ba44d2a5a4e075b0a19f8885f6ce ┆ 1        │
│ Alex Chan                             ┆ 4ec80fa18d1a4e6df2fce9f708b8fed6653e1d0b ┆ 14       │
│ GreenHedgehog                         ┆ d4db1d134296385456f63141814da70712ec6717 ┆ 1        │
│ Jonathan Hall                         ┆ 49ee3d3ef8f398fbf1a9c496f6c61466b03250e9 ┆ 33       │
│ Andor Markus                          ┆ f6585318837a6a4fda0c5bec9aa96390f14ea5df ┆ 9        │
│ fredtrimble                           ┆ 7b3b401da4869a03d432990811278eea54234d33 ┆ 1        │
│ njucz                                 ┆ e62979acfeafac3c9e72ad73d8ccea18217e903e ┆ 1        │
│ Rémy Léone                            ┆ edb4c00a8616d2b284febe618f13b9d925b1984f ┆ 8        │
│ Jacob Martin                          ┆ b49655724d2f96f0e68196fb949a0d625abbd60e ┆ 84       │
│ Cladius Fernando                      ┆ 25003a0caa6cb5df3c9c52fd0554905fc1ac4be1 ┆ 1        │
│ Romain Philibert                      ┆ 5ae5c99ba0cce2b260ccfbaaf5bc97adda8ac4a0 ┆ 2        │
│ Robin Schulz                          ┆ 64f9180a3c6237187272bc5a96a0b50655fd57e1 ┆ 1        │
│ JohnM                                 ┆ 72e657edcc10f930ab1b573eebc1cf6b03d5b24e ┆ 1        │
│ stakiran                              ┆ 3ce7edc0183fac7c6bca40cbe9fe2bd0554f8382 ┆ 1        │
│ Anthony Sottile                       ┆ 8cd72e51cb1942045c7b31ed2786f75cef91ef4e ┆ 9        │
│ Robert                                ┆ c412935d633665dd47c43ab256e5eda048e3cff4 ┆ 5        │
│ Repon Kumar Roy                       ┆ 7d093cbede362a76cd0a1695fbffed20499c1281 ┆ 5        │
│ Daniel Dreier                         ┆ c8216a8cb842632f19c5f849fd2eee5d361913b8 ┆ 54615    │
│ Hyunsuk Shin                          ┆ 16f8baa40ed406d2c36917e68a609a58adbe6a47 ┆ 1        │
│ Dmitry Tokarev                        ┆ 8d1c416a53107b9fe2851e505c5ee052260840fd ┆ 1        │
│ Petros Kolyvas                        ┆ 2ce71ab43c17d18d65f6e43142de5526bbfb006b ┆ 634      │
│ Mark Lewis                            ┆ 9935138e1c08610eacf5e448922de3479cfc7cae ┆ 2        │
│ Tim Schrumpf                          ┆ e102465e916ca1d0ca0f631f97dc05ef5a1fea4e ┆ 1        │
│ Connor Osborn                         ┆ 2c2ed53ff39acb22e66aa31941ff59ea0f358325 ┆ 1        │
│ Andrew Fitzgerald                     ┆ 8c82b3f6a03de6a4db2b394f668ed83c81590c43 ┆ 6        │
│ TEDmk                                 ┆ 8195a99529ce05d536de16097ee8950461a9d361 ┆ 1        │
│ hhofs                                 ┆ 5b99a56fde893b6d029d7f1d2a780dabed30388c ┆ 72       │
│ Justin Campbell                       ┆ 7c98be92c2423a3d2f777d0fac5359e7b11364f3 ┆ 3212     │
│ Upo                                   ┆ 3b9c5e5bbb26e63833142869531fcdfc68e9cb01 ┆ 338      │
│ Joshua Mendoza                        ┆ 27e31e11606228caadf3a5034a690edaa66ee448 ┆ 1        │
│ Jacob Tomaw                           ┆ 3f9abbc30d66f7a143ca62cf5ec89a692ec89cce ┆ 0        │
│ timvandamme                           ┆ fbf267fbfd9d53e2faa96f0574eee27e59f51e2b ┆ 5        │
│ tuathail                              ┆ 33ee8a410c92d5ecc2f069d63b1325a8b7ef836b ┆ 5        │
│ Paul Thrasher                         ┆ 1e601dc7c21f8342f4c9a0b3914dd8ec7bac100e ┆ 8689     │
│ alevinetx                             ┆ 66393bb62e94ba50fffd26f3772fc550225c1471 ┆ 4        │
│ Alex Litvinenko                       ┆ 1a371c3c49d6fd56649efc9d95679bb543728ee5 ┆ 1        │
│ Arthur Burkart                        ┆ d4716a69e1b345b274c7f9669897ec8e693d9af0 ┆ 352      │
│ craiggenner                           ┆ 6408533fcabbb689a460026591f8afa85f233839 ┆ 10       │
│ Jakson Rodrigues                      ┆ 818029826b0680eb6cf232496bfad7f0e92d32e4 ┆ 1        │
│ Kerim Satirli                         ┆ f4790d8f61c2fd45672819917fd469152938de29 ┆ 14       │
│ Thanonchai                            ┆ f3fa59f65df248c345bb4e374bff1e6c2ae7c319 ┆ 2        │
│ Justin Long                           ┆ 0ce11faffd75ec8eb33d0daf01e939324ec8816b ┆ 2        │
│ Jerry Chong                           ┆ 2f091836c98130d5a830eea3b8d457335f4c3956 ┆ 4        │
│ Diod FR                               ┆ f0edb192b358c6e819dee43f31af1bbbba706b33 ┆ 1        │
│ Bishwa Shrestha                       ┆ c41336bc776c5a654287944672e93893bc07fc28 ┆ 28       │
│ r0bnet                                ┆ 877399c6312463d4b09e80e0229b967173f81c74 ┆ 386      │
│ Alexander Ovechkin                    ┆ d7db008df2ffb63b38ff3f96bc51e334e8c104a7 ┆ 105      │
│ Tony Carmichael                       ┆ db86f0d1828ce3f13ef3402b89d9f798eac8a3fe ┆ 177      │
│ Sean Teeling                          ┆ 8980b6dc9e7ea5fa293fa5cf5b4150ec1ff592f4 ┆ 54       │
│ Carlos Alexandro Becker               ┆ fe31aa854de3a43db4ab1934e94e5c71eea760aa ┆ 3        │
│ Alex Pilon                            ┆ 10ed2dcf8f048f81acd1e4a36b9e002f5b96ad0d ┆ 6802     │
│ JT Smith                              ┆ 6ac8bfb86d21dc97693e21ba3528abadc71bcc45 ┆ 2        │
│ OwenTuz                               ┆ bb39fafbe563307a2b209ee2b2bb8c742d1625ad ┆ 9        │
│ nisunisu                              ┆ 911d09d877fb2070726a6358466a50878586f894 ┆ 1        │
│ Owen Tuz                              ┆ 54531473816e149134fedde3de740ab93755d2ea ┆ 2        │
│ Alejandro Rosero Vicuña               ┆ 6d66b8b616929b401dc6c4deae155fe9a9c0a09b ┆ 2        │
│ Nick McClendon                        ┆ 529ee04269c440e20b4cb4a02d8a773cf89d4563 ┆ 117      │
│ Chanh Hua                             ┆ 6d4e02ee420d49449c1adff73faa1d53750b1579 ┆ 7        │
│ Joe Ceresini                          ┆ 04b39372b058e15eb06d7264d7985c50d84ca73c ┆ 431      │
│ Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs            ┆ 6f9ce7310cb6a980aa23a6aff13240dc2f0e2218 ┆ 30       │
│ Matthias Bartelmeß                    ┆ cec52222876f8f4dd59753593485b839e668fba0 ┆ 1        │
│ Graham Hargreaves                     ┆ e9394dfb38c5a4fdd46a20741e4334210df1a339 ┆ 26       │
│ Kirill Zaborsky                       ┆ fbd3f191bd681163581bea57073d64a8ee7a729b ┆ 1        │
│ Lance Kind                            ┆ eb7a427fba73d569f9d34d66e3c7a3ef96927237 ┆ 2        │
│ Matt Kasa                             ┆ c2e35ae3b5aba93a029e7c7cd8b73d3a224094d3 ┆ 107      │
│ Jai Govindani                         ┆ d8b36e5d1265e6a953c95cac74e12adf849a8947 ┆ 5        │
│ Alan D. Salewski                      ┆ f63c38d6a11be3d25eda48c9b8d31bc31957b5a5 ┆ 14       │
│ Bogdan Tsaitler                       ┆ b738da2f044065a215caa664252fe244d10fd8b3 ┆ 1        │
│ Fabian-Schmidt                        ┆ 0c6790e1426a642e5c71a74f2cda31095a10c86c ┆ 3        │
│ shaowenchen                           ┆ a2b52c0dfc811d6a3f504c3343494cdcd23d552f ┆ 1        │
│ Cameron Stitt                         ┆ 2e829a0d545a939d5ac0e1b1b098ba744ab15e43 ┆ 210      │
│ angie pinilla                         ┆ daa112b5660d501368cca0a4193dde85681ef992 ┆ 476      │
│ Angie Pinilla                         ┆ 582fb73a7c6a4a566fb991c2f541d8b47b9ea2c4 ┆ 471      │
│ Alex Novak                            ┆ 82aa2d4467971819c8056b56c9c94497a6c7db47 ┆ 1        │
│ Zachary Whaley                        ┆ af8d5a69d8c2c6e43987804f9a866c2d62ab0326 ┆ 22       │
│ Nicolas Vogel                         ┆ 8f42f0fa7770d570ae0925ce6bda19e20259a052 ┆ 1        │
│ FGtatsuro                             ┆ b6cf1c3673d12b714f40bc2389797444c091535d ┆ 4        │
│ Tom Hummel                            ┆ 7e879e0034dfe58c5449d820aae5729d0c8df46a ┆ 9        │
│ MorganGeek                            ┆ 3b6c1ef156387e6652ed8516bce2af2422b7fcf1 ┆ 5        │
│ zjd                                   ┆ 25de71321434a7ed25951ecee7f377f28adaec0e ┆ 61       │
│ Shunsuke Suzuki                       ┆ 1dd4d70bab66c08b0d7c2bfbf35f75839b30f764 ┆ 9        │
│ davidair                              ┆ 5cde8b999b9e703dc47b07988c464c6ea057b7d3 ┆ 1        │
│ Sune Keller                           ┆ 4438df613115938de7eb0e18afdefac10f6e0494 ┆ 4        │
│ Lucas Barbay                          ┆ a9fd9a97f22a12e3791f0a145b8b0c4ea90d2bc9 ┆ 2        │
│ Julian Grinblat                       ┆ 0b3c0f64c2f2b696a6163ecc6b9cb9aec46ea149 ┆ 12       │
│ DouglasFarr                           ┆ 81b83763e96ed859d1bdeaaba6ddfb0dd33e3e48 ┆ 1        │
│ Mikuláš Dítě                          ┆ 491733bb8e71d3aa56d4f1302a16147e5b8ed72c ┆ 1        │
│ Even Holthe                           ┆ 0f85b283b9c5e3e97e113fb660106eb77382292d ┆ 33       │
│ João G. Packer                        ┆ fd47260fdcbdadfa027ece6fdbba1b77111291ca ┆ 12       │
│ jessica-ritter                        ┆ edbf59ed4c62984fbf7668ac6c9f04826102b65f ┆ 6        │
│ Matt Schuchard                        ┆ 86a511e257994b0f64f2e46a746037f562bc348a ┆ 1        │
│ unki                                  ┆ 214009e0f3a737736288b44e2ca28d5945636ba9 ┆ 1        │
│ Hadrien Patte                         ┆ 4dea1bb5a032037e16b6fbb8267e8bcc774e769f ┆ 4        │
│ Phil Sautter                          ┆ fa3fe37684d91653c6d3d6b48778ace93c291ffe ┆ 1        │
│ Chris Stephens                        ┆ 2dd64a7816598d08fb06c17d27cbfb5b8c0e81da ┆ 8        │
│ Matthew Irish                         ┆ e36ed8968b50ec0ce8672f39a8fb5629bdcbd6e2 ┆ 1        │
│ samir elsharkawy                      ┆ 5dfc266da9cf30d1558bf668af5e4a473d872cb7 ┆ 34       │
│ He Guimin                             ┆ 5b4950e2cb9c3e9587fa1196d4e80c0d75e941d0 ┆ 54122    │
│ Shunsuke Miyoshi                      ┆ dc3ce1bbf75264e2fafba60ff6ca59c22ec0c912 ┆ 1        │
│ heroku-miraheze                       ┆ 8b70fbca6c90d07a8b77bd1f8b94f5787d54508f ┆ 1        │
│ Will Brock                            ┆ b4dd2b8b2e8551a990d06292645a860ffdf76703 ┆ 1        │
│ iTEx-aaa                              ┆ b32c5eaddb3ae65e176d7233cc6986f49be8f88a ┆ 5        │
│ Chris Carpenter                       ┆ 8f4f1811514143fcc1af1f12932cb7f3b1561b6a ┆ 1        │
│ Garron Kramer                         ┆ f3db1232a00faeb78810c04c32650ab2dd8b5a33 ┆ 1        │
│ Ganesh Prasad Kumble                  ┆ ae717e617566a08dd94e12b66f94739b5cb538e1 ┆ 1        │
│ Paul Leddy                            ┆ 3d17c87698117aed9239930ad6fbdb24327f5217 ┆ 9        │
│ Mike Nomitch                          ┆ 650a272a1d1e04e343045982bdb9b98993c6caea ┆ 14       │
│ charlotte.mach                        ┆ 172d6caf04f0c8d24a51d85d9e5bed6680859251 ┆ 1        │
│ Jean Dupouy                           ┆ a54bb124a98c8b587e1e00c654020168755e1dfc ┆ 9        │
│ Kazuki Higashiguchi                   ┆ 7e46b6b9e72fa6d1f2ce27bcdf4a733abee6f1c1 ┆ 1        │
│ Rafal Potempa                         ┆ 2646e42ac934f60152696a6184da2e454b836d6b ┆ 988      │
│ Lee Trout                             ┆ cb0e20ca2b4038d5258d825d957ac5045c4dd2cb ┆ 445      │
│ Sander van Harmelen                   ┆ 2e5fbdf6844116fb43e115e3d3c30b867f22bea2 ┆ 130136   │
│ Mike Morris                           ┆ 9568de6b905b2a827e7e7325441e2aa83f948af0 ┆ 5        │
│ Kritonas                              ┆ 71395a06566410eac0cd4e195febe50113b0c869 ┆ 2        │
│ Brian Dwyer                           ┆ 2f4067cf7064cb159c653bee73d376f6725ecf0b ┆ 129      │
│ bradleypmartin                        ┆ 0b45a3c83de7b61f4068c5955bbd69fe13d691ab ┆ 11       │
│ kayrus                                ┆ 533c0593780768097ca81c08bd1e4e0edb118554 ┆ 54415    │
│ Bruno Miguel Custódio                 ┆ 1bb292bcdb7c861928c9c65fd5682bc0680f40f7 ┆ 1        │
│ Noah Mercado                          ┆ d4d8812afa63bca35384169ccbcb10d923a80736 ┆ 260      │
│ Namho Kim                             ┆ 9cc658b4913b95556f61359b2c72098d26cbc93b ┆ 1        │
│ Fred                                  ┆ 76f583ac9fdbfca9f23257753094f1a1bef5f686 ┆ 1        │
│ Mikhail Mazurskiy                     ┆ c9ce1f0c1f7c24301ced909160909f21098ed6be ┆ 3        │
│ Eduard Tamsa                          ┆ 534ba630e4278d285f679982387cbd3efb71db6e ┆ 3        │
│ Kyler Middleton                       ┆ 89bef596fcc96da4306ad075574fa023a739c7ce ┆ 1        │
│ Danny Guo                             ┆ b7b981fbe117a6cf7e6670f5be487ede8a185031 ┆ 1        │
│ Stanislav Petrashov                   ┆ 0add5d4915daa781e6c03f66411a6f33217ecd5e ┆ 1        │
│ Michael Conlon                        ┆ 1ec6fc6643c4fe67598af2d76566d36ae5b4ed89 ┆ 3        │
│ Sathija Pavuluri                      ┆ a0832b9886b249f0b9a155832208dc2d28061d9c ┆ 2        │
│ Raphaël Pinson                        ┆ fbd3d35512c8378c308c719d089271e951c3a64b ┆ 11099    │
│ lszpunar                              ┆ f2dbf80badc8c7385a7b44bb040ae5e8550e7e60 ┆ 8        │
│ Camille TJHOA                         ┆ d7f711f40ee2db19096e9056dd72749847d0cc40 ┆ 2        │
│ hashitop                              ┆ c73104686dbbf4e0926e47e5eee7a8440a231add ┆ 10       │
│ Adam Leskis                           ┆ 4f85a1a6ba782bf7bb3140a818597939e17c6f4b ┆ 1        │
│ aqche                                 ┆ 3578a5d80aea766b6382b11b590b7c16b6ddefc3 ┆ 2        │
│ David McNeil                          ┆ 3a079b04db0e9c839eb332e455b284f8e5f7e15c ┆ 21       │
│ ryota.osaki                           ┆ b948856cbbefd5482afec7160f5756c8b4a91799 ┆ 1        │
│ Kim Ngo                               ┆ d88729d922386e1aee5ce52bd7da6902f5ae9a62 ┆ 790      │
│ findkim                               ┆ bb968634ac842ce3dc4140772965a8a3fd744114 ┆ 725      │
│ zzhai                                 ┆ 687d74786fa73c8916b5f3b55d6ed0b2ee888eac ┆ 1        │
│ Yuri Astrakhan                        ┆ 6eb968531d7e8907c041bda72d9f5480896e8d4c ┆ 13       │
│ tf-release-bot                        ┆ 39ce190852c9f076ace9467995ec5b61f3330097 ┆ 229      │
│ Mathias Lafeldt                       ┆ 1f3a2c0e0217c1a7f032f59e522247dc63eaa5bc ┆ 97       │
│ im2nguyen                             ┆ 4f10504ca057e7022b179325b19f2bdbb75001c0 ┆ 25       │
│ Pierre Carles                         ┆ b956e8ef35ff30ff771bfe1d38008438ffd027f0 ┆ 12       │
│ Fábio Matavelli                       ┆ aefdef1044d46bec9aa42278df375a7155abd47a ┆ 176      │
│ Riccardo Piccoli                      ┆ 094ed0ff4dc77b8b79bbf53861d9be602ea6216f ┆ 1        │
│ James Bayer                           ┆ 7b8604bd0d99aa0571b446fd592fba73e9d0178a ┆ 1        │
│ Steve Ortiz                           ┆ 75ef3548f70766413f934ceea1d4e362fefc6b50 ┆ 12       │
│ James Goodhouse                       ┆ 25bfe7337b08fc395d2aa86699b5b8ab9b0f458c ┆ 66       │
│ yokoyama tatsuo                       ┆ a280e2ffeaf10e227ced8e7d6982007b90617752 ┆ 1        │
│ Avi Zurel                             ┆ 96645d7ea7ef4233269f2d69097de958ecb12e1f ┆ 9        │
│ Steve Burns                           ┆ 26305a83a36de71d3d6160c99873ac065bc511af ┆ 12       │
│ Steven Burns                          ┆ 98e612ee50296ac5f5852b26b6b31ecabdc5f628 ┆ 7        │
│ ZMI-RyanMann                          ┆ 66411b5ca07abcbaa1bd16b21b6e3d40563846f2 ┆ 1        │
│ jasonwalsh                            ┆ 62aae829137a0886d8d596095ca0d5b60cd1e886 ┆ 1        │
│ GennadySpb                            ┆ e4c4c8cab5745f0d2a06d9ba5272e3344c085f24 ┆ 1        │
│ Igor Vodka                            ┆ be89975667b39cd44515640d8f6dc8545714cb5e ┆ 1        │
│ Jaime Caamaño Ruiz                    ┆ c3a61a040edbd1126be18a0398053de2a28d0d67 ┆ 1        │
│ Patryk Szczygłowski                   ┆ 03739a99ffd9e34ca1e1c096b291fad7713c700b ┆ 1        │
│ Michele                               ┆ 9c4582e42ad88c9334f8881f90c591aec211fdff ┆ 854      │
│ cgriggs01                             ┆ c355fbd67c3c60d757120ef795c8e5f52609d5ec ┆ 605      │
│ Aaron Heesakkers                      ┆ 3dfeb6770851c7c33d9b8b307decbf0fece91dc9 ┆ 26       │
│ Kyle MacDonald                        ┆ 26131d948c529efa8769b22e055118f79d6c3466 ┆ 2        │
│ tmshn                                 ┆ fcc1a76d5e4b820afc622d36af1bc4a275873db6 ┆ 31       │
│ Jon Schulman                          ┆ 722eae2cecfbe92ff23a90c90fea4154b411ce3e ┆ 1        │
│ George Christou                       ┆ 23fc68cc91d934d48a49c35db02057ad621bb434 ┆ 5614     │
│ Carlos Vega Meyer                     ┆ fa22084e3a8e28fad470290bee7f4d0d2e93de63 ┆ 1        │
│ sclaire-1                             ┆ 13fe1f8b479cf5121f58417c64eadd119739e285 ┆ 3        │
│ Simon Brady                           ┆ 7a9fa93724467502bac732f264a6acae1649c0a4 ┆ 21       │
│ Robert Tillery                        ┆ af77d1d22c696a64344cf2c513b94e595128085e ┆ 136      │
│ Calle Pettersson                      ┆ 73d574913d08abfe2bbbd6813b1f0303687820e0 ┆ 91       │
│ sixcorners                            ┆ ae5f43ba25af7d83ae77e466127490d53ad9848f ┆ 1        │
│ Ethan                                 ┆ 6833ac290b16c20848bce1cd657593e141c37771 ┆ 1        │
│ Thayne McCombs                        ┆ a895a42f851ed50698f6b61ab9c2e10f1c640eb1 ┆ 124      │
│ Yuki Ito                              ┆ 72c910cebc1d41f90be00b6eba4b6d5774d4a9a0 ┆ 2        │
│ Parviz                                ┆ 6eaf1c23f96303a0617bbb5e282eaab153e7396c ┆ 6        │
│ andrewjkeith                          ┆ 6cb9aaacfe7b35334db87675b636455c18d1d17d ┆ 1        │
│ Josh Grancell                         ┆ ac3578a0bc0e6659223bd27892344389a212d50b ┆ 5        │
│ Joaquín Fernández Campo               ┆ d2bc7c25b93365a79dff6f045e07ba3d28d76386 ┆ 5        │
│ Keith Kirk                            ┆ 9ba211c04ea474c0c232251f49c62bf939cb35e6 ┆ 5        │
│ Bastien Penavayre                     ┆ e7022679b26adde2e7e5696eae496de1bffba831 ┆ 17       │
│ rajata07                              ┆ f40f8bd4e31c3fbad2b271013ece12b1d889a6b1 ┆ 1        │
│ Lucas do Amaral Saboya                ┆ 806397803c14bd752504836b7389627b0df0c263 ┆ 3        │
│ vkatsikaros                           ┆ 22321efa71dbb00a73504622e1dacb6267115367 ┆ 8        │
│ Thomas Alton                          ┆ ddd0d2a4423be60764b1fa2b795853efbff62c56 ┆ 16       │
│ Colby Rome                            ┆ d58d91a6b282c263145ed6dcde79ab24daf9a733 ┆ 1        │
│ scott1138                             ┆ c6baf285082eab28a851234e6762cd0eddebde74 ┆ 11       │
│ Kris Luminar                          ┆ 8bb0491dc1dffb5c1ffa957fdea3633dbe161b86 ┆ 1        │
│ charlottemach                         ┆ e3d38046dc64f77665326b01a72bf0775b8af88d ┆ 5        │
│ Karsten Jeschkies                     ┆ ddfda430d46004cd56dd9660b387a888eabd7fb0 ┆ 1        │
│ Alex Harvey                           ┆ cbeedfca35c5101e68a9ace0cd17922b16d2ee77 ┆ 18       │
│ Stas Alekseev                         ┆ 6656104f8fb4da54bc5b4df8849691357be72e95 ┆ 2585     │
│ Jeff Green                            ┆ e505845a63fb5f1cf6dc1c8614178ad5c054da13 ┆ 0        │
│ Nicolas Lamirault                     ┆ 72810ed4aea7d6ad9a21492ce5444a951ca85fe2 ┆ 362340   │
│ Collin J. Doering                     ┆ 6d838ed76c44abe0e2f8d6c89ab3f50d5ea068c3 ┆ 16       │
│ ialidzhikov                           ┆ 57ecc304e183c4833f0e3347f28dc26d33d2795e ┆ 0        │
│ Kyle Mott                             ┆ 30895a6cf50cb235f90c2d1ed2c41b180e3f65ea ┆ 21601    │
│ Anil Murty                            ┆ 54239f1002bda3911af0a052d8e91bec95dc7ea9 ┆ 6        │
│ Jeet Parekh                           ┆ bcc69c05bb23e7ab2eebd0bda396ca9c090984fd ┆ 290      │
│ yessarath                             ┆ eda35f2c49ec3f8d4a67426c43464d1a06d572b1 ┆ 25       │
│ Taylor Chaparro                       ┆ cfcc878c2dacc90a930a56abdba27a80633a23c1 ┆ 60       │
│ Bendegúz Ács                          ┆ 8f9d368a2523f437cbd5a0ab9ab1af7675e28d9a ┆ 1        │
│ Evgeny Chernyavskiy                   ┆ 5f166693628d51089cadc9e7bc4b52503f370b93 ┆ 1        │
│ wata_mac                              ┆ 6f831978567b02399b5a4b3737be49a705227f8e ┆ 174      │
│ Mudassar Shafique                     ┆ 50a6c69ab52eb9b0115d115af532e58998c64bf9 ┆ 105      │
│ appilon                               ┆ 2af1fab90c78babca534bf0156d2f86680d43712 ┆ 5877     │
│ Souradeep Nanda                       ┆ 8b2668bf560d9b406ed70b607ac5ad2688ace6d3 ┆ 1        │
│ Peter Dave Hello                      ┆ 0c63c7c854da361e124de9a05df4f28e1efc81a8 ┆ 1        │
│ Vicken Simonian                       ┆ 853a0e0677a2f169d9d6636f1435456dabdae7d1 ┆ 30       │
│ Daniel Petty                          ┆ 4fc3ea6e09cbabf19b68ac43afafe173e2a4b4a2 ┆ 2        │
│ Alexander Hellbom                     ┆ 99c59b833e36fff4e133151543053b97a48220d0 ┆ 6455     │
│ Luis Silva                            ┆ 9ae8eca55df371458226bfb92c2e5f3a97717f07 ┆ 44083    │
│ yanndegat                             ┆ be5280e4e18a9cde4feb6ca2b4cb35ab1492bc72 ┆ 3466     │
│ yuanye                                ┆ b69c0b41990777d851ebeb84784308ea71e8724e ┆ 177      │
│ Gopal Singhal                         ┆ 2d15d75f48edb8b033e231c33355c8095175ae67 ┆ 1        │
│ Yecheng Fu                            ┆ ee80499539ea2cadefed231cf2ab3648855f9840 ┆ 2        │
│ Hasan Ramezani                        ┆ f7b1ef876c3a0b65f35a8fe44be9a812f3ff1e2d ┆ 1        │
│ Kaushik NP                            ┆ 0c0a0ff96e37e88e637b65062058ed19dd30118e ┆ 8        │
│ Daniel Schroeder                      ┆ 628b50f900b22be59c4a5cca8ecd3d69d727c7f8 ┆ 16       │
│ Roberto Jung Drebes                   ┆ b459a92575cb475a89cc17b4142439f2c1c3fccb ┆ 25783    │
│ Kostas Theodorakopoulos               ┆ 3f56a7f71f9eb73b4f26d303dab32e3903062242 ┆ 1        │
│ Dan LaMotte                           ┆ 27ecace1a1d7e07bc2a65b104acb3f32517d3752 ┆ 1        │
│ Sebastian Brandt                      ┆ 5d4826894c38067fa6c39814ba93a5624f695096 ┆ 2        │
│ Kit Ewbank                            ┆ 949a6ae6956eaee54755552c906fd8711421c094 ┆ 4509     │
│ hiroqn                                ┆ de4235698b8ac40a902473a6987592c41674e4ca ┆ 6        │
│ Chris Marchesi                        ┆ 4c63187fcd5d661139abd2ddcfb0d9efe1c9adfe ┆ 68328    │
│ tmatias                               ┆ c20c40c9aae0e8f457eae8f0fc942f9f86b367b3 ┆ 2        │
│ Mark                                  ┆ 3031aca971e24459239b43e538e4139750f65252 ┆ 27       │
│ Jeff Bachtel                          ┆ 4ad7907b0cd41541266eb1c81a3eb992345d367d ┆ 1        │
│ Ahmon Dancy                           ┆ f9db6651b896cc3d74372e7ba8bf9fa1fea08ad8 ┆ 7        │
│ Bartosz Studnik                       ┆ 2f3ad4b69279b0423d0e7c6be7973fde0a9843eb ┆ 1        │
│ David Schmidt                         ┆ 91113aee833fd914dafab0a319f5e50dd230d813 ┆ 1        │
│ a-hat                                 ┆ 366fed9d4d84295861d05890d0033b79bc32c7f2 ┆ 7        │
│ ajayk                                 ┆ fd8aca539e492351d99a0f06404e91c0c2a87ad0 ┆ 1284     │
│ Saverio Miroddi                       ┆ 983af7a183f39af9ea812095d146a6676699a917 ┆ 11       │
│ Colin Fowler                          ┆ cd7bfba1416f1fd2d8b04671735ab7e236d918e8 ┆ 18       │
│ Joey                                  ┆ d95bfb9bc2e1ed1cc062778584c2c9456bd73fa2 ┆ 1        │
│ Brian Williams                        ┆ 5e3c3bafb8ec53a1106a0c41eeb1181b1021b25e ┆ 158      │
│ Antoine Jacoutot                      ┆ 37a6331ebf0e7881ed6a0baec8f156cd20adde8b ┆ 2        │
│ Stefan Schmidt                        ┆ f4abb96b08b906359f366be6611b02354de4329a ┆ 14       │
│ Bodo Petermann                        ┆ a22891deba1379fcc4849abc96344680185c417a ┆ 1        │
│ Andreas Sommer                        ┆ 042aead714955d8c1cd6f3879c224c5a786563cb ┆ 64       │
│ Julien Vey                            ┆ ef4ccc6f05ea077d59f9968c7a803b49cde15310 ┆ 489      │
│ Dirk Avery                            ┆ 02efe97a59f87b3baf8108940a263c5c85970ae0 ┆ 2        │
│ Ben Hadfield                          ┆ 0a1c0d6c24b87f6408c2568ee523c985bdc5f5ca ┆ 1        │
│ mg                                    ┆ fcf0610b416ec864a994603426ec8e3212ba6df6 ┆ 2        │
│ Marcin Cuber                          ┆ df188433037e18258efa8c6713b5d6612e97cb50 ┆ 26       │
│ Jon Burgess                           ┆ c0b1220a92976995cead30cba852165a0fd67283 ┆ 4        │
│ John McGehee                          ┆ 4bb6f0dff293c83a8f49e78ca7f38face484dfed ┆ 1        │
│ Lindsey Smith                         ┆ a0f06826ab733833dad0c1bbd64e5356aa24280c ┆ 7        │
│ Benoit D                              ┆ d4588635f4ede8d7a7ad77751caade6b4ed293a0 ┆ 1        │
│ Nick Metz                             ┆ 8eb6086cb2530af46d206f97eb5e95c981ba291d ┆ 1        │
│ Tim Sharpe                            ┆ 2ab2796c932c9b899b834988e7d3c7cd1e242f89 ┆ 1552     │
│ Jonathan Buys                         ┆ 96328b1ec86ffcd55d738079c23a8303b75d7c35 ┆ 1        │
│ john-auld                             ┆ bfd9b552cceb0f904b9dbfb5a897ee7a5c708d50 ┆ 4        │
│ Daniel Mangum                         ┆ 3bc14620c0771017883ebb7226517d093e6eebf4 ┆ 0        │
│ Yasuhiko Katoh                        ┆ f7f1bb8f3146e17bad23e21a27ef4ec5aa0af65d ┆ 1        │
│ hasheddan                             ┆ 961d43142c2ca9c1aa1e5dc79c001a5a7f5414e4 ┆ 1        │
│ Mary Cutrali                          ┆ e44ca40702931e2e9a6fee5e63b7e45276c3d37b ┆ 1        │
│ petems                                ┆ 239c84ef4b6bd3f593fd25b13f9e0f7374be84bc ┆ 4        │
│ Joe Topjian                           ┆ d8343aa95f8f175e393ae8546c55b1900ed115fe ┆ 86327    │
│ Raymond Rutjes                        ┆ 0abb0a05fbc0da015dfba4f34255cc0cb6e7b38f ┆ 1        │
│ Lars Eric Scheidler                   ┆ aa07806bfc88506b13e0152f975d814175bfe16f ┆ 223      │
│ tinocode                              ┆ 51a40551989df80f44e5a38120a3335968ff40b3 ┆ 19       │
│ Ivan Kalita                           ┆ 5b6b1663ef3c19ff9b03058347af672da2502e12 ┆ 86       │
│ David Liao                            ┆ 97ad35f90c0cce099ca6db4d1a790472be2653f9 ┆ 9        │
│ Justin Dearing                        ┆ 5bcbe008e0c5bd71a69679b5517c709892604716 ┆ 1        │
│ enm10k                                ┆ 8118bf8d93954c82331839d9fbfb1ea6577fdefd ┆ 1        │
│ Cory Watson                           ┆ fe5729ea838c1c293728d410174934a2d0a17683 ┆ 1        │
│ Mateusz Gozdek                        ┆ b6de8257236193b5970ec6c79ba65b5bee0534f1 ┆ 1        │
│ Joe Tavin                             ┆ 2c176fdf4ba6849af93041ff743ce97ee273373e ┆ 1        │
│ Shay Elmualem                         ┆ 9be5d99a92e24693bc07a2501765adc0dc413b61 ┆ 1        │
│ Justin Weissig                        ┆ 7335f1fdc828c1b773421bf7bf2fba2219771b6b ┆ 5        │
│ Matt Morrison                         ┆ af6083ef821b24b3bf5f636c6900814c6a04140d ┆ 5910     │
│ David Gillies                         ┆ 8b45443b219d4c6f708c8f830c77bb9d9539dcd6 ┆ 4        │
│ David Celis                           ┆ 5ccccfb91f6dd174602b786ffd8b58e679f291d6 ┆ 10       │
│ Peter                                 ┆ 02d03d2d258b00a9ee0d99290c8f4c0d67b3e5b3 ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Hicks                           ┆ 68a2249581651ec4b8b7d904397325b4a8e6a5b8 ┆ 1        │
│ Alexis                                ┆ 00cc5781abdb450e389e338e1fae7295bdb7782d ┆ 1        │
│ matt short                            ┆ cb2043822151d9981f94898509ba28d1aca8b1bd ┆ 1        │
│ Stephen Buergler                      ┆ fc5b186e8d688c62cdea2fd9ab9ce358d2b21d0a ┆ 3        │
│ Fernando Barbosa                      ┆ 47e32b5399347badc6425c4bb92b9683ec532f4e ┆ 3        │
│ Ross McKelvie                         ┆ ce1fba5817b00d4b4efc81d5195b91dc6ec1b87c ┆ 2        │
│ Ryan                                  ┆ 1a53575b15a08724c7a7c213d49b699b5c8a602e ┆ 1        │
│ Mars Hall                             ┆ 67b9a11fad04c645941cbfceb53e4fe436e2b4d2 ┆ 7565     │
│ Alex Somesan                          ┆ 275e0a53f2dd5da033f773485b333ac71fe30dab ┆ 8        │
│ Robert J                              ┆ b4e8e636183fe0791552b7f6c02b7021f01bbdf2 ┆ 12       │
│ Jeff                                  ┆ 3110dde1d12b85d313bbb4be3e5e3c6e3d56d895 ┆ 1        │
│ Bruno Tavares                         ┆ 6bad3191874398285a6eb0cac4125a485f08f64d ┆ 0        │
│ Frederic                              ┆ 0f1f504c22bd9ac1deb92bf20d35bbadf9aba2ae ┆ 59       │
│ Alex McLarty                          ┆ 4b9a764eb1843d58aafee0d660669b1c914a3be6 ┆ 1        │
│ Vangelis Katsikaros                   ┆ 94463894ec63f6ac2366d01e7ead4857071a5142 ┆ 1        │
│ Guillaume Dupin                       ┆ 4b8d11e2de3f682c9340b03c7e010ff9c548802c ┆ 24       │
│ Lars Francke                          ┆ db6ec472ef4b57b63577b263671bca622c8f8581 ┆ 2        │
│ Justin Downing                        ┆ 1e32ae243c048d058ca8f5d0725aca3bbf4441d3 ┆ 10       │
│ Sander van Zoest                      ┆ 42305e62ea006f037cb101fc3d5bfcac06c97688 ┆ 1        │
│ Justin Clark                          ┆ 7af7fb3f71ba1d604975526d65dcc483d8dc0117 ┆ 27       │
│ Alvaro Miranda Aguilera               ┆ ac0bdb7f2180d59da744882ecbf88d47338f397d ┆ 3        │
│ Nikolai Vavilov                       ┆ 01e26e337e2a630d08f24a6ae0eaf1d37704c9e3 ┆ 2        │
│ Nathan Dataguake Basanese             ┆ 32daeec29d60c04ace963f3c11b71bab2601abad ┆ 2        │
│ Sargun Dhillon                        ┆ ebb551b86f5f25abce5798f4b08fbcbd0d06c7ec ┆ 53       │
│ Tomas Chmelevskij                     ┆ 036a1e259e8e8b6894a7556393e63dc6b574142e ┆ 1        │
│ PenelopeFudd                          ┆ cf0ed422b27674401dac3367868051596c0a241e ┆ 8        │
│ HashedDan                             ┆ a2c91ca5822508bec90f96633f5ab88c7d3e0376 ┆ 2        │
│ Gyorgy Hrabovszki                     ┆ 2b726a892f809fa4a9cf95b1020f5f54c092761c ┆ 1        │
│ Ivan Pedersen                         ┆ 1f990dcd9f8826a6f5fe265d3566b01137563959 ┆ 1        │
│ Rupesh Reddy Tumu                     ┆ fddb52f05c4032699b1cd85dbd28c38c70c444be ┆ 4        │
│ David Chwalisz                        ┆ ddb7e0ab20923b028315156747ee1433c50a3bac ┆ 1        │
│ Sergey Kondrashov                     ┆ 43e7a7b55222b8dff9b6742f99a60138597929d2 ┆ 7        │
│ Andriy Borodiychuk                    ┆ a0f3a2daa027ae1172188893bcf26c13fe642152 ┆ 1        │
│ John Slee                             ┆ 8f7b897d0c8c9a29e115b11754e0afe757905633 ┆ 1        │
│ Sherod Taylor                         ┆ c456d9608b72159df5b02856e4ecf55a2d7f0559 ┆ 202      │
│ Alexis Grant                          ┆ 3db95d510a8e6f62bfaed97695ef17f037ff253c ┆ 13       │
│ henninge                              ┆ 9f3ed9ddf21f0c1a3d92f72deeb48cdc3fe9d1a7 ┆ 1        │
│ Jurnell Cockhren                      ┆ 1242e084733e55cc9d4e8a90c5ee518682ba3a67 ┆ 5        │
│ Ryan King                             ┆ 58166ceaf5c5c48aa391c8229264fcb1ff73356f ┆ 1        │
│ Chris Doherty                         ┆ 135d05dd6296a18a87e90fd77980c952261a3a6e ┆ 47       │
│ Yann DEGAT                            ┆ e70b8928e912f04177a3af80d64e138cdbded21a ┆ 2076     │
│ Laura Martin                          ┆ 76dedfbf9d6c0bc60a01394d64d166c34c039da3 ┆ 14       │
│ Garfield Freeman                      ┆ 22a09c2e3ad990e858afc1679afa7588dfdd1759 ┆ 1        │
│ Aurelie Vache                         ┆ 2f0a46d75c4bc44f8fe3bab1ab217c0614f915fe ┆ 17       │
│ Riley Karson                          ┆ 74ec68f9d4e7abdc2f43d107fb63bf8645bb68e6 ┆ 1206     │
│ Scott Stevenson                       ┆ cef46ef953face71f52f4e900a0ea2132ebfae88 ┆ 1        │
│ Charles Kenney                        ┆ 2dfc3a399d20e714cc330d2f187d602637102506 ┆ 4        │
│ Eamon Hetherton                       ┆ d1c301bc2d72e654318ec4f7d038a4b8d59b4afe ┆ 33       │
│ --global                              ┆ 32d0c6faf9d187e4990715af4ea3580d32705680 ┆ 57       │
│ Alex Gottschalk                       ┆ 029f54792f2865c8ed80d972d40d50dbe4502d57 ┆ 3        │
│ Farid Neshat                          ┆ 44a45b7332562dd9ca7314f328d57f9b7a577d1b ┆ 67       │
│ Andrey Arapov                         ┆ 98c8ac0862e3880affdb334cc9d951aeef8b4a6c ┆ 19       │
│ Dana Hoffman                          ┆ 7edbb3c8bf89b1daa26184654b60369ab4302d2d ┆ 43853    │
│ Doug Goldstein                        ┆ 817be7b23f230dd4abde3b4a5faaad4c64a7773a ┆ 15       │
│ Sean Carolan                          ┆ b7cf7737f6dd21d53c1b1c45acad5865691a3c5d ┆ 1        │
│ Ubuntu                                ┆ af50f0e228b5f984f67da9f6d10e13e032412656 ┆ 7        │
│ Outsider                              ┆ a2cb579d1be716592c1a78f1480f9d500102a669 ┆ 5        │
│ Michael Irwin                         ┆ 47047aa63704ee161e55b8db78e0f0101d391f56 ┆ 1        │
│ Henrique M. Gontijo                   ┆ 642cdd331fc448e410e6d0656f40d21d72a730f5 ┆ 1        │
│ Manoj                                 ┆ 7099b165e60dd8e4eba6868a44306f1c3cf01fef ┆ 11       │
│ Luke Kysow                            ┆ 3eafbf3861e7262ab37a964b7ddd5f7a20a6610e ┆ 4        │
│ Kevin Carmody                         ┆ 7ac9a576bb0a7fb2985d9c71ff0ff477232572e1 ┆ 1        │
│ otofune                               ┆ 2a902fc06d2d7bba4b28caf43fa4a9d1018eec18 ┆ 2        │
│ saravanan palanisamy                  ┆ 517e28ee6e8d352e51a0694b68be04cf2b3b493e ┆ 1        │
│ Sean Chittenden                       ┆ 561e973b4e43164050c7f792c91079f857149f59 ┆ 37977    │
│ Sagar2366                             ┆ db08ec448c1052b58802340fa266412011edae41 ┆ 1        │
│ Dave Wongillies                       ┆ 9190227bc012e3a9657b870cfe8f4ad758c48fae ┆ 2        │
│ Oleg Butuzov                          ┆ 2ac15fdae496b3dee65615a0a4c58612d67529f4 ┆ 1        │
│ HashiBook1000                         ┆ d9823d7c8b9ef8ba7370fea97c46c5089280fd67 ┆ 210      │
│ Phillip Wong                          ┆ 6b89588154128d0ccae2acb61cabf9e1184d5fa5 ┆ 2        │
│ Kristin                               ┆ 23ccd95b133d7f384e698f3635fa9b3fdc9c160f ┆ 4        │
│ craigatgoogle                         ┆ 7df15ad98afe9ba134516f9a1804e600437c59dd ┆ 62       │
│ Clint Shryock                         ┆ 26b68d98f9cbdb50c707591de578617c4bedd339 ┆ 167053   │
│ Marv Cool                             ┆ 1a14ec8bd662768c06bc02db3461e2fff0c23b35 ┆ 2        │
│ Michał Kiełtyka                       ┆ 8add05f6ee4e0de148e1bab4dce2fa947ee79924 ┆ 1        │
│ Alice Sawatzky                        ┆ 15c65f981b0af24f4457052beeb82562994cce97 ┆ 4        │
│ Brian Cain                            ┆ a29403a96d440463969334e2f664b17ed0d4ae12 ┆ 2        │
│ Sitatirev, Xul                        ┆ ad9e32f1f42859df24023cf774fb27e57475f605 ┆ 1        │
│ Erich                                 ┆ bca20a1792d0281efa53e1e9b5a7fdca3af5abb1 ┆ 1        │
│ Johannes Liebermann                   ┆ 6a493f37d3c70eb08ff0ff20264bae22cc099f29 ┆ 1        │
│ Cory Lucas                            ┆ 5fda3a3b1221b58f6d7bdcd9e89078f698cba6b2 ┆ 2        │
│ Skyler Layne                          ┆ d1124a4e3d76ebf475434486e07dc629b914fe93 ┆ 1        │
│ Dustin J. Mitchell                    ┆ 6de63cfa7324503c8bb66031c5d97f4cc940db43 ┆ 6        │
│ Borys Pierov                          ┆ c811440188df3cc376aafcfedd1fd5722e0a929f ┆ 1        │
│ kfishner                              ┆ 6deec5d7bf16fda6cf62a4585157c60665212584 ┆ 104      │
│ Thomas Kula                           ┆ e2373c8073a6a5481c568fa60c59ab7870b2bc37 ┆ 19       │
│ Kieran Spear                          ┆ fa5d9cc2ca79efd02a673f4187e98b8233d0b8df ┆ 1        │
│ Lyle Franklin                         ┆ 26b907387d2eee17640f10ea39eb401ec644fede ┆ 287      │
│ Chris                                 ┆ 2e9aed6d2bb731ae8686fbbcf18e64c6d30d6954 ┆ 185      │
│ Nathan McKinley                       ┆ 6c40b9520ec0b025db9b63aa68122a2bb1ccb32f ┆ 5        │
│ Quinn Diggity                         ┆ c943caf1a5e5368e7f39b3f79568cf07fe6a5938 ┆ 2        │
│ Andre Bindewald                       ┆ de43f01d65f56ade5895f5fe8c32af8e151e94c6 ┆ 0        │
│ cabillman                             ┆ 3dc1ce3036f251ee81246452728ba1026f3c94d0 ┆ 1        │
│ Peter Hoeg Steffensen                 ┆ 8a5cedaae6281989bcd3bca9d9fa23e1eeaf9c87 ┆ 2        │
│ Jaye Doepke                           ┆ 596c7b26384b1aefa8e88f6f6fdca6c6e5006982 ┆ 1        │
│ SpencerBrown                          ┆ 3324de35b6d020e4c276b703ba9cacdbc0c0debc ┆ 1        │
│ Ben Turner                            ┆ 1de8d171aee43007143479507ddebecbf82e7bd9 ┆ 1        │
│ nicklathe                             ┆ e552897c52908b738193f81c8607f15154567f65 ┆ 1        │
│ jbwyatt4                              ┆ 1c1eef0e0bf7df57100af9dfd21813b1168f6803 ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Faulkner                        ┆ 0a929809b02b19af1a9c543a76517619f8c7afc9 ┆ 2        │
│ Walter Dolce                          ┆ b60501290c6e71c1d1d3f4349645367968eae749 ┆ 4        │
│ Anthony Stanton                       ┆ ab6d52a9f814b6f93558ab81bc92408e9928a223 ┆ 64585    │
│ Emil Nikolov                          ┆ 8d3bcd4f87f046b267959873e64aef7a36023005 ┆ 1        │
│ Clint                                 ┆ fe384e574be21765aadecbd92e5194408a6b1c8c ┆ 267086   │
│ Andrew Bloomgarden                    ┆ d9b315564e0dd5a4de8fa1dd2418ea999e6e482b ┆ 1        │
│ Dominik-K                             ┆ 9da5f5a9f0595ef1d600dfe710869f973ac8ad07 ┆ 16       │
│ Marko Springfeldt                     ┆ a201b04b269cf48965fee7a91f450aa57c8e6160 ┆ 2        │
│ Andrew Haines                         ┆ b6fbb42be6a3217f4cf777fecc995fc9f887db53 ┆ 29       │
│ stack72                               ┆ df9b2913ae8446334380da41487d020fc0071e74 ┆ 194047   │
│ Joe Khoobyar                          ┆ 138e64dee016643dc9976d207739c7ad9eb70397 ┆ 87       │
│ Adam Lewandowski                      ┆ 56a330c533988750dd7b70be48ab278a71baa6fd ┆ 6        │
│ ScottWinkler                          ┆ 05143987aea8f59a3f9e585e82ff72851737c19e ┆ 119      │
│ Adit Sarfaty                          ┆ dfa623250afc47498cccdeaf23a3198e9d052be7 ┆ 89       │
│ AV Jafrey                             ┆ 725281f4aa8c166d5d8bd003c2d8f8f4b4bcbc46 ┆ 1        │
│ Sébastien Maccagnoni                  ┆ 31f2e6a4638214680c80fcefe9c0559fd20f0801 ┆ 4        │
│ Paweł Socha                           ┆ e4b0a989f353a0e9bbca45331c8ae3f9fd69dc50 ┆ 51       │
│ Scott Hain                            ┆ 07aeea51daad61ad3b44578725a507408986d08d ┆ 106      │
│ Logan Rakai                           ┆ dd935588f738bb87e020b39d0108246deb218432 ┆ 2        │
│ Josh Cooley                           ┆ 426045eb2ec3b93c39004d225c6415fd88e83583 ┆ 1        │
│ Guillaume J. Charmes                  ┆ bfac8e0eec2a4d8be711b9b1c7a6017e9f4301d9 ┆ 177      │
│ James McGill                          ┆ 035d56409f7d33c0b42d086fc1082f258dd3a30b ┆ 90       │
│ Chase                                 ┆ 02ff60d083181ae4899fcd8ed4ef28bddd065024 ┆ 1        │
│ Seth Vargo                            ┆ 12f8c90a5109fda6867a7a3aaa87f6a6969acb84 ┆ 42461    │
│ Ryosuke Sato                          ┆ f5b6c529ef7a130034818824a6dc5fb62ea0b1f6 ┆ 9        │
│ Andrei Ivanov                         ┆ 53110e5c1f456df757852bbf62620a189f61f6b4 ┆ 1        │
│ Kristiyan Nikolov                     ┆ 999f9096c10ba5ee41fc811b19a7e27c2b8592d8 ┆ 64       │
│ Norman Joyner                         ┆ 2184ba1ed003c3d0b54f9d3c8b829457430ff8a3 ┆ 2        │
│ Anthony Galea                         ┆ 664391c254eaa867f2c653d5bb5c54cec1785609 ┆ 4        │
│ azban                                 ┆ 3f2f07d5d0e23cfe4eb25e011cb8dbe49f2eeff0 ┆ 0        │
│ Uriel Corfa                           ┆ 07a20365de8e02939b1f0f88289aa5da63b884d1 ┆ 78       │
│ Oscar Utbult                          ┆ 7434cd0a81cfe230d1d83fc5b222f2b7a52da838 ┆ 5        │
│ Michael Sambol                        ┆ abac457033a183dc9eeb9305fece5baa07251738 ┆ 1        │
│ Rob Campbell                          ┆ bbd3d7f7a2785df725435db7db1bbc52f2436b41 ┆ 121      │
│ Stuart Auld                           ┆ 7d1f594f54ab741ff021b82b94d73d7dc2fb8651 ┆ 174      │
│ chrisjob1021                          ┆ 10bb21e9c41fa06f3ff2fa33e7e82ae0e9beafb0 ┆ 44       │
│ Nolan Davidson                        ┆ f43e5928495098631c2a190b5d4de19adcdbc727 ┆ 1056     │
│ Joshua Carp                           ┆ 9a3e86104e976bc791b348a1c72b8a77e801fc4f ┆ 172      │
│ JeongHoon Byun (aka Outsider)         ┆ 8566ade0c3cf67628e235bfebf12cabc1b4529df ┆ 3        │
│ Michael Mell                          ┆ 4b598860bb5f841387ca60ea08935019bf52156c ┆ 10       │
│ Aidan Feldman                         ┆ c9481ab0122be2655b827f64a5e5007f6d9fb871 ┆ 23       │
│ Blake Stoddard                        ┆ f918fb8583b3295b2e5e179db3f64d6724a34ca9 ┆ 5        │
│ James Nugent                          ┆ 1b972978605a6cff6539e6af199d8736ad6fdfc9 ┆ 553428   │
│ Cameron Childress                     ┆ 5ebb9d818d0a318dcc6b9ae42a84aa01763d4b2c ┆ 35       │
│ Jeremiah Snapp                        ┆ 7595e2777291e17644f3998843179d8038a9f930 ┆ 18       │
│ Joseph Núñez                          ┆ 7c5e160c58abbb95277562514569fa20aad3fc82 ┆ 1        │
│ Marco Molteni                         ┆ 5f27730ca3195a8b2f41f72a8a2f201227372f78 ┆ 4        │
│ Harry Mills                           ┆ 856b852ac2d30780d1567be7bf6045bc54120b35 ┆ 1        │
│ Rubén González                        ┆ 944a98f42d7c336a0577aa976646a5d35b73d433 ┆ 1        │
│ jwa                                   ┆ 3d4642719f273a97c1c65c142c476bda52d4821c ┆ 57       │
│ Gauthier Wallet                       ┆ 1b3f5fcbfbe68453e78e84c05649e29bc20361ab ┆ 91290    │
│ Mark Freebairn                        ┆ 1384cf6861446ac0b31448fc21e1ea251d2ca288 ┆ 55       │
│ Jeremy Voorhis                        ┆ e1eb7d45a574621bd93210756426e65b89a1825f ┆ 41       │
│ goraxe                                ┆ fb6b349e580b1cbb9053c09f97f8424d63d0716f ┆ 8        │
│ Paul Stack                            ┆ 191cf283d5fce447f6479b7be9d386eff6784b14 ┆ 263345   │
│ Charles Chan                          ┆ 894a7c966e944c7b111e7766ec07f4f6f8f56fcb ┆ 1        │
│ Pierre-Alain TORET                    ┆ 128f4d19e1d2c25d84ad262f52bc313abf1a6a43 ┆ 1        │
│ Mitchell Hashimoto                    ┆ 4700a86ee6f29e80a3f3f55b93e90e804d261fdf ┆ 782661   │
│ Yaron Tal                             ┆ a40eac1ccab4ef2ee6fcbe2eb6951b77a1f57467 ┆ 1        │
│ rv-jmaggio                            ┆ b313ce80c4b4fe2dac377ce1a2b088b5c9744818 ┆ 140      │
│ Henry Bell                            ┆ 56357c0ab79b93def72ade3414935bd7f3101d9c ┆ 1        │
│ Costas Tyfoxylos                      ┆ 470eaa5c783aa6a000e8b605aee65e3f39d98e47 ┆ 7        │
│ Nic Cope                              ┆ 011841124bc61c93428b252b28ae831158be9aef ┆ 139      │
│ Kevin Fishner                         ┆ b13945f53c0fc2f6bb3ca498974cafe6187512eb ┆ 195      │
│ Maciej Skierkowski                    ┆ 0186db79629726d3b4f22f0b55c60a4d5310a945 ┆ 98       │
│ Florian Forster                       ┆ 6680b1f16b88cf2821407389e4a1403e0ce0ac76 ┆ 15667    │
│ Jaka Hudoklin                         ┆ fd687a5b9e1dacd35747301ee5acde8c3d855a99 ┆ 28       │
│ clint shryock                         ┆ ccbd3db2b73aa627ed6de871bc5d41c102ed7950 ┆ 1877855  │
│ Techcadia                             ┆ e681907c5055f46aa7c4882d48ac6961036aa93b ┆ 9        │
│ Kaveh Mousavi Zamani                  ┆ 7507e3cd21aae0724026f9e19016b54ae429b34d ┆ 106      │
│ Paul Banks                            ┆ 06f067b4e6e8710b75c6f5c5a7a14c6edcf93041 ┆ 833      │
│ Hunter Morgan                         ┆ 703673fb9ed181d78120826e282d0cd9ab9f979a ┆ 1        │
│ Andrew                                ┆ d6b8e27086d16089a56ee933755a1b8b39b3a63f ┆ 32       │
│ David Meyer                           ┆ fe0cc3b0db0d1a5676c3d1a92ea8c5ff829b4233 ┆ 202      │
│ mizuno                                ┆ 01c114258906ddcaee93f7e9df2a2e2967482f03 ┆ 59       │
│ Eyal Posener                          ┆ e1dadaae4467d7942c16a0a6d2654b971cc3d8fe ┆ 83       │
│ Subba Rao Pasupuleti                  ┆ 44cb98e04fbfaf9c0dcaec4db7858dcdeb54b530 ┆ 70       │
│ Allison Ravenhall                     ┆ fe33661b59fc8f90f17acd67a722faf53e6b9ce7 ┆ 1        │
│ Gregory McCue                         ┆ b9aee64f3b4f83a6ebb94edd98d591c547e1d759 ┆ 2        │
│ Nathan Evans                          ┆ 45439d0ac3c74d19c2939b7836290572c37f0809 ┆ 77       │
│ Michael Küller                        ┆ f7aa22fd81c4a3a18f2c5a062fed6f7fe7a7f7e4 ┆ 1        │
│ Alexandru Ungur                       ┆ 9f1a77365565e712ad404d450d34c7352035ed06 ┆ 1        │
│ Dmitry Grigorenko (gitHUB)            ┆ 27aa4cb6bf99b4edcbf473e720c322cf6cffe490 ┆ 1        │
│ Jordi Pàmies                          ┆ 6786c1361ffe7aaa520d2efc799963edf2a36ec7 ┆ 2        │
│ Nándor István Krácser                 ┆ e5cc8af7f3984d120ff76357cc60892f6a82fc7e ┆ 3        │
│ Malik Bougacha                        ┆ ed0d57d1b78324c5d6c0b15a3f63890cfeb8697c ┆ 1        │
│ James Belchamber                      ┆ ec2281106f42bc27165028a0068b21a0e7e1ee39 ┆ 8        │
│ Dominik Lekse                         ┆ 323654a716f18f2077276dc5f3d29a32b4041412 ┆ 3998     │
│ Andy Brody                            ┆ 4b1c7a1d9b489571306f6a8b85a26d6767f09da2 ┆ 1        │
│ Benjamin Farley                       ┆ d6abdd14e7f6ee7e2c616b741dc58b03a2550a02 ┆ 1        │
│ Loren Gordon                          ┆ 55d4e460de98bf5d5c904a2a9eb421301f1d9ef2 ┆ 1        │
│ Greg Oliver                           ┆ b5d3559d2d5005ee93a55bb78ea3971ab7ee0e2b ┆ 1        │
│ Jesse Adametz                         ┆ 643752e05a356107b341cf29ab78606978345b07 ┆ 1        │
│ Piotrek Bzdyl                         ┆ 585437301861858ec53423a6ed358789e267b481 ┆ 436      │
│ Brandon Hops                          ┆ dceecdc047795b159b4179cd5b62985b9676869f ┆ 3        │
│ JJ Asghar                             ┆ 5ae892fdf204325db327116ff9f4f5d29e16a643 ┆ 5        │
│ jd3nn1s                               ┆ 21c9c2ce008836b77f5ce302f7d950ea26846961 ┆ 75       │
│ Patrick Van Stee                      ┆ a4a53f6f9993d9f26e996022bec901ae25cb18e5 ┆ 10       │
│ Christoph Kappel                      ┆ af206e75435d87a55d27aa165e0662095163078b ┆ 79       │
│ devonbleak                            ┆ 3253367c64ace91aa0f6c3abaaae66721f9b88a3 ┆ 12       │
│ Matt McQuillan                        ┆ 02404238a4d68bd67034c2d39a38fa1fedb2e909 ┆ 122      │
│ Aleksejs Sinicins                     ┆ ece099f453a2b3e36ce2d29b3493c7a4563c84dd ┆ 3        │
│ Stefan Staudenmeyer                   ┆ 14792035cfac1e8d390c5cff1f27ccf1d2e90b81 ┆ 1        │
│ bclodius                              ┆ fba02f0bea55a7b846a98a73bdae3177ff109dee ┆ 27       │
│ Adam Shannon                          ┆ c9c2823f6264fb860d4f09c5386ba78e5f2223f3 ┆ 1        │
│ Alex Tasioulis                        ┆ 4e6289dad0a116623b8a70671e3653f3e9a01a73 ┆ 9        │
│ Ariel Alonso                          ┆ 550ae05819831372c7fffe5e236bad603132329d ┆ 126      │
│ Krzysztof Wilczynski                  ┆ 6e7e03f4ead1fa450e4136e57235ac6f83c53540 ┆ 4236     │
│ Julien Pivotto                        ┆ a4f4c70c6006f99c650702dc2f21a88ddf62e0db ┆ 562      │
│ Sunny                                 ┆ 8928c5a60a06da00a0375693d2ae49137e98229f ┆ 107      │
│ Jack Bruno                            ┆ 3f2136d7eeec1540683167a452cdb4f11cfd9dfa ┆ 10681    │
│ Jearvon Dharrie                       ┆ 5afe1d39d1117596f490ad41accb03316384416f ┆ 12       │
│ Micah Hausler                         ┆ 7fa4b648bb33fbf9d244ba6468750acaf6014a56 ┆ 50       │
│ Wang Guoliang                         ┆ 9a97c348f01c6b03f63afbc7d15761ac90557263 ┆ 7        │
│ Bruno Miguel Custodio                 ┆ 4d231958469de872e611353da9444119d80cce07 ┆ 32420    │
│ Shih Oon Liong                        ┆ bcfb63098a51d814634bb77d18767f188c1f30e2 ┆ 29       │
│ Jake Champlin                         ┆ f49d882f065dab75cefbfa5647dbde03c2a41969 ┆ 2967032  │
│ Minkyu Kim                            ┆ f12a237747f79421627948ee3be3e9117000a354 ┆ 3        │
│ Geoffrey Wiseman                      ┆ 648acf7331acc964153ff356b91d1457d13892b5 ┆ 1        │
│ Loïc Albertin                         ┆ 21b287e919ce42fa56dac1990293c3af048e3f3f ┆ 42       │
│ Gabriel Francisco                     ┆ 7b3f32f3de2117e7f93cee79b9fd50fa07b939a7 ┆ 3        │
│ Joe Winter                            ┆ b6a464c5214d1378b74cf683c51feb876791e155 ┆ 18       │
│ Gorka Lerchundi Osa                   ┆ a303817e03bc048c5656f4648e91fa3384c981f3 ┆ 112      │
│ Stephen Weatherford                   ┆ 5d5f8224d2ce59419fc929a44661681604173d0f ┆ 127550   │
│ Ross McFarland                        ┆ e5029de439aa43dc2d680347a0f3f3e5321fb8f3 ┆ 442      │
│ Sebastian Maj                         ┆ 28b5708fef54f1b199e17303695c1b64aa6911ea ┆ 26       │
│ Peter McAtominey                      ┆ b74b26bcfa5912b8af366dc4683cd4a065084054 ┆ 23089    │
│ Michael Handler                       ┆ 817d1c48696a9ea8602646e99548ec42c5d6a0e4 ┆ 328      │
│ JWal31                                ┆ 117f44bcdaa78001a4e2835e444f340e2c6c63b8 ┆ 78       │
│ Ruslan                                ┆ e9ffa24174a045afb71022b4a2d9c407ebc63151 ┆ 1        │
│ Greg Swift                            ┆ 944a9301df705a490196ffe302ac6037666d0ad7 ┆ 1        │
│ Sevag Hanssian                        ┆ 3477868804f897bf971ca74d6c3bd8ccf9f918d9 ┆ 1046     │
│ Kelly Brownsberger                    ┆ 40bb7612c103c23372b2aaf79450b490e2374d85 ┆ 1        │
│ Christoph Tavan                       ┆ b413061fd80e23b880b592f1c114bb13ed8df033 ┆ 3798     │
│ Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten       ┆ 153202c3b0600fac904774cab523a2b0bbce082c ┆ 4332     │
│ Christoph Blecker                     ┆ 473d08d532ef9714fe972c6506e670819a82c07f ┆ 1070     │
│ fossabot                              ┆ d6baeef3d7cdaebe91751373ff211ee1d5cb108b ┆ 5        │
│ seph                                  ┆ 29ebe07e1e6db4559543c7778d7ad3c3f658da2d ┆ 14       │
│ protondonor                           ┆ fc3782f051500feb4b3d7a831a51223c5c28b76e ┆ 5        │
│ Kyle McCullough                       ┆ c2d86ed60fd4fe4c05e1b22f83b7b4491857b062 ┆ 88       │
│ Dhananjay Balan                       ┆ fd4a2fa26250505b7eb631caea43b04ab1dbfb68 ┆ 1        │
│ Nandor Kracser                        ┆ f6c77339f226b34b59470d9598ccadaeaa8890be ┆ 47       │
│ Robert Liebowitz                      ┆ 4bf22697842e4af6092dbc7b282eeedd1fe6bfc2 ┆ 416      │
│ Mike Helmick                          ┆ 9d7fce2f69123100afd43be27a110f8431fbb43b ┆ 113      │
│ Tom Fitzherbert                       ┆ e6ddd62583d89784a8331fedccec10031503c38a ┆ 1        │
│ Gavin Williams                        ┆ 96e6bf89ecd4e09b997cdbf99d3ede20bb82c935 ┆ 3867     │
│ David Glasser                         ┆ 14af879fe016f9ad69891e2192618cd116ea2092 ┆ 452      │
│ Patrick Aikens                        ┆ 7775ef809b2239837de85dbce8d83e11be2eec20 ┆ 2        │
│ Thomas Schaaf                         ┆ 4b85e91ac598aa462bb3215f65003095fcf9ddee ┆ 316      │
│ Alex Rowley                           ┆ 2dd464cf8f14c8f058425c4cc3e5e01e4353aa9d ┆ 19       │
│ Joe Selman                            ┆ 6f62c0c660e63adad568fe332aca3bfe41a47576 ┆ 1        │
│ Or Elimelech                          ┆ 5159047ca7604d52a1fbfcc784b33ee5a1bb8396 ┆ 2        │
│ joel.ringuette                        ┆ ffddf96603cadfca7c54deb56fc3defa0dc90d65 ┆ 6        │
│ Justin Pye                            ┆ 5f5089f77f30835a588162887a86b2a8bc402110 ┆ 1        │
│ Rob Phoenix                           ┆ de2927d0b4ecc04747538b525ba06a75f56d09a5 ┆ 3        │
│ Andreas Würl                          ┆ aa130b070ae2f12098982f95384e49c572dd6412 ┆ 2        │
│ TeamCity                              ┆ 83eee27026511a9fab3bd85785a4246a316d21c2 ┆ 2        │
│ trung                                 ┆ 681661a539ccb9cdc120d5401ff86f40640dea90 ┆ 57       │
│ Annie Hedgpeth                        ┆ 14a2c04ddfa4f0f0e30029e69e13a7953d97fb94 ┆ 5819     │
│ Yuval Greenfield                      ┆ 23dff5124afbe4e7ef68f6394c3260fe862b92db ┆ 3        │
│ Mary Elizabeth                        ┆ bc926963444e0e3aaf0d365bfb9c12595db6a169 ┆ 196      │
│ Eric Ho                               ┆ 62acef9611a942715173a14ff368b5a797c98fa1 ┆ 0        │
│ Mary Elizabeth Cutrali                ┆ dfcfcb7f99d66f1bacf48eaf84df24e20e2a7429 ┆ 210      │
│ Puneeth Nanjundaswamy                 ┆ 4d7c0d49240db7e1441ad7a7b9b495d1dc9bfdb6 ┆ 1        │
│ Thiago Caiubi                         ┆ 12d6afd1ee5f6cef73f25dc8ff6e55946a299681 ┆ 36       │
│ Jay Wang                              ┆ b465b0135534c68e20d4c7f032742e8692ee905e ┆ 52980    │
│ Ashish Kumar Thakur                   ┆ a5c208ef68efdc57c22fd07c98e9405d6ea0ce15 ┆ 4646     │
│ Bill Maxwell                          ┆ 305ae18d2c98c0db30548e74299373dee75edfee ┆ 25489    │
│ Jan Škrášek                           ┆ 70e8d2d33f081b4d35bb5b9b58d70e939efbd4a8 ┆ 103      │
│ Shinichi TAMURA                       ┆ 0b6518a29b21e15a1f5b3e590c6d9480871eddd3 ┆ 114      │
│ Katie Bayes                           ┆ fd641627966226f19a6c809a8a0defd965ad82e0 ┆ 16       │
│ Alexander Savchuk                     ┆ 15a54ae281fe9c0862d745555e2286690071325e ┆ 6        │
│ Vasily Tarasov                        ┆ 677a418e78fd270c01cd6762b1a2448ca7bfc361 ┆ 43       │
│ Daniel Compton                        ┆ 6cce74d106da11a7c16988d3398c425d5a72e3f0 ┆ 10       │
│ Abhijeet Gaiha                        ┆ 1819303e6574af158ee7d47a8d4ae05d7b22546e ┆ 611      │
│ Joel Thompson                         ┆ 1812ce2ff3600bf6bd8794cedf51325ff9ca7acd ┆ 69       │
│ Paul Morton                           ┆ e4899de13e33ead55b6fffbf80dd452bafbbeae9 ┆ 593      │
│ grayaii                               ┆ 42133f207795ac3b693de148d5f3d223e17783b3 ┆ 40       │
│ Phil Clay                             ┆ c2a92c5fb4a24bf8ac08ebeb56bea57d74fd3c26 ┆ 16       │
│ Jake                                  ┆ 2df69e822a3cbf4970f20ae45500c4ab2b927c10 ┆ 1118     │
│ Sam Bashton                           ┆ b0f815cc58b9dcd50da51a9f6b3da5b9d00f30e2 ┆ 138      │
│ VEBER Arnaud                          ┆ b708a81e242cc19b1f170e47d90617e1d3ab461e ┆ 1        │
│ Benjamin Lau                          ┆ ef4e89c7beb59e53dc5cc0cc5a5dbd00a7abfcb6 ┆ 7        │
│ Roman Laguta                          ┆ bc83cae0e46cbe3ff6d507cf8244a3680c9196d8 ┆ 118      │
│ Christian Pearce                      ┆ 09dcb78b1190a907e732386dd2e7a0c9865fd95d ┆ 186      │
│ Chris Johnson                         ┆ 9000f2fc311ed7c23839582552189785415c315d ┆ 1441     │
│ Matt Jones                            ┆ 41dd795335405735e630bf5cd70bdfccc49bc732 ┆ 2        │
│ Brett Slaski                          ┆ 8243d09acd66dca8a38a1e5e0d0b56458de69aec ┆ 1        │
│ johnthedev97                          ┆ de78838cd4f3389be03057245dea3f4c46ee57e0 ┆ 62       │
│ Will May                              ┆ 971eabb5475d401ccc3355274547fa3976d9e65c ┆ 345      │
│ Walid Halabi                          ┆ b6a2eb7859e60a3381032913f270658951a8f5fa ┆ 1        │
│ Tong Pham                             ┆ 7c758c56616f19c38a8607f856bf965f2a3a9990 ┆ 1        │
│ Bobby DeVeaux                         ┆ d84dfd6904272f3515c9a79fa2e80a6dd47d5cf5 ┆ 939142   │
│ Mohamed ElSaadany                     ┆ e8a16fffd0bc7009d37859076086e535c679dd22 ┆ 6        │
│ Eugene Chuvyrov                       ┆ acd586adf2d0b1c830c49a1261092ae3c57b70f6 ┆ 573      │
│ Graham Moore                          ┆ 76297fc43dd2257acd0b118a13453762de1b8903 ┆ 1        │
│ Jasmin Gacic                          ┆ ea48d71c0f43c3b0f94f9cbd638c6e2e2326b47f ┆ 19063    │
│ Alessandro Fael Garcia                ┆ c4c3c3f24d3082208e10c023d5f1e47986a1f739 ┆ 3        │
│ Mioi Hanaoka                          ┆ 805ff4021eafd499061f0da6e5b5de9cdf2b054b ┆ 1        │
│ David Radcliffe                       ┆ 4e6dcb3a3e3a91f512c6afa7a726913f03b3fbd9 ┆ 741      │
│ rdark                                 ┆ bebcc8796acc5002bdf4071a248807b303e3c226 ┆ 95       │
│ grafjo                                ┆ f39c5b7c9b8c015d4406ce7d2b926538372ce26f ┆ 11       │
│ PaulAtkins                            ┆ d3eed78d95938893e4a1f250df3b721607767412 ┆ 749      │
│ Florian Lechner                       ┆ fe5fc79a71ce14df8b6fdd2e6a5b5a83525b3353 ┆ 4        │
│ Josh Kodroff                          ┆ 75100a18c9b799fd60e5e46cf67f143f2de46827 ┆ 1        │
│ Andrew Starr-Bochicchio               ┆ 2a3d752834b356bfd76e67a943a82fc9bbddb808 ┆ 126      │
│ Ebru Cucen                            ┆ 3c8a19f65ed9a56d9febb83d80e8c4318fc258e9 ┆ 381      │
│ Ryo Takaishi                          ┆ c501cb106313823daf0186f6bf08a8fb186e2301 ┆ 282      │
│ Tim Tharratt                          ┆ 40ba1b5487e66649148c109ed93b68a3931ddf38 ┆ 404      │
│ Ben Hartshorne                        ┆ 4642c97f0d77aad261939aa273af51bca6f75f0a ┆ 15       │
│ Richard Clamp                         ┆ 8e25c23c848899583ee9cd36e5aabdca37a0582c ┆ 11104    │
│ mosuke5                               ┆ 093861492d00ff219121737a379269e6c973b0d6 ┆ 2        │
│ Nick Johnstone                        ┆ ab7cbb1cf9b78efe33d97a36b13b78d097f74f9b ┆ 1        │
│ David Bouchare                        ┆ 7b14c84a40f01d3b7028c128f425bb4c9b757baf ┆ 8        │
│ Kevin Prince                          ┆ fa1e0bab7f3d9a23073f9f40b8ba668d6793d65c ┆ 1        │
│ Jeff Theriault                        ┆ 07f89e2728cbb9b5ea6bd5c918d7514562925f7c ┆ 18       │
│ Chris Yee                             ┆ 440df3890af6f6a1fe076d21b04404c03a15d881 ┆ 1        │
│ David Wittman                         ┆ 60b162de45ee4af26882ed805ad6d4f03c3929b9 ┆ 11       │
│ Caio Filipini                         ┆ c4bbb6e8a554c004841e86f63f7f0727b07ce1cd ┆ 1363     │
│ clint                                 ┆ d6fcc82ecc8c3239831bde05080ff9a4f802f410 ┆ 495      │
│ Elad Efrat                            ┆ 10b7418b01387cbc41792f31a4fe1bc7a8f57e2d ┆ 2        │
│ Ryon                                  ┆ 01a673447b5acda2a656de842f17472f059f886d ┆ 69       │
│ jrperritt                             ┆ e1c8d760d31bc0f442983035860fe32df7308930 ┆ 1745     │
│ cmorent                               ┆ e676813eaa707c1716feb0bb851534e029a5e87e ┆ 3722     │
│ Samuel El-Borai                       ┆ c5bf7a7c60a55db22749ddf3b3ce99ae60a65849 ┆ 2        │
│ Sandeep Sidhu                         ┆ 4c6404d0129b9003aef566f5d0d3e9b4c1139e73 ┆ 21       │
│ Mickaël Canévet                       ┆ e4bd7e24309a1c00a7a7778901e2a0d4d53fecc1 ┆ 557      │
│ Łukasz Jan Niemier                    ┆ 18f2edf729e702ba04f8333f2f1e0ff493422f2f ┆ 25       │
│ Seth Rutner                           ┆ c3a76c99da6b63eaa81b588fab43468f1d7b5f34 ┆ 24       │
│ Raphael Randschau                     ┆ b52bf2c887ccde8f2f89e16433192d28d601f20e ┆ 20288    │
│ Matt Robenolt                         ┆ b9a3433f6b7ca851b0c8b85c20c56579620422cf ┆ 64       │
│ Mat Schaffer                          ┆ 76d4abd12a06046b080a1dd361e65d20b204a62c ┆ 1        │
│ Techbrunch                            ┆ 170533c026653539ef7026cbdfd41b7c68962377 ┆ 2        │
│ Thomas Poindessous                    ┆ 96a67766bf94fdba15f607a9f620cc7df3675a9b ┆ 223221   │
│ smasue                                ┆ bc3075c48bf9c5d70c782f0f3afa02608184e00c ┆ 2        │
│ Máximo Cuadros                        ┆ b8fb1b5ed9a27e4d46c09c13684479c15cfc0ba4 ┆ 7346     │
│ Januar                                ┆ cf8568fe55f9356f5b089181e0731551d5730fad ┆ 28       │
│ jasminSPC                             ┆ bca159160e7f3c7ed90443a4b2488df8f0b6d4c0 ┆ 858      │
│ Vladislav Rassokhin                   ┆ df4342bc3d309551a835d79579861e764e65e37e ┆ 473      │
│ Pradeep Bhadani                       ┆ 9b3e43016e321e22a55b4db1025a0faa66dfccba ┆ 86       │
│ Mike Tougeron                         ┆ 0e29b744dfde45c40f637bef0bf582b18478c1f7 ┆ 31       │
│ Jason                                 ┆ eac7ade3108f50f83af9d2227a137f00d76b8d11 ┆ 1        │
│ Yorgos Saslis                         ┆ 5efe3ad6b3d921ea1edda602c5c0ecc0151f6f55 ┆ 2        │
│ Dominik Schuster                      ┆ 622bc1aec20499b3aced75101fa1172e409959fc ┆ 36       │
│ pradeepbhadani                        ┆ 2cc743198387153a08d5674e645e1e59a342a0bc ┆ 206169   │
│ Linus Unnebäck                        ┆ e0a4ad7f95f2df93c1d2a95f961ffb86b9188811 ┆ 1        │
│ Miguel Espinoza                       ┆ 90d5bb8be3f742d4b7c0369d6c0646fb1949581f ┆ 1        │
│ Conor Mongey                          ┆ 74252b269f483f8c244db2f5cff30f68b03230d7 ┆ 533      │
│ Bill Wang                             ┆ 00df2f14981d669548cd3303e05834ebde9fa059 ┆ 1        │
│ mjsteger                              ┆ 9c0888ca8854220304a4a2a11fce9781bfbce0c9 ┆ 91       │
│ Christopher Elkins                    ┆ e1c4194dea92a9e2bd7364254a8c0b8192d756a7 ┆ 222      │
│ Sergiusz Urbaniak                     ┆ 399830f1b744441b22df4b009a38b018fe757f64 ┆ 414      │
│ emily                                 ┆ 2ad2af0c09729ee0208f2b8951385d917af9f6df ┆ 281      │
│ Malte Brodersen                       ┆ 994284f5358ddd684c1dc1cf72d71b12bd4381d4 ┆ 37       │
│ Ian Gibbs                             ┆ a4784e4d2a7721a833da259327ed72be5e2ea11c ┆ 1        │
│ r_takaishi                            ┆ 773d7bf4f05e354058ffbcc40fbba78c8359f62e ┆ 349      │
│ Yusuke Goto                           ┆ 3b14fc90d9f32cf46047ff14145050b53affd8f1 ┆ 7424     │
│ Andres Koetsier                       ┆ 3266da055a756c828044a4a7b86e82148dbb2448 ┆ 8        │
│ Sertaç Özercan                        ┆ e0cd380814e0aa709824007419e1d18e4af383b8 ┆ 726      │
│ Bryan Burgers                         ┆ 7fac1ab1f69b813ee2fc0dd1590d9b15a178d9fc ┆ 95       │
│ Dan Thagard                           ┆ 0a37f358657c943e517c9e79e17cee909e41ea22 ┆ 16       │
│ Andy Chan                             ┆ 5449e7731fc0bba4379e6d262741bd33511522d4 ┆ 649      │
│ vrenjith                              ┆ fae2bf98e6c422ea305aa8fd9ee6f8324bb9a15a ┆ 2        │
│ Alexander                             ┆ 0736dde0f7ccac4f5c6fce1b2847080cf8e3c4fb ┆ 12519    │
│ Daniel Schierbeck                     ┆ e252640a94d7b97b259007ebfdb42f065b72e41c ┆ 22       │
│ Jesus Vazquez                         ┆ 3319b27123880bd8a2e83cef7df760e1ddaadee8 ┆ 2        │
│ Gerben Jacobs                         ┆ 2178981b44d945248c0377125017b2d1073b3a53 ┆ 12       │
│ Evan Phoenix                          ┆ f1a8b2888b6c60f0d87615a52fa9e918858f4a10 ┆ 45       │
│ Stephen Coe                           ┆ c83ee17590b8055aa55beb4d69dfff25baeafbdc ┆ 1        │
│ =                                     ┆ d481380a06310b0bc4a7ac55790b26f769e8d7a5 ┆ 1581     │
│ liz abinante!                         ┆ 35fc047b69374623724aba91b19c02fd645a9199 ┆ 94       │
│ Derrick Petzold                       ┆ 55a4ce2838cd2014e3e1fd5dec90c02f6f59b546 ┆ 161      │
│ liz abinante                          ┆ de3e6ad4164a73ee73d9dd675c479526377ee47f ┆ 117      │
│ Joshua Spence                         ┆ f488e385f203c2eee2d65765796accde330a008b ┆ 3061     │
│ Dmitrii Korotovskii                   ┆ ace0456d58c497ae4bb0fcbf3f9dee46a520cb0f ┆ 400      │
│ Jasmin Causevic                       ┆ 09cdd7abff972eca34298c1e4276174a5a38acce ┆ 1        │
│ Sergiusz Bazański                     ┆ 0175129d9e06013b1b3fb05de9d60734a9745124 ┆ 1        │
│ Russ Van Bert                         ┆ e88ca0b744c19d70f77b97457b91dc9fede8b497 ┆ 4        │
│ S. Brent Faulkner                     ┆ a67d487aa559f400988794ff3d6572da6bbecad3 ┆ 143      │
│ Max T                                 ┆ 581cfe39824e9b96897b4a81ec4ac86f724cc886 ┆ 5        │
│ trotttrotttrott                       ┆ 4170fe9e339e31addc2424b750a45c36f4baeab5 ┆ 1        │
│ Bernerd Schaefer                      ┆ 5b085f4c44d7998eeb55004add966ecc73b54738 ┆ 17146    │
│ Glen Mailer                           ┆ 4ac56338de9b3ad58ab4b6aea02cd7fede59bb34 ┆ 359      │
│ Eugene Bekker                         ┆ 7c6d1956b0b8136ca26729b535cf880222c5361b ┆ 1        │
│ Dennis Webb                           ┆ e27e0862f333c8a295cfb0c673244c8261eb3694 ┆ 148      │
│ Kannan Goundan                        ┆ e1455350b8e9fcce85ccd835ad7177f52af3857e ┆ 157      │
│ Payam Hekmat                          ┆ 35560045019752cf4a8e53c9de140ae365e434fb ┆ 16       │
│ Martins Sipenko                       ┆ c7fb9808ef4248b1017ace04567f8143aab100e8 ┆ 70       │
│ Chris Broglie                         ┆ 23f4e9fe08a42cc888d82d81ff238f9eac6b8327 ┆ 484      │
│ anniehedgpeth                         ┆ 93164799e7608a6030b76859748a434e1f631024 ┆ 426      │
│ Adam Wright                           ┆ a401aee923d750dd1d3242ac6a53ebc3a4198f30 ┆ 1        │
│ Tom Elliff                            ┆ 551eedcf2616376b00d7da170b09f682bbfa3445 ┆ 153      │
│ Dejan Golja                           ┆ 1df7e3afad9c8514adea6b0d6173b8374217cb92 ┆ 91       │
│ Justin DiPierro                       ┆ d80885f7467af5567bfce7c6982d744f646db27e ┆ 109      │
│ Rhys Laval                            ┆ 64b5ff54ebf867d79f12ae78c3d515d5ef6d6943 ┆ 257      │
│ zaharcan                              ┆ cd8cafb4f4b44ec4c774b0fcef5a10895ceb29aa ┆ 2        │
│ travertischio                         ┆ 041d5a369ea033054777f66831be4d1ec692979f ┆ 12       │
│ Chris Kent                            ┆ 21f484800625394518e1488829567fd1ee8d05f0 ┆ 149      │
│ Gareth Oakley                         ┆ e4c732b34c225678a9f027a0a20a128137578096 ┆ 454      │
│ Scott Nowicki                         ┆ 8784f3de9329f1790d3de04f8841b75658e41b91 ┆ 162982   │
│ Brian Cervenka                        ┆ 93a0bad9239afc527c4296f3a970f1d053b909ce ┆ 16       │
│ Dan Peterson                          ┆ 8ec67413be00cfce30f732eb1aa9de0200cb3088 ┆ 349      │
│ Ola Karlsson                          ┆ b88098b51159da5e8e4b519b5a97db94ecefdd09 ┆ 121      │
│ David Tesar                           ┆ 9d4a23d9a8e34c990295a415fb926163b5b8798d ┆ 0        │
│ Craig Knott                           ┆ 7781baa24b33c33e6d10d3c557a1964b184a3eda ┆ 188      │
│ Brian Antonelli                       ┆ 2dd7e72674c82897abaaf710cdf32d77dd1c3368 ┆ 1        │
│ Justin LaRose                         ┆ c6ad44de10af0e54864a17d742ca725f2068fb47 ┆ 1        │
│ Pete Wildsmith                        ┆ 5d40be32091a2c0d8ff342dfd8434ca20766120a ┆ 30       │
│ Josh VanderLinden                     ┆ 790874b372ae52d14efcaa4aefd883fa96b448ce ┆ 26       │
│ Edward Betts                          ┆ be265479a9c90cf1381f5ba25504e35ed64fb2db ┆ 13       │
│ James Healy                           ┆ ae7df37e6f4dcc7d93bf412eaa0b9b75807af4a3 ┆ 170      │
│ Andrew King                           ┆ 686d10af4ad1138c46b854b676f312f8e358ad20 ┆ 3        │
│ Kazunori Kojima                       ┆ dea267218cb2443f71e457bce58e86d517d66a58 ┆ 727      │
│ ebilhoo                               ┆ 87db8b3b4312815d93a871c79a092b0fc54993fa ┆ 891      │
│ Quentin Machu                         ┆ f721608e4ebcac09453ee646adf7545efc7abfec ┆ 661      │
│ Josh Komoroske                        ┆ 414060c83b54a76769233be3e1fa6a295097cbae ┆ 2        │
│ evalphobia                            ┆ 4622960835d758f3d87637fe2affd214afec46ba ┆ 2        │
│ Andy Lindeman                         ┆ 46fd77bbed442ecf78d593f8306bb2582960a49a ┆ 30010    │
│ Viktor Voltaire                       ┆ 42473d51295bad4edc7a5c171a21b88ca5cb64d4 ┆ 3        │
│ Brandon Clodius                       ┆ 399cf724144bd9661a738d6cbf80fda1ddea7db8 ┆ 122      │
│ Ryan Eschinger                        ┆ e2ee211b7b484de98c3ce5363602f774b1bae7d9 ┆ 3        │
│ Pavel Khusainov                       ┆ f9fb6010ee82c35a9f7de0e548f3267a3eb13f3d ┆ 129      │
│ Michael Dunton                        ┆ 8995f1afdb011970a1cd81b73fe9020730c59acc ┆ 314      │
│ Alex Meng                             ┆ 7cc4018577c004e1fa1207394ef1114f89b5f8d4 ┆ 206      │
│ terraformbot                          ┆ 352a5c753f38a7a3b490e67a586d14a5697c4e3b ┆ 92       │
│ Pasha Palangpour                      ┆ 2a7b0e7e36fccf2d9974514eeb518fe5a74df204 ┆ 773      │
│ Devin Lundberg                        ┆ 081121d29b575d012209f83cf8c8eed35ad1b1a8 ┆ 4        │
│ Jon Oden                              ┆ d5207e17ed8b3cfad288ea858e3613883ad9b403 ┆ 147      │
│ Daniel Kats                           ┆ 8a701086120f160879f29800dc2c25d4ad389a12 ┆ 1        │
│ dj80hd                                ┆ 99a73094f7d6ee1749663219ee85dddddc3cd3ab ┆ 1        │
│ Yamamoto                              ┆ 03b82191bf11aaffaacc3abb7b268752e29eeab3 ┆ 1        │
│ Joseph Herlant                        ┆ 507917df43fac5ce25185a2437ad5b5c2e40424f ┆ 626      │
│ KOJIMA Kazunori                       ┆ 47d255f943f26790f88664f2d8b91f16929a60b0 ┆ 2151     │
│ demonwy                               ┆ 69ec7e12ac6787c01ea78a65faec29e1720d894c ┆ 13546    │
│ Adam Byrtek                           ┆ 282e56cba83be12d3ef8e7bd12a8d5a5f382cb87 ┆ 181      │
│ gotyoooo                              ┆ 3da620944d43438862e46c1ac5210ac0d61d0739 ┆ 1        │
│ Max Riveiro                           ┆ 137fcfb5de8a426fc74493b05d7a8b033460275b ┆ 679      │
│ Kent Wang                             ┆ 8927ad5dce632de75d553e20491673bdd58a1210 ┆ 37       │
│ Charlie O'Leary                       ┆ f4b59f2d3aad0d273f1c858f70a2f8ccb208ecbd ┆ 1        │
│ okumin                                ┆ e1ac462b3f11d382fbd270784654d1729512f984 ┆ 1        │
│ Phillip Shipley                       ┆ c87459a895e5785236bc5b85af877e98c5c43bf1 ┆ 3        │
│ Jonathan Thomas                       ┆ 4d359b318a4fb6758510b41bcedfef3513c2f3fd ┆ 175      │
│ Adam Leventhal                        ┆ a6f28d2d0ba737828a8ce1b43a0264850f3fcbc5 ┆ 2        │
│ Mathieu Herbert                       ┆ 25cbbdea8a9ff693f0da4c72c9220fcd3c988440 ┆ 1482     │
│ Mark van den Boomen                   ┆ b0407adaf5e209a5f4630b36df97e11a048e0b0d ┆ 17       │
│ Michael Warkentin                     ┆ 2734a538877e05a7eeaaf3eedb6006e92604cfe0 ┆ 17       │
│ Vishnu Bharathi                       ┆ fb0533ee540b37a168cdd9228a0988128c3830c5 ┆ 2        │
│ John McGowan                          ┆ 444cf356492c91c4cabde1ec6777a7a2f57f2b4c ┆ 4        │
│ Jenny Duckett                         ┆ e57790e63635f053647b3d6c663e1df88bb7a7f7 ┆ 6        │
│ AUG                                   ┆ d6c051caf9f5d3b0222b9f1b2599c7c0ff439555 ┆ 417      │
│ John Miller                           ┆ 9343a9da82e8d7ea8e4ab0a51ac954bf8426b771 ┆ 1        │
│ David Joos                            ┆ bbd2e6de35a08845e8f45d751cbce0a7d7b87668 ┆ 2        │
│ Alex Boyd                             ┆ 8592b3b1207471682c1b647376d859ce432d41a2 ┆ 0        │
│ Rui Gonçalves                         ┆ 0e2a3354bed3dc9da4621ab41ef40028d2d5c650 ┆ 16       │
│ Peter Goodman                         ┆ 6ad4b89b8aee5cb54d19635257da3ae57c3a7692 ┆ 168      │
│ Marcin Suterski                       ┆ 8e2ff8e6cabe19192ec90d9c511a06a251b245bf ┆ 352      │
│ Ryan Roberts                          ┆ 3640bdd6e1ad4717f4069e29e7e179b352b7fc16 ┆ 519      │
│ Chris Riley                           ┆ 28106b8f0834551ebdd2bc664b90cef2ed63e104 ┆ 4931     │
│ Nicholas Jackson                      ┆ 19eecd4a71af61b6c51c35017826286d8284b622 ┆ 11       │
│ Nic Jackson                           ┆ c0d6cedee6f4bcf82de8fa873ed9bcd8b2fd402e ┆ 8885     │
│ Nick Walke                            ┆ df5dfb10c8276aff74a3062c95246dd7ad8fa033 ┆ 25       │
│ Joern Barthel                         ┆ 9622b49c457ed3cf72689c78ab94352e1e8e0e89 ┆ 625      │
│ Colin Wood                            ┆ 6cea00ed46b50dc98dd5df32d4ae11c1de128dd6 ┆ 1756     │
│ Joakim Sernbrant                      ┆ b608f0becab3fdc73505ccc5553db82489e7ce8c ┆ 162      │
│ Ringo De Smet                         ┆ f1df7afadc9fe01ca604d303d93eee57a9d4cec7 ┆ 2        │
│ dannytrigo                            ┆ 92cda8f75d82782314306ece97fd3fb6ea445536 ┆ 1        │
│ Brandon Galbraith                     ┆ d3106705506aab3bf92bd266a3175fa1c4a7eaf3 ┆ 1        │
│ KensoDev                              ┆ 8ac077022eddeb0c2b7b6f5cd58860b5dcafd69f ┆ 14       │
│ Marc Vieira-Cardinal (VA2MVC)         ┆ 82af03aca56fb46263d285a16774cde213ed6305 ┆ 1        │
│ Casey Leask                           ┆ e3d4c237a92c23d26432cdd7005db3c5f63e3fe3 ┆ 2        │
│ Stephen Cross                         ┆ c5fa0404d69df9bd117b7b42fe8fbe9107d5bf3c ┆ 5172     │
│ Adam Hoka                             ┆ fbbfe67bb5fb6584cd28338632d71b9e7174033b ┆ 2        │
│ Hernán Schmidt                        ┆ 2d8f3f257afbe301a5e5af12c7c1f30fc45f0e06 ┆ 1        │
│ Ameir Abdeldayem                      ┆ 2e5abb1e844d474d2d4a17f0dc23a13c3dd56d08 ┆ 4        │
│ Jonathan Camp                         ┆ b8f6e2a70ae0e741ddf8a3ef69334121bd62ae93 ┆ 6        │
│ Doug Neal                             ┆ 0c4c578552d4f4015da8adff6316b0bd13985245 ┆ 329      │
│ Jie Wang                              ┆ 48f749cb28c37bdab7ee46ec9e8755b7a1ec46b7 ┆ 12       │
│ Seigo Uchida                          ┆ ee0a4c43fc307f61a8c9f8b9a32c0e3f50f247e5 ┆ 4        │
│ Devon Hubner                          ┆ a21b599a791d6ca6849076e50fd0f1657949ed94 ┆ 180      │
│ mathematician                         ┆ fc4cec3c40ac532c358526d8c6400ab1d0c5759f ┆ 165      │
│ lmorfitt                              ┆ 18513bcb8d1b011ef58e3c4ca144b448dd4b7257 ┆ 1        │
│ Axel FAUVEL                           ┆ 204789f07c129026009a59d6ad32413175b3b441 ┆ 6        │
│ Marc Rooding                          ┆ c2b657a03977287018aad1ccfe8b2b4b6ee6f9a8 ┆ 603      │
│ Ian Morgan                            ┆ 1dca12201ab744259b49c78aa9caa02c0e898822 ┆ 1        │
│ Brian Hahn                            ┆ 11fa03cfb664e9b8667bd61aa80bfc40af96f3d6 ┆ 10       │
│ joelcollin                            ┆ 3456f12f6a2b68216377fd276256b611a8b2923a ┆ 1        │
│ Daisuke Fujita                        ┆ 1a6f766376605f072a2a998b1bd9526495a79bb2 ┆ 20       │
│ Brandon Tosch                         ┆ 380f55b8a90e0ef661c5c3e53699f4912d5f6a84 ┆ 151126   │
│ Reed Loden                            ┆ c54d6119907f72854a080eec1a466f0e81199a4c ┆ 1        │
│ bisoldi                               ┆ 744f8988c6be1041eab365c3c28a9fb1d0ceb357 ┆ 3        │
│ Laurens Vanderhoven                   ┆ a6b20b183d41e68e7e512fb8d86dcb2ce73c75f3 ┆ 1        │
│ Ryan Schlesinger                      ┆ 74710ae71ab3ac85d7e466b22d3f4db4b6315a3c ┆ 10       │
│ Neil Calabroso                        ┆ d7243112bef382d2ad0839174f2fad1723e260eb ┆ 3        │
│ Adam Dehnel                           ┆ 3e8a8c5e23b2a5b79cf750c9d91d29f6abd2bc1e ┆ 75       │
│ Ján Dzurek                            ┆ 15abbe21c00b341c4034da035b4fa1a885083bfc ┆ 1        │
│ peay                                  ┆ 07733e13ba9b107db4338b2f256ef921767ae16c ┆ 58       │
│ Sergey                                ┆ 0ff734f1577b01bd67a51092a56fe4a2e15deb28 ┆ 84       │
│ Naveen Nalam                          ┆ fc04f4b5a09c00118543a83a31db25d1dc72da4f ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Visscher                        ┆ 8bc049f3511625e533254f3f681026b961262a3c ┆ 142      │
│ lwilliams-oats                        ┆ 67eeeb368a4597658bbe9bcf37ad24eed287ec6a ┆ 7        │
│ Matt Whipple                          ┆ a8ad68432508a21de02069f012506c69f5a6e7da ┆ 2        │
│ Lloyd Philbrook                       ┆ 90100879e72d02b2d4b0b08f99b47c0c1d25226b ┆ 2        │
│ Wax On                                ┆ a77791ca4e1a87646b103d0d6e099b9de416431a ┆ 2        │
│ Yukihiko SAWANOBORI                   ┆ 5a1f8097a0b31ea90bbea45f697d676376301052 ┆ 15       │
│ Dylan Conrad Johnson                  ┆ 934aa22549c1b770b127f13aa9174680139d9f85 ┆ 9        │
│ ryno75                                ┆ 3c94a89a05317aea8d6ba2059924a3dcbf7bfd30 ┆ 1        │
│ Benjamin Boudreau                     ┆ 073fa873acf1043257b279f6e6ee342a6138ebc2 ┆ 4        │
│ Jake Pusateri                         ┆ c7546c7726cb4f5a47c9f14077db0e0444e49ca6 ┆ 8        │
│ Laurent Commarieu                     ┆ d54a8da7d4fd004180c420f70ee0c91d7a639b54 ┆ 22       │
│ Jesse Collier                         ┆ ba9434d74110603a18ccc98b288aec8d60ab4ce0 ┆ 105      │
│ Hao                                   ┆ 06a9bfebfc5a3cb50ceae85e698d2be4948b23c2 ┆ 27       │
│ Alan Braithwaite                      ┆ 30bc2d930b8241d4ca8c5c82e721704d9a92ac33 ┆ 13       │
│ Jeff Wang                             ┆ 38e84f1a789182487750b065fa4539f35bc3e918 ┆ 1        │
│ jonatanblue                           ┆ 62098886beafc14a29ce4b50bc20df4b472316df ┆ 4        │
│ Jan Garaj                             ┆ ee3b519778728875971c57757b9ffa7d27e8795d ┆ 1        │
│ cmp                                   ┆ 0fc8b2cdcfd826515b1c0795eee54f31ec5d3241 ┆ 1        │
│ Willem van Vliet                      ┆ c133143bb2ab952877f03c1fd7736f714107a2ff ┆ 8        │
│ Jason Lotito                          ┆ 9bf3586b40ea2f139b6fc95fafa7b2312b8692de ┆ 3        │
│ Brad Sickles                          ┆ 2d2bea78789ccaaa0661173561a37a382faf9ec2 ┆ 1927     │
│ Hugo Duncan                           ┆ 0d4e6e8cf0f91beb8c6c1d05f2734d6a73bfe054 ┆ 3        │
│ Cameron Stokes                        ┆ c4b46081f685a6ab9e75dd803438f6862905546a ┆ 241      │
│ RaGe                                  ┆ e1dd61ce921fe256cb4e6ac75b709751b17471b5 ┆ 1        │
│ ewypych                               ┆ 1482971207ed24ddc2c7768b5d9ea335e5d43f94 ┆ 10       │
│ Matt Dainty                           ┆ c5ea37c0eee4d48be887122e8bf85ebac642744b ┆ 1157     │
│ Karol Stępniewski                     ┆ 1fef190b680cf91596f44c24972521660594424e ┆ 18       │
│ Jeremy Livingston                     ┆ 070b2b9d597b8895c02b981e1090d79f5faee6a3 ┆ 24       │
│ f440                                  ┆ dc842caee029304746f587ba91d74ec63097d4d0 ┆ 97       │
│ Harry Hull                            ┆ f28c811534b8e3901b8b24254da5047690de672f ┆ 714      │
│ Lucas Vasconcelos Santana             ┆ 1a957a048134ea5a3fbff1f350da2fb0dd19d81b ┆ 47       │
│ Christoffer Kylvåg                    ┆ abfa35db7ca4386da73645c16ebe2aed3dcbacfe ┆ 67       │
│ Robert Rudduck                        ┆ e0bdc5f8f76580106c161606f2b0823786b04db3 ┆ 1041     │
│ Shailesh Yadav                        ┆ 9aa9c15786c05b512acefad442c3d747957a8134 ┆ 1        │
│ jugatsu                               ┆ abe2f9ead10d378cc7ce37ba268ecea4be83d95f ┆ 1        │
│ André Cruz                            ┆ 91db3e175d0733eec4c5e07f0dd84c303a8d3871 ┆ 1        │
│ Jack Pearkes                          ┆ 6affc2e315e0917b9853bf8e1edc4aaefc306600 ┆ 29072    │
│ Jason Costello                        ┆ 4527cc97283e48d2e5ea040e1d54082c9445c10e ┆ 137071   │
│ John Engelman                         ┆ 8d35e3dc225f3eebb7b2fb79ad3046a6e883db99 ┆ 65380    │
│ Pryz                                  ┆ 733f1ca1e716dd96317d04bcbc8479cc5cc0cec3 ┆ 55       │
│ tpoindessous                          ┆ 9a2e9914de76954f819f3445a735cb584ec4f953 ┆ 3        │
│ Daniel Portella                       ┆ 88cdae91e6187bc81b6a63f067af906547df5ee3 ┆ 207      │
│ Yusuf                                 ┆ 7f96b589c107ede97142d6c89b086207b5a09fd1 ┆ 1        │
│ Pawel Burchard                        ┆ aa8de2f8cf791184b48873ea91ac0ffcc21b22c8 ┆ 2        │
│ Brian Lalor                           ┆ 0b868099b07e49f58d56a2b46ecec53066ce65e5 ┆ 9        │
│ Andre Silva                           ┆ d50f2aca6f87f572f200938d4bc540325e0d6be4 ┆ 8        │
│ David Harris                          ┆ 01f995fed50b7cbe24f18bc80bbeac52dec2b4b7 ┆ 1593     │
│ Vincent                               ┆ 8e53df63513037e6fabcbde110f8d3f35a2c4244 ┆ 3        │
│ Ash Berlin                            ┆ 70de22253acee0a2c36b01defcc00709a02e7cfe ┆ 1        │
│ Maxime Bury                           ┆ 1da30ec0d743044f52d18652decab123da70893a ┆ 955      │
│ Guillaume Simard                      ┆ 842bff5af579711b17189bef0547dddfcf9b036d ┆ 1        │
│ Mike Zupan                            ┆ 8bced4f05929d65c22676bc1eb0dbdf9d9260d54 ┆ 26       │
│ Simone Carletti                       ┆ 8ae31740e331c0079b0d9c1b7dcaafdd7d00b42d ┆ 2926     │
│ netjunki                              ┆ 72a8b1d62f77cf74ba7bcecccff0bc4baa6dfc40 ┆ 31       │
│ Hyuntak Joo                           ┆ 5efc86e995182fcdc5f36cffa396344e219c7adc ┆ 3        │
│ Maximilian Bode                       ┆ 0b18d4cb6726f284f2d10af3505265e8f391ba2f ┆ 1        │
│ Eric Westfall                         ┆ a7078ad89702b32cf12b4dba3052f80007f6a3e1 ┆ 5        │
│ Philippe Muller                       ┆ 49cca8da4267669dfb390aaea2b52660ee5e4283 ┆ 1        │
│ Erik Jansson                          ┆ 99e839b66df73aec9fbed7765ef78d6b1e0d21ec ┆ 8635     │
│ Grant Griffiths                       ┆ fd9317339ec1067136d90eb4d5b53e4bc5ae61d6 ┆ 1        │
│ Ben Lau                               ┆ ae2d7f7065558b2765f1c7070d940a83057bb5c8 ┆ 7        │
│ Terrafoundry Ltd                      ┆ 79c4935604cb758fc556da23103c9b01200cd5f6 ┆ 14       │
│ Liran Polak                           ┆ f37800ae624797918aa779aa4d659c1b93f69167 ┆ 6211     │
│ Joscha Feth                           ┆ 0769230a62d0a725347a8d370ae6e4ece0785ac9 ┆ 1        │
│ Marcus Young                          ┆ 7fd8be389053434c72a81d5e62431b1dbb944d95 ┆ 60       │
│ John Murphy                           ┆ 628d46ac53100e93da324ee08621b3b49c395896 ┆ 1        │
│ Cameron Wood                          ┆ 7c122604a0fd6868bd551e7691e88c74c30f31a2 ┆ 174      │
│ Gerald Goh                            ┆ a5010f8ca58d0bff9021497198163829e961cdb8 ┆ 24       │
│ Evan Brown                            ┆ facc50d308bf464188d9d1f15ac300d043cb098b ┆ 43939    │
│ Mattias Gees                          ┆ 20b312034a155d702dba8ba513a5b365c17d0e74 ┆ 1        │
│ Otto Jongerius                        ┆ 23103166669afe2b25c094c5b5aff152ac53bc3e ┆ 17836    │
│ Cuong Nguyen                          ┆ 6d5feaf5265e0c99e5e10b137594024e4c20575d ┆ 12       │
│ Emil Wypych                           ┆ bcadc4c2bd8d49404b7d3af10dea4022d6ef7af6 ┆ 2        │
│ Justin Cardinal                       ┆ 1196114433189453c15a06099fb0210469a2fbfc ┆ 2        │
│ Mike Fowler                           ┆ bfdeae0e3357f50a248806c0ff79c85f37215f79 ┆ 342      │
│ Jeff Klukas                           ┆ 305eaf6968b879244e0ea51893dade37b87c9a7b ┆ 7        │
│ Traver Tischio                        ┆ 84308439aa8f345d89f4890188e32523f762ac13 ┆ 1398     │
│ Jesse Szwedko                         ┆ 5b7e3701cba6c94d03f9e6fb73c7681b49b1c4f7 ┆ 1375     │
│ Sebastien Badia                       ┆ e15f1628c2e965e4563decf71bd5377416f6e481 ┆ 53       │
│ donaldgray                            ┆ 2075ea84e8441594d41e592f6a727d75b18a8025 ┆ 2        │
│ Rickard von Essen                     ┆ 1bb3f7f37a81d1524f95e1ce8de2666b2e8cf514 ┆ 13       │
│ Chris Paris                           ┆ 5812bae27f35d6812805fb9759ec3af89f42e156 ┆ 5        │
│ Vlad Ungureanu                        ┆ 954d53177d0c4dbca54ac54533b2b48b97bfbbd0 ┆ 1        │
│ Domonkos Czinke                       ┆ 7776af156b820efe6111c569d18bb4c131dd7bda ┆ 2        │
│ lstolyarov                            ┆ 3f3884890abcfe12a3d8bc335081c50799f14aa6 ┆ 3        │
│ youyo                                 ┆ 1c3d812d94c2c217934ef3e2edbe3e2a118901f8 ┆ 1        │
│ Jay Taylor                            ┆ 922eab8cfd48777704c7723676547e0834ffab23 ┆ 1        │
│ Robert Kulagowski                     ┆ 6254374827b004b75c1e706e725b61bf4676e2cb ┆ 1        │
│ Kazumichi Yamamoto                    ┆ cd7f69ab1112b091b212fc0a1f970c4c4fd4c85e ┆ 16632    │
│ Jason Felice                          ┆ 91f309528ef837cb7c8946c60fad982e4246dbc8 ┆ 40       │
│ Jahn Saito                            ┆ 9b2439b0277523e1080e9b566be94f4362f9d369 ┆ 857      │
│ George Hartzell                       ┆ e39f4e199355ad1edaea75fa4a5306551b0a5d39 ┆ 289      │
│ Martin Häger                          ┆ f00dee67a4e2dd9a8f904c3c2f587d0945a0e76d ┆ 2097     │
│ Daren Desjardins                      ┆ 57182943869791c8360ca8d1ddd059715d4f7cfe ┆ 6        │
│ Liam Bennett                          ┆ d760f2102a113d22dff75c4c5bf4867a303758a7 ┆ 567      │
│ Gerrit Tamboer                        ┆ 369c81007255787dceba45d0d790263821f03ea0 ┆ 88       │
│ Manuwela Kanade                       ┆ 0942aed7a3b5b261c85e34534a63905759421b0a ┆ 3        │
│ Vlad Holubiev                         ┆ 299083946eaa2b4a75ef31064023455dcf4774d2 ┆ 19       │
│ James Turnbull                        ┆ f8f33f71fea7d42dde3cd793e540d194d0328014 ┆ 776      │
│ Joseph Kordish                        ┆ 33f41ab7af0ab924ddd8f4a5fab6ef3136da3d0b ┆ 34       │
│ Tamas Szasz                           ┆ e001ecac2cbc7d040e8be3484aa4db4af36a365c ┆ 7        │
│ ValFadeev                             ┆ cb8d85fc5003713375f462ffd1da6ed24175bf17 ┆ 121      │
│ Brian Webb                            ┆ 8d5d47e649908c94a1dd3b2b1d8023a2ba143cc3 ┆ 1        │
│ mioi hanaoka                          ┆ 115cf4744abad5b4c69a629b7edb8e333ae0cf9e ┆ 1        │
│ Xavier Sellier                        ┆ dbe647dd561b8cb9f695945d092d91f4fc20c2d9 ┆ 75       │
│ Paul Tittle                           ┆ bd5fc5d0e00b576efd1a48d033c1049040a1c160 ┆ 11       │
│ liamjbennett                          ┆ 4aa5117e82382fadc84a0f6682dd85a83da1b794 ┆ 5112     │
│ Raymond Fallon                        ┆ b30ef0f58d6476dd021122471d7ae687c99e56bb ┆ 1855     │
│ luisamador                            ┆ 6a401abfea8c9cc0edff4f87b2e4d00961728a67 ┆ 2        │
│ Darren White                          ┆ 4cbd006268970dfc36229e3126d6f7d51c3420ab ┆ 8        │
│ Naoto Yokoyama                        ┆ e2b3ee5fbfd2194b70cf9e32744019ed2c34f516 ┆ 221      │
│ Christophe van de Kerchove            ┆ 5842383c774d680e04c3849cb77cfc243f1ec047 ┆ 1        │
│ Linda Xu                              ┆ 2639ffcbecc313e7cb36a9cdb47ff20bfd79279b ┆ 280      │
│ Rui Gonçalves                         ┆ c6619b3495de0322f01329d0b0dce017e32b8b14 ┆ 64       │
│ Rob Coward                            ┆ eb6c0f8d0b86bb26bb3aa33d1de437c8f8bdec1d ┆ 5629     │
│ Matthew                               ┆ 28cee57ef5c7416ecd2e59851d981aa4b28bf39d ┆ 145      │
│ yn                                    ┆ 8ea5d53954baf9b2a24963f1d69a4343864409d5 ┆ 20       │
│ snakeb1t                              ┆ 747ca75bfef1886aaaa1f9ac8c39c89a16ed3009 ┆ 13       │
│ Borgstrom ♕                           ┆ 01a6bd7592c55af2d610725a04d396c06953682b ┆ 291      │
│ julius-bonial                         ┆ 5d8662d5dab2f8dab5cfd67d03d24df960783519 ┆ 5        │
│ Lorentzca                             ┆ e98df5d8bc68e4a981094b2b60bd98794b54fff5 ┆ 1        │
│ Yves Blusseau                         ┆ 607ced955b0a7cb8e441af9f9a72afdf23575f80 ┆ 40       │
│ Dave Walter                           ┆ 9c95a332cb58d106a750ab355c73348852798cee ┆ 132      │
│ pbthorste                             ┆ deb56bd93da2c7adce19b70185fdc0983df0cf42 ┆ 24       │
│ Tero Keinänen                         ┆ eb70c538a85b6d8235e7a03106f34a06ee07604c ┆ 53       │
│ Akmal Abbasov                         ┆ cba9d3d2ec61cd4aef0fd71fe9d72eb4e11acacd ┆ 1        │
│ Brad Burlage                          ┆ f074ef15b92e7f42e468fda7d0082831739be4fa ┆ 6        │
│ Misha Manulis                         ┆ 2d51677676fe6b42be95c64acf987a5218891a70 ┆ 2        │
│ Brad Larson                           ┆ c5c2d27e2559206351983478898f5d700beb0d41 ┆ 3        │
│ Nevins                                ┆ 03b6dfd7e3280062cb34a0e5be3536a157d2a346 ┆ 104      │
│ grothja                               ┆ d818fa4dbc2c238f3ae11a7af6e92f9e368ec16c ┆ 1        │
│ Noel Georgi                           ┆ 9466884c6a70a2f4e3758e28d86346f4e53d3f90 ┆ 1        │
│ Travis Paul                           ┆ 56e289db8b646408adb453820b698f103099a7e4 ┆ 1        │
│ Calum Lacroix                         ┆ ceccdb827a885e373386343215e6d4038f756f30 ┆ 3        │
│ Dylan Vaughn                          ┆ 2aca4a4d99c3964bb7574d23f81ee8611aa1dde4 ┆ 9794     │
│ Ben Slusky                            ┆ e3b20c350898bfa2524e6f07a9e4d4d0f2ae6368 ┆ 35       │
│ wangyue                               ┆ fb8ef9f0f033f5794b263d7ff4651c602e6979dd ┆ 17175    │
│ Kyle Persohn                          ┆ b300cac97b72d93539ef1484264af69b2caab96f ┆ 13       │
│ James Gregory                         ┆ 17a9d5f8f2d82a092085e1a0393b8d4932130789 ┆ 2        │
│ Zach Gershman                         ┆ df027d9e3c345676ceaf2060a61fe113fe5b7b13 ┆ 4        │
│ Eric Lee                              ┆ 33f781be3697568a1b9704fef6e5a08549a8637a ┆ 137      │
│ Marc Tamsky                           ┆ da48ac2d05d4cd048435d0b80534b35376384743 ┆ 47       │
│ Benjamin Richter                      ┆ a54d8a2d73a6379dfeaf237afcfdcf8256db1214 ┆ 1        │
│ Jim Bailey                            ┆ 104d043a0157ead7c9b3fa2c98396266b9c7d759 ┆ 1        │
│ Greg Thole                            ┆ e06f32ffe94c04150de212f55df21187ac72094c ┆ 271      │
│ David Blooman                         ┆ 05c83a3ca19076c79fb93c0ca33bf332236c2a2a ┆ 8464     │
│ Ollie Ford                            ┆ ed2b959f7ec1243f516cad1bb19df3dc87d07451 ┆ 32       │
│ Garret Pick                           ┆ 04862b371db6070c48913ad4e4f3996348f01a05 ┆ 1        │
│ Reinhard Nägele                       ┆ 69316a872648a021d348b577f3e6ce1ddede76f4 ┆ 21541    │
│ Sam Crang                             ┆ a4c4b791ae0773c61fc07107ee1103274496db82 ┆ 24       │
│ zbikmarc                              ┆ 77037bed2c6298490612b95c9465e168d64fc196 ┆ 81       │
│ Johannes Würbach                      ┆ ef0196f75477896504e91426c3912feaeefa9eff ┆ 244      │
│ Simon McCartney                       ┆ 97d59f55ed1a37a5b5a4e84bb05bb6c4557f8084 ┆ 1        │
│ Ninir                                 ┆ fe60b4e90ae04573c7a23c4f0ecd2c1f09d4a52f ┆ 102952   │
│ Kazuma Watanabe                       ┆ c560c72e58f96603873f54570511c4f58251d1fb ┆ 123      │
│ aifred                                ┆ 4110ec4702dda98c36c3db4e78706ae3d66051e6 ┆ 1        │
│ Abdul Rehman                          ┆ ec7182148a40f203e71f3e18e0a22949dab1cb4f ┆ 12       │
│ Tim Gossett                           ┆ 25f9aeb30a1f5b057744102ddc2e106789652f3b ┆ 206      │
│ Brian Shumate                         ┆ 165441b2541048b8a9b385acc102de2154a17dbe ┆ 8        │
│ Daniel Bryant                         ┆ 19b1a8427c0248b453f76c4ef953fac8e07505b0 ┆ 17       │
│ Christian Hildebrando Hercules        ┆ 63eb0ba8709cbd2a479b566fb35ddb9fd4fd1a8f ┆ 1        │
│ Eric Krupnik                          ┆ be739303dfa13299adec1e6c12429e45a834d804 ┆ 1        │
│ Daniel del Castillo                   ┆ cbcb313c086635e4e79843abdd01bb6451969c28 ┆ 3        │
│ Huy Nguyen                            ┆ 306f0dd12c08e84991bc0383722b27c9ca835bd7 ┆ 1        │
│ hmcgonig                              ┆ 78e7d20bcbc54726681d8796bde06afeeea27f29 ┆ 50       │
│ VERDOÏA Laurent                       ┆ f8ce2f76e34812f53b2f7fa93419c4daf08de444 ┆ 69       │
│ Chris Trotman                         ┆ ae3144a876969ab70257e045273edd644e2e5363 ┆ 40       │
│ Michael S. Fischer                    ┆ af9505ffa24da7eb2e77bec0400de5dfb50ca0fd ┆ 2        │
│ Curtis Allen                          ┆ 402a8feecd67d4119e0f2e48194e774a7ecac7c8 ┆ 75       │
│ William Bowling                       ┆ 7faa755061007b4c9f307f33101323a6dc4c1899 ┆ 7        │
│ myoung34                              ┆ dd807c79ff832105d4385506045529e448f0172e ┆ 39       │
│ MooYeol Prescott Lee                  ┆ 1df2cf7d6bd1e393f082a0464b7330080e81d43c ┆ 9        │
│ Andrew Garrett                        ┆ 497010ce42a2827e9aed42fa56b258369e730f3e ┆ 234      │
│ Igor Dubinskiy                        ┆ 56a1ea901242ecd36dd6758322ce147cfd8ee09b ┆ 5        │
│ Matt Clegg                            ┆ a297d81dcd7bfb6244947a7f21c8363b3fe0225e ┆ 1        │
│ Michael H. Oshita                     ┆ 3751f12421505c3601c61114c87739743911e154 ┆ 20       │
│ Aleksander Modzelewski                ┆ a931b9cc23df15ff03d8a91b19701736e4be6586 ┆ 15       │
│ Kenneth Ford                          ┆ acecefb2536a641ca5dd0108aeae68fcf4c5a9d8 ┆ 6        │
│ Dan Stine                             ┆ 870a981c50949ae7fe9195c74e70f5c11ab8d0be ┆ 24       │
│ Michael Kuzmin                        ┆ 7a599717771c5113a36a22c9037ef66be756c3fb ┆ 215      │
│ Ivan Fuyivara                         ┆ 4d4ec6c0d1b2fc1dfd80a3eb635fe607c9f28857 ┆ 708      │
│ Jonathan Mettes                       ┆ 0e6b2a4f9f7b1902c8cab34442f3c011ed708609 ┆ 62       │
│ James J. Goodhouse                    ┆ ecbc3e066a49838bf0093743d9a03909735df62d ┆ 1        │
│ mbfrahry                              ┆ 4d03f26b31f4ed44fec9433c4df393c3e796abe5 ┆ 1        │
│ Matt Long                             ┆ 0d0c31d962061eb9aba4d76a3ffc41e47ac60bc6 ┆ 4        │
│ Mike Ball                             ┆ 67b638378c52da03b1b59f0b79a944c8a92c879d ┆ 4        │
│ Ryan Hoegg                            ┆ 73213793ca0398df1f72dfa502c4fb18350cfea1 ┆ 192      │
│ Samuel BERTHE                         ┆ 88faa1bb7fe7c6e29d868d704e784fbdf75e3463 ┆ 479      │
│ BobVanB                               ┆ a60a3764f2f96525f00959d386c43ad6b9af3170 ┆ 25       │
│ Alex Brausewetter                     ┆ c1637f25c4adf61066fe9809e52a949dacfd52ef ┆ 1        │
│ Len Smith                             ┆ 015e96d0ddeab096b1b8e1c76190fe697504db27 ┆ 2114     │
│ Jan Schumann                          ┆ a01a93067fa44a89e0893c2c5a75bfdf791ed778 ┆ 1095     │
│ Tom Wilkie                            ┆ dd39296d6ccee4c07874bc2b234cc831b9fae6d3 ┆ 511      │
│ Eddy Hernandez                        ┆ 7e737dac62497632b468f197c6e192e75d606b09 ┆ 4        │
│ Jeremy Asher                          ┆ 185ee439daf7225102d4c23bb321f576f9275525 ┆ 252      │
│ Timon Wong                            ┆ 80afc6759beab55fafd0b4fd94d69b5439e36d0c ┆ 118      │
│ Michal Jankowski                      ┆ 411db71d7018891b8370eaf59b66b47e4617a40c ┆ 217      │
│ Mildred Ki'Lya                        ┆ 9ab7cab19ec8bc7983bc0b5bd685775e354ff427 ┆ 20       │
│ Kit Sunde                             ┆ 835d5cfa78adfb8b9c298ac0a0ac66729fbafa55 ┆ 1        │
│ Andras Ferencz-Szabo                  ┆ 53ebbed8dff482eee1d7b5bf07209bc3af14af9f ┆ 23       │
│ Kian Mohageri                         ┆ fde474d2f3fc4d58b7e82145196d6bba20c5958b ┆ 1        │
│ Tom Straub                            ┆ 20003b2744e9f8b69737fec449956cf9dc2a7947 ┆ 120      │
│ Evgeny Chuvpilo                       ┆ 8586e323dc55b953c48867c71f2ca7869794497a ┆ 33       │
│ Brendan Shaklovitz                    ┆ 122e2f8170f86c364e302dac8b1d9f4274a56f6e ┆ 690      │
│ Adam Stankiewicz                      ┆ 22a8ef1662fbfca05ec4fe9a00f141cad2322deb ┆ 1        │
│ Colin Woodbury                        ┆ a5f8352e1194ee7dc74a26999747b00ec299bcb5 ┆ 1        │
│ Benjamin Pineau                       ┆ f2a3c5da82e039cee6de32ad1fdcbabaae975b37 ┆ 70       │
│ Anshul Sharma                         ┆ a886b630a02f469043c1387d3cc6cd907fd20f0c ┆ 10814    │
│ vincentkwok                           ┆ e634ffdf7283324c2279cbd0c6fe1728ecb9bb48 ┆ 1        │
│ Lee Johnson                           ┆ d203dcf6a5750ea71013c81df379d7a476924581 ┆ 569221   │
│ cagriy                                ┆ 8cdafe0508eaec9f2e349940ea09642a65fab838 ┆ 1        │
│ ketzacoatl                            ┆ e13a4461e524df47bbb06a2859459aa83a94901e ┆ 54       │
│ Alexander Kyxap                       ┆ f993f0e70e49a16b3028249802f940dd7280c815 ┆ 16       │
│ pauljrob                              ┆ 47ac66f6755115c6659260152af2bee25a0da3d4 ┆ 1        │
│ Alexander Fortin                      ┆ bb9d9dcd3d392585a39c5065be782878cd2e64a6 ┆ 1        │
│ Rubens Mariuzzo                       ┆ 3d41f3d836733515e230f129b19802400ab5db4a ┆ 29       │
│ Dan Everton                           ┆ 3be29ab5d08c1beba39ae077f3853970c1bd19db ┆ 4040     │
│ Daniel Spangenberg                    ┆ 804a5bd3c5b6418fca83f3a92717c267e4c49abc ┆ 119      │
│ niravradia                            ┆ b335418d0dc396aeb0360fbf5af160fafcc6c9ee ┆ 1        │
│ Mark Cheshier                         ┆ efa265a764a098e98ad70627be492dcf8881a84b ┆ 1        │
│ Mike Fiedler                          ┆ afe9388457de598eed5e39441a59e1a3df500152 ┆ 2        │
│ Richard Henning                       ┆ 2a5e1d400ddd77fe680dcafc0bcf22c20b4fc37b ┆ 28       │
│ Christian Karlsen                     ┆ 50b859ba9afb4efbdcfbc62da2ca9b86450e542d ┆ 4        │
│ Ben Abrams                            ┆ 6dd2fb947ca664c078103bf7dde3b2dd86abb9c9 ┆ 20       │
│ Ian L                                 ┆ f584d53ba99b7cbb99e8072145cbf48e9a69f014 ┆ 254      │
│ Justin Nauman                         ┆ bf48d0132c13dd3a6845a5caa6451ac79d54e2a8 ┆ 627      │
│ Sami Rageb                            ┆ 861fd22cdd699d6a48cc6383332815e29a0d09d9 ┆ 5        │
│ Aditya Anchuri                        ┆ 49c7d272a35b8cfbbb2c6231e4d1bd496e59d54b ┆ 42       │
│ Andreas Skarmutsos Lindh              ┆ 5e32c144d5fcc2ff437e3b6dc9e919bbbb93e91f ┆ 3294     │
│ Dusty Burwell                         ┆ ed3877d672ec6303d1d1e4863f2e79fd8e14e57c ┆ 8        │
│ Lajos Papp                            ┆ e8fa75376c902a3c678ec9efaa2390de48443778 ┆ 1        │
│ dnABic                                ┆ 3024f2bb16bb98216ec134fffced32990e6db42f ┆ 22       │
│ Michel Rasschaert                     ┆ 9774fcdbb0360ea9ae1fb5195a2a784080f0c282 ┆ 7        │
│ Nick Santamaria                       ┆ 8949419bef4002c073ba4eaa53de5fba014424bb ┆ 102      │
│ ddcprg                                ┆ 27527ef3cbc88c591721ceb648cb1b4193b5fe69 ┆ 35       │
│ Zach Wolf                             ┆ 0e473c06ad86d0d1134c38b9821c4e43f51d0ea3 ┆ 1        │
│ jmasseo                               ┆ 77ca7001a89dd17b64cbcd5839b6037bdf3a7033 ┆ 1        │
│ Ben Jordan                            ┆ 5902922c7cdc36d7220605bc83db63e69f45c804 ┆ 3        │
│ Andreas Heidoetting                   ┆ dd000d59436cc871a8dbbfcd429a7ac13b1c36a9 ┆ 193      │
│ Jason Wieringa                        ┆ 43dcc30ae89e694fe35f022b7ead33a437502653 ┆ 20       │
│ Simon Thulbourn                       ┆ 43c432dc08210ff0c84f6a18aec55d78e5bb4ea1 ┆ 13       │
│ Sam Dunne                             ┆ cb40a3ef147250343f64f6f1d2ab2e060b0591c8 ┆ 245      │
│ Andreas Kyrris                        ┆ b8e4b1c4afea40798abeb7ba055c8cab994e577a ┆ 1405     │
│ alexis-turpin                         ┆ f16309630e7cc9cd146880578bfef5cdf4488f7a ┆ 1        │
│ Nicholas P. Cole                      ┆ ae65c3acd9cb9cd97673050509a26928319cd8f6 ┆ 9        │
│ Thomas Boerger                        ┆ 998899c2feeb3c8110f44d71fdeeb252427e2a40 ┆ 216      │
│ Dan Wendorf                           ┆ 781725348e4d064bc3a7add212db41ed26198f24 ┆ 23       │
│ ddegoede                              ┆ 2531ab024ae3d8aad420ce4733041cfd626a3b50 ┆ 641      │
│ Anton Babenko                         ┆ 3b59b4151b30965c97fa8241ccc7cfc36ac01880 ┆ 2        │
│ craigmonson                           ┆ d2eab5a760e4cd9c24e24aaf92e830c5c674eb97 ┆ 1        │
│ Michael Göhler                        ┆ 9c3c5c1e319ed1fbda12d210dd88870941d02e1b ┆ 24       │
│ Gustavo                               ┆ 5910e3b8af8a92e4f81d52c84bec1e40d9073be5 ┆ 46       │
│ Nicolas Szalay                        ┆ c1be0c51c6187c2ab701c0b7e8789ba87feece23 ┆ 11       │
│ dario-simonetti                       ┆ dbdaf20a190f80a02852728dded20847ba72455d ┆ 118      │
│ Mark Maglana                          ┆ 5e037421b5474eec4f464755bbab7a603d4617d0 ┆ 1        │
│ Jonathan Rudenberg                    ┆ d265a6fee3a598cdb7318279cf38876c44fec4b7 ┆ 28       │
│ Jamie Starke                          ┆ 184e3ce8ad7995b083d13fc4e77e737dc9b564c5 ┆ 13       │
│ Niclas Nilsson                        ┆ 2a5b3e406d2b14171d53cd730ecccf68cc89ad4d ┆ 2        │
│ Pat Downey                            ┆ 89803a2d000fc428499e1280f47b428b136326b4 ┆ 1        │
│ IceBear                               ┆ 659f71734e9fa335443bb354cc683616e49ce9f8 ┆ 1        │
│ oleksandr.bushkovskyi                 ┆ f9b6d2df8f9a022bc256ca56875e116bcda03d14 ┆ 22       │
│ Anthony Elizondo                      ┆ 7807d687ab5df2ba4f6cbafd673e1dae11202b08 ┆ 1        │
│ Mark Garner                           ┆ 429262b08e21061730ec8133d12811e4f67d2f5d ┆ 24       │
│ Matt Moyer                            ┆ 2b9f5f5f6f3604806e18224c0103b1417e3ea63a ┆ 37       │
│ John Bruett                           ┆ 08ef4c0dd352b0d858ecd4c460f4a475c06834da ┆ 9        │
│ @tmshn                                ┆ 8ec06e82b6b070b809b1ab8db778c619557382bd ┆ 11       │
│ Jacob Crowther                        ┆ 90caad51660de99ee058bb20859692f93bcaac8a ┆ 3        │
│ Kot Chaosu                            ┆ b2eebebad142a07383b0de77a26242311251f831 ┆ 9        │
│ Sharif Nassar                         ┆ 84d943fc825125afbbc7f60992112b65950740ca ┆ 42       │
│ Modestas Vainius                      ┆ 7385fa9eac2691e11a6eeec1eac260f936b008ef ┆ 95       │
│ Carlos Sanchez                        ┆ ed37eae52b8eafd63a92edf78963d651668db0ca ┆ 62       │
│ Herkermer Sherwood                    ┆ e81d06d5051b9eccafe95cf75dedcb8e9ee08f61 ┆ 3        │
│ Eric Nieuwenhuijsen                   ┆ 3e651a7130f73d98475051474c2b0d94699ddedc ┆ 512      │
│ Michał Michałowski                    ┆ 635eb40c71f4bccc229e125609aa94a434d06e07 ┆ 3        │
│ Robert Deusser                        ┆ 72f117b6c56cefa0122d5685a614278ab505924e ┆ 16       │
│ Joel Vasallo                          ┆ 7dd376216bb445d14325e93f9cfa7c7c2e3550e1 ┆ 16       │
│ Christopher Brown                     ┆ 9763702a6ca8ec8955806b9524867ec909f7264d ┆ 1        │
│ Chase Adams                           ┆ ab7cc32fe11516ba60372340f91e0baab5b01f9c ┆ 1        │
│ DJ Home                               ┆ 56f35dd67d1b209ee4f0f61d2b509801be434b8a ┆ 976      │
│ Dean Wilson                           ┆ e0b336e359ffedcc4516508d8adda8dab2e39090 ┆ 2        │
│ Brian Chen                            ┆ ad8679e9164e926d3c3d8669c9e76f52e4465cde ┆ 1008     │
│ Colin Saliceti                        ┆ b36318f1840a0b91ff83a66f2d9cbd8cbeaa51af ┆ 78       │
│ AMeng                                 ┆ b7fae4028cbb02f5380c8a3d092a4fec108be2ef ┆ 87       │
│ Michael Henry                         ┆ 0dd9a0db4bb2a3ac1ce3bdcb79c92ca834e7504e ┆ 15       │
│ Rob Rankin                            ┆ a967504db93c7f9adfa55b0ab1704813953924d6 ┆ 10       │
│ Nathaniel Weinstein                   ┆ ff6469be8956fc882f28142e4507aa53beb90645 ┆ 69       │
│ Jonathan McCall                       ┆ dc4a7b7d25f56f3ae3e30c889521827de68dfcbd ┆ 26       │
│ Davide Agnello                        ┆ dfe1cacc9e283d965255ba9d6a77e176053733b1 ┆ 1040     │
│ hanks                                 ┆ e12f42a8b5c91e7ae17eef5dcd0629491d74b59a ┆ 0        │
│ Gepser Hoil                           ┆ 213e89277dc6ffc1205badb295708e93e814d90c ┆ 8        │
│ Alexander Ekdahl                      ┆ d2861be48e2af019331007775d628d4f13780691 ┆ 30       │
│ Kyle Havlovitz                        ┆ 3a2819de25514dde1ea716dd867ae0fead21f9bc ┆ 71       │
│ tomgoren                              ┆ 208dc514df1a22b6ae07c0d6b491d38cb9806d9a ┆ 2        │
│ Steve Jansen                          ┆ 2e7e284bc9adbc5a1326c62a9c014d303a022bc0 ┆ 11       │
│ Jarrod Jackson                        ┆ 50eb2338f0adddbd5b439a29190f6be18b664dad ┆ 396      │
│ Valentin Pichard                      ┆ c6beaa7ce8e2f9420052745405d0c574691c8e52 ┆ 582      │
│ Duncan                                ┆ 826ff3f0f02a0814aa8304557a03be0d8953f986 ┆ 31       │
│ Jay Wallace                           ┆ 947816958b30f1ea2ebad5df62e98c68aeaa2cec ┆ 141      │
│ Ivan Vergiliev                        ┆ 7b301d741121a72a0801a1fc24b5600334aa7dee ┆ 1        │
│ baboune                               ┆ 1b6c1cccf34e204234974f14156c2b3e9b91392f ┆ 3        │
│ Emilien Kenler                        ┆ d6296fbb7d374bab59fb8f6c7084d374acf7002d ┆ 16       │
│ Jean-François Pucheu                  ┆ c084b7d5221a1122308f3e179bbd9d63b1c61903 ┆ 1        │
│ A-Gordon                              ┆ de8b02e6e58e59b691bc4b10c97c6c7a3bb1d9e7 ┆ 9        │
│ Petr Artamonov                        ┆ 05fb519ccb661f38667c2970c6a50b8ac58ebcd0 ┆ 15       │
│ Arthur Barr                           ┆ 21563be27c61f4042e7e0720ad541f40bcb99edb ┆ 1        │
│ Rick Fletcher                         ┆ 558cd3b2302ea28034e21ea81586a0c4ca547830 ┆ 3        │
│ Justin Marney                         ┆ 895d10a62729722ac1f0fdfb361422a1f554e2df ┆ 153      │
│ Mike                                  ┆ 4f7723bed8dddae3eb7fd69fc8ae7cc69f75b4ca ┆ 3        │
│ Adrian Hesketh                        ┆ 19e8932a92edb27f234b911f2a81e9454d48e954 ┆ 73       │
│ Laurent Crisci                        ┆ 64acf0afe5bc7767ca714e22ecc52cbc486f78a6 ┆ 1        │
│ Cameron Watters                       ┆ b4eb63d71038896679d8ac54bb8fadd8a28769ef ┆ 1070     │
│ Sven Walter                           ┆ 459e618c4431cc128e95559a9b9fe236b9d2ba6e ┆ 3        │
│ RodrigoAlmodovar                      ┆ d29fb0b69117c1330251fc010ede6d2939603b4f ┆ 1        │
│ Jonty Wareing                         ┆ e0c068f09dfc2cf53578a70675dd040cd4e04bfb ┆ 6        │
│ Silvio Moioli                         ┆ 78bb87082b821ae3652117403b0280b60a34302f ┆ 2        │
│ Steve Hoeksema                        ┆ 1d04cdb9bc00aefb15130dddc7ff3c6eef92b180 ┆ 159      │
│ David Tolnay                          ┆ bb7dfaec8132661f6d392eb13fa8b993e44e6cc8 ┆ 179260   │
│ John Dittmar                          ┆ ddc8f21edc5533fa090361b3ec13c881afc3cbdb ┆ 1        │
│ Stephane Jourdan                      ┆ 8a355a205916e2e2df7df318d81fe379139bdb50 ┆ 1        │
│ Eric Rutherford                       ┆ 2cca48a829b51da19b7a19a0e60f6ec4ef4e294b ┆ 30       │
│ Trevor Pounds                         ┆ 38784cd38f9b1cf8eeaa8927c636de1b73b9a18e ┆ 454      │
│ Marcus Noble                          ┆ 55a43c444aa250fa1962dd33bfe28a141f3b860e ┆ 2        │
│ Lars Wander                           ┆ beb58f57775a9a3fa3fb4dc138db623093616612 ┆ 15977    │
│ ndouba                                ┆ fd9ee32bd13186cb7742dcb20d5c12720e89d968 ┆ 1        │
│ Kristinn Örn Sigurðsson               ┆ bc5518f9936688be81641015cfbe113bc0529904 ┆ 528      │
│ Jakub Holy                            ┆ 8d0540865f18ffa4dbb643af23aa7995d4f0a2b0 ┆ 3        │
│ Jeremy Young                          ┆ b295192ed30b2a59d3f8daf034740ce61df3235b ┆ 12       │
│ Ian Duffy                             ┆ 767914bbdc61fef9c368d160d75ec902d1c550c1 ┆ 238      │
│ Jesse Mandel                          ┆ f168c90afa5b50eed72be374efeb0eecc769a4fa ┆ 1        │
│ Louis-Paul Dareau                     ┆ 7adcac2d6ca0a2e6bf6689f5ace3314b725ba58d ┆ 6        │
│ Kirill Shirinkin                      ┆ b4ac5bcf1710e3ce57f5f9ad566b3d130c7dacee ┆ 482      │
│ qivers                                ┆ 4b694a4fecc28dfaa974f98d10b342ee8b03a03d ┆ 2        │
│ Babak Mahmoudy                        ┆ 28767a20df3c26719cc830c81170ab017a051518 ┆ 2        │
│ Alfonso Cabrera                       ┆ 30ea22c25211c50ad59742ed2c6e837a43eefce5 ┆ 5        │
│ Pierre Carrier                        ┆ 2410294a9dd930d99be66da2c514e0d4452871a3 ┆ 263      │
│ Juan Carlos Alonso                    ┆ cab71c98cdc35845fb2ca3e9b7868766460776a0 ┆ 3        │
│ Bart van der Schans                   ┆ 0835b644561a6c027b1a77bae1f54f215da1f0cb ┆ 782      │
│ protomouse                            ┆ b578b60b88fe84435dbf41da4230b3c2547cbe63 ┆ 886      │
│ zhuk-intetics                         ┆ 3308b974e25630c3f6fc84b96849b2e811d0e582 ┆ 1        │
│ Minku Lee                             ┆ 59ff858c16049e5b63695e481e8e4e8ef80be900 ┆ 3        │
│ David Adams                           ┆ 32d08ad45ad9f1077dfb4f2706d76f9392d35e9f ┆ 98       │
│ Sean Knight                           ┆ 76ea6c59cd06dbb710d0b3adbd11f9985c2f2e05 ┆ 1        │
│ Richard Bowden                        ┆ b673f4d972526c9b2373d93972163d3b56d4fd9d ┆ 19       │
│ Kurt Scherer                          ┆ a4fd7ce23b28a9f8fb014848238ea37bfd2b1384 ┆ 152      │
│ Alex Eftimie                          ┆ 3a97971e41db1a3cdb1501d6e4657bf38d206850 ┆ 150      │
│ knakayama                             ┆ 0b679623388e329b7a9a1015db62a3a30525d1d4 ┆ 1        │
│ Derek Richard                         ┆ b9fd3f7945aa594347ffea69b7a84b8488ce2910 ┆ 24       │
│ sethp-jive                            ┆ 36d0e6690d22b0920028749ed2f6ace67a31512f ┆ 3        │
│ Glenn Poston                          ┆ 19426109dad10fdb710866fb72fc526793ac5465 ┆ 83       │
│ Mike Brannigan                        ┆ 1871363e58565994366c9d75270308c3bbf9ffa6 ┆ 62       │
│ Sarah Zelechoski                      ┆ 35c7d37f40992a0c191b01f01e1031fa83b3e502 ┆ 13       │
│ vagrant                               ┆ dfa917b670a189b69cff8e558b32e4c3df0792f4 ┆ 19       │
│ Shawn Silva                           ┆ bf68590f02252be225e5d4e9dec951f92a066e49 ┆ 83       │
│ Donald Guy                            ┆ 36b4b1acb2e3340eaf7369916d08fd8bdf9bd8d2 ┆ 88       │
│ Andrew Langhorn                       ┆ 8bd2a249ce1e96959f72d5ec1ec4d68c83295189 ┆ 16       │
│ kyhavlov                              ┆ 0b165164c408642b638eb1d40b7fe27094627991 ┆ 286      │
│ Noah Webb                             ┆ 679b063a30df89692e3bc82426770711ac3c56a6 ┆ 883      │
│ Anastas Dancha                        ┆ bd25d77615aedfc43db46e6d0e4783b2fd1c81e8 ┆ 4        │
│ Jeff Goldschrafe                      ┆ 08f2e6797bea50c6bd57b45a450e1b1101d3019d ┆ 388      │
│ Dan Norris                            ┆ c61f04c89d2db8222df0f78ace7dd3dfc3994a7d ┆ 7        │
│ Federico Ceratto                      ┆ 5bc8736dc898bc59d152641206d9bf93ac4f4afa ┆ 61       │
│ Ryan Moran                            ┆ d7c028d2106c03bdbaeacd3b810ec1bcba199937 ┆ 661      │
│ alex goretoy                          ┆ 7938eaf76f60c49fe68e9224cc950ed1e655a44f ┆ 1        │
│ Christopher McKenzie                  ┆ ed68fcc752691dbdd7436a5f0f3fe28e91aa1ea4 ┆ 1        │
│ kawa                                  ┆ efd6b997aef61c44cc25d8dc5743f4bdc71daa58 ┆ 1        │
│ Tim Martin                            ┆ ddb62d026e07ee3bd1a34eca5a741233a5449f74 ┆ 10       │
│ Dan Allegood                          ┆ 70589fff4d3456aaabb76b44608e85c5bffb995d ┆ 292      │
│ Amos Shapira                          ┆ acd3d43bff969e365a65065ee4934c980ea6c21e ┆ 1        │
│ raylu                                 ┆ f1fdffc5527812ff23b9b371aff78b8fb0ea5173 ┆ 83       │
│ Andy Royle                            ┆ e18b1962a92d01c0fc9d79fddb62854675230b6e ┆ 3669     │
│ Srikalyan Swayampakula                ┆ 2aa28c34cab7a9c0113549cc63c02c915f375a27 ┆ 157      │
│ Alexander Zhukau                      ┆ bd22a4f65a6a37ee371cbeedf01415a8e7c4514f ┆ 3        │
│ Tommy Murphy                          ┆ f71646a0f4f6937d571292ad38fd833f4815e2a9 ┆ 1257     │
│ Gruendler, Daniel (415)               ┆ 698000eb84c5adca346932cbc8c21a758c86a16f ┆ 1        │
│ Brian Fallik                          ┆ 8f976e5ceb3a229a9602fed93b536635bc661086 ┆ 1        │
│ Rafal Jeczalik                        ┆ 760e022e46bd5823f635e87a727017dcf2fb0663 ┆ 85       │
│ Renier Morales                        ┆ ef9f3a45b1804ec34390da500d02417191637648 ┆ 146      │
│ Max Englander                         ┆ c072c0dfbb0a002eca9292e693811dd7cd0b0e2a ┆ 992162   │
│ Ayu Demura                            ┆ 3671bae61025566071c0be2ba15725fd52e3265e ┆ 1348     │
│ Aaron Welch                           ┆ 79fa978896fb4ebd6562c75b33d44382c867eb6b ┆ 1211     │
│ Michael Blakeley                      ┆ fd055b700dcfd085c4a1e4beccc4f1a62a2fd07e ┆ 3        │
│ Guido Bakker                          ┆ ee9ebe849f9e0b4c86b3209ca74e2dbaf20ce880 ┆ 4        │
│ Kraig Amador                          ┆ 742089f10c3a30ebbf0020edff9053bc857d6a30 ┆ 28953    │
│ ldanz                                 ┆ 8bba3d4e6e1159f9600a5fdae657777226de35f1 ┆ 4        │
│ Giovanni Paolo Gibilisco              ┆ 7bb7508c86f2cbf5498de419448c533f6df25f1b ┆ 1298     │
│ Stevie Zollo                          ┆ ace192c5cd6fcff72a5a2dceccc5d31b970b7a0f ┆ 1        │
│ Mosley, Franklin                      ┆ 4d55b8e9eaad1587fab4805a068658dc192ba3d4 ┆ 699      │
│ Abhishek L                            ┆ f3005f098470ddfdd053a5d0778eac1a9b202af0 ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Crawley                         ┆ 58a01f2fd518b6d7c11c47088f6ec7f36b9fc734 ┆ 144      │
│ Ernest W. Durbin III                  ┆ 7036d9e1c40d53dfa8926058bd51caa105abca9d ┆ 3528     │
│ bill fumerola                         ┆ 9ddb2fd6f82e8ffb1e08d29a8702d7819792f65a ┆ 168      │
│ Jared Biel                            ┆ 09f7fb0c34e0581b4ef8615bd3dfd4579bb58827 ┆ 19       │
│ Simon Westcott                        ┆ 16f2ec2915731b89b7f43ac33aeeda1e7f1edca5 ┆ 144      │
│ Sam Stavinoha                         ┆ a0fc4276ba65e6513becaa168f925b226025daf8 ┆ 0        │
│ Rasty Turek                           ┆ 96d88f171453119eeb9a133e58064358e96f0db7 ┆ 1        │
│ Cecchi MacNaughton                    ┆ 8d9a9ddebe1093c56f84ac35acf0713b4fcdcd21 ┆ 1        │
│ Kyle West                             ┆ c584287cf9f6078d4723e69bfd3f475cf3758d44 ┆ 1        │
│ Dan Webb                              ┆ e3160eea07604d1786be391d095dbc09b3868889 ┆ 2        │
│ Jason Myers                           ┆ f335c5fa9173afd5355cddd1dd4f6a3f8998a5a8 ┆ 1        │
│ Milad Irannejad                       ┆ 802f014d607b0a74d2ce7c2e53b3209f15f3bf1c ┆ 4        │
│ Greg Aker                             ┆ 3d1802d5475a640151e3a75575828a90a27fceb7 ┆ 9000     │
│ Clayton O'Neill                       ┆ efc6bf01b0944d61ddd67d39c423b9fae899b98d ┆ 4        │
│ Stephen Muth                          ┆ bbd9b2c944dd0104625bcff9a7d250e8291701b3 ┆ 82       │
│ Steven Wirges                         ┆ f8caa630d84477ea1982bab7570d6b27e229964b ┆ 1        │
│ Brad Feehan                           ┆ 1249cb8ba89f1e25c2d7cdb6bc5b90dcba37180f ┆ 3        │
│ Zachary Salzbank                      ┆ afb06f907ff58f9a13345dfd48a40cda36e774a9 ┆ 8        │
│ Partha Dutta                          ┆ 7de54533f901cd575bcf8a04382742c74348bdd4 ┆ 322      │
│ Brian Menges                          ┆ 17b16f543e359e57ed19f10c872af45c7c170950 ┆ 77       │
│ Jeremy Yoder                          ┆ 4969e64132fffdb5a333413daa8e3f3c20082ff8 ┆ 11       │
│ gambrose                              ┆ 69041f9c96ae372a24965781ba8c4e7750be3531 ┆ 0        │
│ Golo Roden                            ┆ f7fa4610cd563ac5bcce85b70349648a7ac0faa1 ┆ 3        │
│ Ross Delinger                         ┆ 6ef7f9cd4d641419ad89ec101753ab88fed18cad ┆ 72       │
│ avichalbadaya                         ┆ 7369c1c9f402a07e0d0cdf510846d04d75f25508 ┆ 3        │
│ macheins                              ┆ aabb200f2d5f676f4ac41d8bc48ea014e501f528 ┆ 36       │
│ David Kelly                           ┆ 08291afd977f84bb3ed487d26ab3d2bba343ca78 ┆ 2        │
│ Steven Eschinger                      ┆ 9c095d66e1a3b5a2d4a6914536f6a460374ca3d8 ┆ 4        │
│ Matthew Clarke                        ┆ 9dbf998d2359e3edbf46ba609bd5cbbb4f0f9f56 ┆ 21       │
│ Andrew Sy Kim                         ┆ e85297f9585b0454a111bc8839c89a40d2f8b202 ┆ 72       │
│ shanoor                               ┆ d9e3beb276c5ed5ea2ed0828aab8361a9d4a610f ┆ 2        │
│ Joonas Bergius                        ┆ 12dc87411ef39b3eb45549647561bcf85fe920a8 ┆ 14       │
│ Antoine Grondin                       ┆ 3d6fe76b52c5becacb126f32834ef2ab392a67df ┆ 809      │
│ dkalleg                               ┆ 72660750fd5a9e780a3c71f3623a2ed60800210a ┆ 7523     │
│ Derek Abdine                          ┆ 7bdc060d24c404b11969761cc8e2b75e63ecbe1d ┆ 1668     │
│ JB Arsenault                          ┆ fc838be69e411e47d732efb3e52dba8bac91c64e ┆ 15       │
│ jorge.marey                           ┆ 800f7d2e06ec3ecff20e774dd2234fb24e2ad1ea ┆ 96       │
│ Christian G. Warden                   ┆ 77d197bd062d48fac1e695786b09f2e999917f2f ┆ 3        │
│ John Bowler                           ┆ 922e626b7e6e2c171e27be7e06a718c59d7df311 ┆ 5        │
│ Mike LoSapio                          ┆ 6f9b3aa4fd9ec9a12cb5d40c02911beff7ce79cb ┆ 1        │
│ Brian Schwind                         ┆ 02a16b37bc4b4e127e54565721d7de33837e03b4 ┆ 66       │
│ Chris McKeown                         ┆ f04d8befd5c56bdaa70504782f3d67cccab3aa11 ┆ 7        │
│ stevehorsfield                        ┆ 03c2c4408f5b253a15c7511e9f1e9f5a1c59dbea ┆ 466      │
│ Eloy Coto                             ┆ ab390359be7eb34fc723e72146cb7ac57a02392a ┆ 102      │
│ Mike Beck                             ┆ 30c2274a20ec1959065d3a7611df7200214e9deb ┆ 1        │
│ David Lanner                          ┆ 8fd843fa91bf17aad66ae0d8f79a9f9037c933e1 ┆ 2        │
│ Craig Dodd                            ┆ 139302122e4afae6162e669a40e0156cf6b15ca2 ┆ 2        │
│ Patrick Sodré                         ┆ 80936e3562a5a695c767985dac121d3cc8cc60a0 ┆ 222      │
│ yissachar                             ┆ 1bd8b449e00bba44fd74bd2ea35677b4feb0dae3 ┆ 5939     │
│ Pete Shima                            ┆ 56284ea7816626e53c47176d51d6622b4faeb964 ┆ 20       │
│ Dmytro Aleksandrov                    ┆ c32d152495a497be3ae292b1fde32a57492d9521 ┆ 1219     │
│ Keshav Varma                          ┆ 58bd6dfb025474fbc881b4c8c43bd67b18a4ef07 ┆ 1314     │
│ Boy van Duuren                        ┆ 9dfbc20abf77f08f26b1e5d4d83f71d7e2400a19 ┆ 4        │
│ Lee Calcote                           ┆ b0d777c742af12c7a731561ad42e0d569bcc4e3b ┆ 6        │
│ Thomas Reggi                          ┆ fe540b408f590ee2e410537672160598e300d056 ┆ 1        │
│ Steven Crossan                        ┆ ca2d230a2c5ee0217b8aab8ea2c5a8bdbfe65211 ┆ 9        │
│ Brian Edwards                         ┆ d79879dba419c94c2c1704c4cfa6ce6faaed8515 ┆ 1808     │
│ Veselin Kantsev                       ┆ b0a99ce35ecb10993c409789172dc1e979b8a2ca ┆ 2        │
│ Patrick Sodré                         ┆ 71dc5ea1c3db2d70614ebe27bfe0ad30d9fd0fe5 ┆ 56       │
│ Gabi Davar                            ┆ 33b3206ead4b9ce3c5094c7668e5c6e2aa333aa4 ┆ 3        │
│ Igor Wiedler                          ┆ ad9a3fe44db43b71e1ba057ef1204c5116a63b74 ┆ 92       │
│ Mark Bainter                          ┆ a08b72df9bf0280e315f91a68b5a0ea3c73b76df ┆ 12       │
│ Vladimir Dobriakov                    ┆ 18fe3bfb5543edc83ab80087426e5bdda1c02dd6 ┆ 45       │
│ Benjamin Chelli                       ┆ cc22cef0855a536fc1cc1635195c5279117b8fe3 ┆ 4        │
│ Paul Forman                           ┆ 391a7f85b0d402e5d165909b3ccc7cce838df26a ┆ 242      │
│ Sam Ottenhoff                         ┆ bd36bc60aa8a385c1bdf5d791cdfe4f00599f39b ┆ 10       │
│ Mark Peek                             ┆ 74d5db4f3e4879f2da08bdac2559b0647d7da65b ┆ 227      │
│ John Ritsema                          ┆ c668c312036c990374e7b6a6ee2f38bf8808412f ┆ 12       │
│ Chris Love                            ┆ 7b449b66a02e28f35721680636a9068b2129d0f1 ┆ 1589     │
│ thetuxkeeper                          ┆ 2e49042d10d085e450b9780637a415cb4a339f1d ┆ 2440     │
│ Julian C. Dunn                        ┆ dd0ec5258b1abe8ae6664307a8467742869a2e94 ┆ 1        │
│ Adam Mielke                           ┆ 97fbeaf59fb52c0fa2af45952bd51267f87eb62b ┆ 458      │
│ djuke                                 ┆ c1eee521f3b5deab57e4ba2738a609b67869fabb ┆ 5        │
│ Chris Weyl                            ┆ 92e23d2252447c482cc2e642c7242a45450cafe6 ┆ 3        │
│ Sarkis Varozian                       ┆ 5843ffa03ef6232b65958b43402b6b839e41ba25 ┆ 4        │
│ Chris Bednarski                       ┆ 8d50238f7af5abdf54124f9e52249468770a0c59 ┆ 10584    │
│ amangoel                              ┆ f891ab81f4f5276f6a93312a6901c72eeff5862a ┆ 1        │
│ Thibault Vigouroux                    ┆ efdee645bfacac191d478d4c5e0ddd3c22589356 ┆ 20       │
│ Cristian Calin                        ┆ d2b33d51b833c96f7755cbc8b774e516832a1028 ┆ 1403     │
│ James Rasell                          ┆ e3352e855cf8d37e3200ee970b4ebb78fd6e9f4e ┆ 2        │
│ Devon Harvey                          ┆ 689cfc97c1d2a5d3197bb20dcdfcf587cba532c9 ┆ 1        │
│ Ricard Clau                           ┆ 283e3ae6b5a9ba17092ca416ba412018f139e7e8 ┆ 19       │
│ Mark Severson                         ┆ 0315d511250a13766590c5e7bad3c4b4bb22c50f ┆ 26       │
│ John Bresnahan                        ┆ 99ab23374052b135c57a435aa2a10fe58121a238 ┆ 8        │
│ Robert Conrad                         ┆ faa6ddb2ee1126781333aa192caaf63f6f7efef4 ┆ 17       │
│ jkburges                              ┆ ef3de51199dd9ec0cb1a8ad67f4258e4f2d77ce7 ┆ 1        │
│ Ian Gable                             ┆ 988c8144c01425107b1881094b208896c99bfa54 ┆ 1        │
│ Aki Hänninen                          ┆ fce7aa483d9b1a810629eec74bb859fe608c4f97 ┆ 2        │
│ Adam Ward                             ┆ 4a29be7b502f1e3223f150d3f4408184fa6ce6e6 ┆ 6        │
│ Dave Cunningham                       ┆ 758c8f1e22a93ccff13f40ac55796e90da664f49 ┆ 69283    │
│ Anton Koldaev                         ┆ 266e98eb300808ae84fba01b9c4b3c2f8b1a2d6f ┆ 0        │
│ Albert Choi                           ┆ 01fc4b9cddd422b299ad5c4973ed43e46ad84bcb ┆ 3070     │
│ Thorsten Schifferdecker               ┆ 4bbb9a674b792b029e41356e63f1c25a3c82afe8 ┆ 1        │
│ Bill Fumerola                         ┆ 7dcb4974a187a08d6396043244745956e1b5d181 ┆ 11112    │
│ Poney baker                           ┆ 03c64b9ba5d845ef3d10c70b3a1f300ace39ce99 ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin DeJong                          ┆ 0cec1c19d7784d3ec4a99835d0baf51ef2295b8e ┆ 25       │
│ Antoine Rouaze                        ┆ a105de19c0db8cba375141f691248999d47b6304 ┆ 29       │
│ Felivel Camilo                        ┆ 156d2916d8f4f8eeeb240e6f565edd40d521ff93 ┆ 20       │
│ Michael D Roach                       ┆ 465a838f914126ebf7ac262d873269a76c099fb2 ┆ 136      │
│ arsdehnel                             ┆ 61c7cf945767a659444f2014cbc51541652683fe ┆ 1        │
│ Blake Smith                           ┆ 8821aea94532296ffc5bccd8739ae5dd9261c4a4 ┆ 4023     │
│ stumbaumr                             ┆ 207fa068c6f48ece571d55f829058f1e6b741d3c ┆ 2        │
│ Daniel                                ┆ 5182bf63384d76292ae6116ad4c2d80df3c1017d ┆ 29       │
│ Josh Taylor                           ┆ 983da213af7fa808511bca51475ec04bc1ada87a ┆ 296      │
│ captainill                            ┆ 5ed03602d71726ebf9d6aa756e55e827c032c3bd ┆ 2073     │
│ Sargurunathan Mohan                   ┆ a5825f907be3bca7edd53b76b56127df0656fd36 ┆ 29       │
│ danielcbright                         ┆ 8921e10d71edb15bae55149dde3cac4989c321fd ┆ 8830     │
│ Henrik Hodne                          ┆ 8f07a2d6d53082c22fd6e4ed631de24c8b058a47 ┆ 1991     │
│ Brian Hicks                           ┆ a4eb8452ebe063f2613752bc4daba9e6ad8025d4 ┆ 840      │
│ Mårten Gustafson                      ┆ 5b7f12ecd75e5c44dc19c0b2f993fb7623d57e3f ┆ 10       │
│ Dan Carley                            ┆ 64c128095182b0fe479d3be48f52c6d90c1f9d5b ┆ 1284     │
│ Alex Brown                            ┆ 9ecb6a3d2a4ddb21e622fe5d907562a5baf65812 ┆ 228      │
│ Thomas Bruun                          ┆ 77c3ff91275a68618303d57e3bab60b943a110c8 ┆ 2        │
│ Alexander Simmerl                     ┆ 251075564a540790b9427db3cebd055a23902bcc ┆ 1175     │
│ Colin Hebert                          ┆ f1f602cdf63688cd93074e12fb4552b3b8071ac6 ┆ 1715     │
│ Dave York                             ┆ a700574c343506ebd93a8e7d29ec58fcff147f45 ┆ 4        │
│ Milan Karalic                         ┆ bff9e78ff918b6fc6b8033efa050aca7365c69f6 ┆ 37       │
│ lian                                  ┆ a443144c899bf227e295a7f688c8cab4e4599192 ┆ 8        │
│ Takaaki Furukawa                      ┆ a9a607d67fb10b623be8d668dcbc5321929a5694 ┆ 1727     │
│ Tommy Malmqvist                       ┆ 243e5c84ebffce84400b47f3cb848cfc607392c5 ┆ 29       │
│ Andrew Murray                         ┆ 9ef18d9ebdf880fc80e1719d314d3c0380e1ddb3 ┆ 1        │
│ aheeren                               ┆ db558ddc6b409ffa990b0216f2c9ea98442ee55e ┆ 12       │
│ Joel Handwell                         ┆ 5cd60aa26cdf272a10c0c382dbe67cc956869a89 ┆ 1        │
│ Cedric Brandily                       ┆ 94d3ed08c73df519787b194d549c8dd5cebec30f ┆ 34       │
│ Josh Myers                            ┆ 3be66aa9ed57ac2c4492e39b207eef7ab52a1c29 ┆ 376      │
│ Josh Horwitz                          ┆ 325a9e937ee0c4ca78f75b978581947f4653349d ┆ 1        │
│ Rev. C. Bennett Hoffman               ┆ e1082753317e014759490024724a61c7f047cb8a ┆ 46       │
│ Soren Mathiasen                       ┆ f44706c661985bbf96bf31798d3b995cba6649d8 ┆ 304      │
│ David Castillo                        ┆ 12118b61899a0ab9b06bc21cb58a23f7d805576c ┆ 9        │
│ Tim                                   ┆ 269b331be6da2821c8e7b00a7affb6460973de2b ┆ 1        │
│ Adam Heeren                           ┆ 0b97c0a6f4c4bf5a5a3dedba7f6f8ca72768ea5a ┆ 216      │
│ Yousef Alam                           ┆ 286d2fadeaceea2064432139d9cf9820cba05dc7 ┆ 2        │
│ Peter Marton                          ┆ 2df53f283dbcb5b4278705ef85e1987d7c2ecb11 ┆ 2        │
│ Jeff LaPlante                         ┆ 014f2d5671471e58cfbece31999189686d1476dc ┆ 44       │
│ Hany Fahim                            ┆ 3135706d1f9571395a66dbf70437ad03b48be233 ┆ 998      │
│ Jacob Severson                        ┆ 7721348b0ba07ba69a893a3367e0e7fc0a1efa5a ┆ 1487     │
│ Hector Rivas Gandara                  ┆ 0fdf91661d121d56314ad1e899b17729b2d0ee05 ┆ 100      │
│ Justin Clayton                        ┆ b9417819c9742911b5adb652e338434188a2382a ┆ 5        │
│ Jan Nabbefeld                         ┆ 6bf9f21c398da289151c0e1120b78fd175f8dc85 ┆ 923      │
│ Matthew Walter                        ┆ 4fbe7cb361b5700535684a5b08bfe0596af44377 ┆ 1        │
│ Jeff Tang                             ┆ be0ebbc22e82932f1b7f697e9580779edd8db2ab ┆ 1472     │
│ samjwlee                              ┆ 05d44fa8e0b3293ac1092b5cd8e30ddfc462e60c ┆ 1        │
│ Ryan Parman                           ┆ b9c07badbaa27ff26b43ef2c6b47958eb365e8d8 ┆ 1        │
│ Mark Turner                           ┆ bc9e9faa4a1064727726c3b9b6a4ab5338d472fe ┆ 26       │
│ Ethan Gunderson                       ┆ 1c5c58d07253b1556703897d55bad040dea2da10 ┆ 5        │
│ Matt Calthrop                         ┆ f4fa94b825e2a6ca60cbbaaa0b8bf2362d1dd3ab ┆ 72       │
│ Dave Dash                             ┆ de6113256499d28aceea0b2325e2ea6372bb6597 ┆ 3        │
│ Alex Gray                             ┆ 50c050bb925fb6d0b49437e335865e073790fe81 ┆ 2        │
│ Purrbiscuit                           ┆ 55269ae8d8d9a4d2a447d426d4b66ffefd7b687a ┆ 1        │
│ Jeshua Borges                         ┆ 99a1474545cbd7e3f47eca104f09955568fbc715 ┆ 1        │
│ Christopher Tiwald                    ┆ f5c898e34566f740e66e4ee167cf4881d066dd20 ┆ 4006     │
│ Rhyas                                 ┆ 3926fa8092ff351d7999235b34ed633e93b9d5cf ┆ 69       │
│ albert                                ┆ 9ef13436f450491ab5cf2eb5d551e6d8e3a079f0 ┆ 99       │
│ Matthew Brewer                        ┆ 4fcb90814f867c838abc2b8a87b3fc80007bf198 ┆ 72       │
│ enspencer                             ┆ 7ee46ae3430934e87e3dd973efc333409544148e ┆ 4        │
│ Edmund Craske                         ┆ edbc4fad13dbc9944ec53c7fcec004a314c3e89b ┆ 3        │
│ edmundcraske                          ┆ 4aa7d4f7dbc2415c0ae4636b036a7e63c3dc492e ┆ 3        │
│ Henning Sprang                        ┆ dbb543a1fd322dd89c709260fceb5168850c94b9 ┆ 7        │
│ Andrew Tarry                          ┆ c3b3feaf11b0100b52173c3f3400fca2f75e9e7a ┆ 8        │
│ Josh Masseo                           ┆ 1b4991163f25aad51f8ad26f472e892cc5e4bd52 ┆ 2606     │
│ Paulo Eduardo Deininger Messias Alves ┆ 0a0ccb84f2d48b33d12e10502b7e38bdb9b315c9 ┆ 1        │
│ Kocsis Máté                           ┆ 7a0063c9eb1733e83091fb5fb78b8ed6c12a299c ┆ 1        │
│ Jan-Arve Nygård                       ┆ 1aba9581f566c40859561f7bf9e048a4ebf197ed ┆ 1        │
│ Yuya Kusakabe                         ┆ 71d93d2e5cd8e6970e49af1f9e31ac168228ccf9 ┆ 9        │
│ tjinjin                               ┆ 336822646f6ece13641f0417a48b39ff02d1ccc7 ┆ 1        │
│ Pradeep Chhetri                       ┆ 19c9e14d5b1fdcaf75e8b6132bb84b85dc28db3c ┆ 2        │
│ Oleg Chunikhin                        ┆ 25383ad5a34f02c9aea65b3737175bf7803c95f7 ┆ 10       │
│ Sean Knox                             ┆ a087b295040b5b003d705b3b162be0d3159ec1fb ┆ 1        │
│ Paul Frybarger                        ┆ d8c9e448d46e156a7b3957897755c5ebf80696bd ┆ 7        │
│ Rob Zienert                           ┆ 4aeb5bb8e961bfb82e1fae3c3106b6186ae1c3de ┆ 416      │
│ Ryan Wold                             ┆ 1d3ba5b2ef4550be35f352a08414a2f97cfcf842 ┆ 1        │
│ Pablo Porto                           ┆ b3ecf8eb7312376103fe318dfbfe98160ca78f35 ┆ 1        │
│ ephemeralsnow                         ┆ 54cb5ffe009a33a06e9dacf4d67fef54042511cd ┆ 313      │
│ Brandon Siegel                        ┆ fc7e9fcd53485e31e473f83ef0a0758059bb0443 ┆ 46       │
│ Eric Robert                           ┆ 92d535267c56d17cfb024aef43b0c3a8ae2645ee ┆ 12       │
│ Philip Witty                          ┆ fd4be284da2b5699e820c72746d85c845f2b63e6 ┆ 421      │
│ Anubhav Mishra                        ┆ f58290c83f89ba665d963337962c5b0789311fe5 ┆ 5        │
│ Derek Goss                            ┆ 91204cf7ebe9bef4b1edd94fff5fe39bab11dc88 ┆ 3        │
│ David Peterson                        ┆ 0c152845cad71be5fa5bbbf33b38e8ff61e4e651 ┆ 1        │
│ Michael Perez                         ┆ 9c3917f4353e081b8438d3321c5ccab72028317d ┆ 20       │
│ Marcos Lilljedahl                     ┆ cb9f1fb8fab7c45e7ec3a6d6f47b593a824331b3 ┆ 2        │
│ Shane O'Grady                         ┆ b03fc1d2e9fee8684d1db8cea7793e06a2f8166c ┆ 3        │
│ gamename                              ┆ 3bc09db7e0d856a657de7e34412fd3f8c6dab280 ┆ 64       │
│ Alex Crowe                            ┆ b3f7d1e38613d4eec4cb973c4646624ba5028508 ┆ 701      │
│ Verdoïa Laurent                       ┆ ea5f53782ad64b735621d5ca6c1c592a6a423e50 ┆ 4        │
│ Ben                                   ┆ a97f1a557fd871535105aeaa21931e43030efaf1 ┆ 2        │
│ Drew Minnear                          ┆ ef50479e8a5dc25a926988e97ccdb73e997ad87f ┆ 173      │
│ Edward Muller                         ┆ 8a9b0f6628b8ad9d34f563658c404af1cb5a1bd7 ┆ 4641     │
│ Akram Hussein                         ┆ f887b709644ddd1699f4db01ffadd9fd7fef586e ┆ 0        │
│ Feanil Patel                          ┆ 8fbacf7261b846dfeb7703e7f28dfaf9100bcf5b ┆ 1        │
│ Adam Ochonicki                        ┆ 0673fe3273c2682742ed74f6d5d8585d548b747e ┆ 2        │
│ Panagiotis Moustafellos               ┆ 237e257f3793faa3258c0e1e1b6731cd8b1087a4 ┆ 4297     │
│ Kelvin Law                            ┆ 775a3f88262394c8f954df4954920a9ac1eb30d3 ┆ 101      │
│ Vincenzo Prignano                     ┆ 1b84048aeff2a25ebb3df3797176b4d1bb19712c ┆ 281      │
│ innossh                               ┆ 564dd360a223dc0b23dcd9b0ea089018700bec41 ┆ 22       │
│ Joshua Garnett                        ┆ 12958fb5e717049518301e822d7f5df01054a885 ┆ 53       │
│ Brett Mack                            ┆ 04d7532bf73c486d12e0ec2377b7ce932d013c20 ┆ 19136    │
│ Jeff Mitchell                         ┆ 88ca0ec5df018e4e681139e871b0f425e14e5938 ┆ 1005     │
│ Paul O'Connor                         ┆ e3c6c05395c66274f2104c48fe7ac3791bf9ccdf ┆ 2        │
│ Jeff Zohrab                           ┆ 33d30761dd62c1825e3577107eb91c4b78ee1102 ┆ 1        │
│ vince rosso                           ┆ 2b43a317a96a28e48f8057baa5843818d227d7d4 ┆ 1568     │
│ Paulo Schreiner                       ┆ 923f7dca37bfce57bb5b5da2046b040ead1c9b67 ┆ 78       │
│ Jonathan Kinred                       ┆ 3156018f425ad590e2118e9da8de90a635b37fc2 ┆ 15       │
│ Hasan Türken                          ┆ 766dac4d793be5cabcfd465e4dd94d6d04190f53 ┆ 194      │
│ Simon Menke                           ┆ 49e76ecf58dc2601e147e373ae5957019c03febb ┆ 1        │
│ Oleksandr Kushchenko                  ┆ a07005eacd9def3eb91dc665d4bd051287abceb3 ┆ 1        │
│ Karol Stepniewski                     ┆ 88fb724af81224ba4f3e1b018d8d906f7b193f0e ┆ 28       │
│ Alex Clifford                         ┆ 706162fb3a28f850723b30f91ce94e0701697c38 ┆ 11       │
│ Sebastiaan van Steenis                ┆ 4a10530b0773d589af7b69f761c5c2a984244ff1 ┆ 26       │
│ Veaceslav Mindru                      ┆ 9112f9f50ea50ec69089f2355433bc8a9fa7b8d9 ┆ 2        │
│ Craig Marsden                         ┆ 64d5ff2e847710e0c4d2c8796dc7d42ed2f035f8 ┆ 5        │
│ Heather                               ┆ fda24637c3871aa3e3cc08f096003ccf5382b92c ┆ 1        │
│ Rich Burroughs                        ┆ cb537e9d7dee80b1b74262c884915c4605dfab6f ┆ 1        │
│ Mike Cowgill                          ┆ c7118eff24e911c76a722b67a1c5bccf085a4609 ┆ 3        │
│ Diego Rodriguez                       ┆ cfafa3f5743a8eeba6222dcce705bb14eb760b3d ┆ 1        │
│ Benjamin Jorand                       ┆ aea329ae92dd69a58f87517a8f880baa0a18aac7 ┆ 5        │
│ Kevin Woods                           ┆ a994a9b72f03eb03c387122f1b4c8b71806a615e ┆ 1        │
│ Yo Takezawa                           ┆ 17e6e5d118aa48f0e0bbe8a4bd84066dc5871ae4 ┆ 22       │
│ Lars Bahner                           ┆ 9e3cef3ce535de31f127cacda524eaccee6b89eb ┆ 22       │
│ José F. Romaniello                    ┆ c8795b85657848c0c6614d16ab7ba172ed550546 ┆ 61       │
│ Silas Sewell                          ┆ 0b9a80ebef883471a9d23828d5b6ff702856133a ┆ 766      │
│ Jason Riddle                          ┆ 11631b53c31905696b0d53c5ccd100dbe2149d73 ┆ 12       │
│ Carles Figuerola                      ┆ 755917db077d3e32c546218508e08325dffe4b62 ┆ 4247     │
│ Csaba Palfi                           ┆ 8f6404a0e13549d3c5f35348809e073fb2a7b822 ┆ 46       │
│ Gaurav Chaturvedi                     ┆ 676c39e835a2009da9ff31a17f69085fc9e853bb ┆ 6        │
│ Mat Davies                            ┆ 45b3b9d18120f163491a5435b52804f863598646 ┆ 46       │
│ chris                                 ┆ 9aa8bbda93f33c5eb7b78e7683746a11c341e264 ┆ 129      │
│ Lee Provoost                          ┆ 96f3f76118e7f07c5b305bed86f17243f6bd36e8 ┆ 6        │
│ Phomias                               ┆ 5ec817ba366c958e08a58ce5b9f9edd905a73eb5 ┆ 3        │
│ Andrew Hodges                         ┆ a1935a135d2acfdf445c09d993a237d63a4663fc ┆ 138      │
│ Carl Youngblood                       ┆ 5c68858c5b3522fe0fc13110b4c510a3de0fff89 ┆ 63       │
│ aibou                                 ┆ 5e9c17d008bb410b512e201278e64cdf6c26bf60 ┆ 28       │
│ Johannes Boyne                        ┆ df7ac2d51b2df0b6ce7ed141b8fe10b57c7f1bfa ┆ 320      │
│ Simeon Filipov                        ┆ 2962cff199878e2bde5147b8ae6cf08710f4a77e ┆ 2        │
│ Koen De Causmaecker                   ┆ 45ef11e59f443c43b42fe2d36c639c55bb0b1fbd ┆ 53       │
│ John E. Vincent                       ┆ 0e664c8c20e0dc80056871c4162242b5a4d254be ┆ 185      │
│ timmy_tofu                            ┆ affbe9bffa95a8b8e3c68eab27349d7cd1f68620 ┆ 13       │
│ John Wards                            ┆ 61b9f3108f1669cb9ca091d53fbd0102e8ad61bd ┆ 2        │
│ Nathaniel                             ┆ d6b9dc37e76a121b99248ae47f97ca5be8f5e727 ┆ 1        │
│ Mark Troyer                           ┆ b396bbb3e4c04d5cb2a4c01de671634edadfecad ┆ 4        │
│ William Holroyd                       ┆ 7b962006fb42eea0f35c579e80c8392d0f719f4e ┆ 3        │
│ Cliff Pracht                          ┆ 1de2fde147558fc10600638c29e9340651424d14 ┆ 7        │
│ Elliot Graebert                       ┆ 65567cfbdc49f58e26d9c6e0a91fda5ee22a3ded ┆ 76       │
│ Garrett Barboza                       ┆ 82d8e48a27077d28890acacd480f26a520e6568f ┆ 2        │
│ Jakub Janczak                         ┆ 81779aa1d4f094a45ffd1d45986d4925970e8c08 ┆ 815      │
│ Jens Bissinger                        ┆ a018195645f30d581f4ccffc4365f4f3a2ac0794 ┆ 0        │
│ kozo yamagata                         ┆ 2a3c80461f825c383b2b7a642897ca9f4a9bf3e7 ┆ 1        │
│ Jordan                                ┆ bf7220aa53a4837273d663343d7c454dff94153a ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin London                          ┆ 9fb631a076b62f6ba57b7230c3c82d93dbd3a960 ┆ 4        │
│ Nashwan Azhari                        ┆ 1eb129a99b894a9ccdc8736fa4436cdfe191db95 ┆ 1416     │
│ Seth Bergman                          ┆ 47ea43394f859bba3b72831ab91735691886e5bf ┆ 7        │
│ nextrevision                          ┆ 27b8dd08e79c37cf0fb5c0604efad3796d46d8d2 ┆ 522      │
│ gorazio                               ┆ d9b83ada393d0548f34277b55e93b21ee8b8123f ┆ 1        │
│ Rolo                                  ┆ 11a6efa35867c00a658c28ad22b152b2f5f5df0f ┆ 1        │
│ Scott Lowe                            ┆ 1a9eab2cbe177c7837d80c997bc17ea1d55df22b ┆ 14       │
│ Harry Macey                           ┆ 4f5df717b4fcd7b0a1f7b748b2b1571e8e244c2e ┆ 4        │
│ mdeboercw                             ┆ 6ca1327aa20b0f49b67dd1b758bf5c6a422096bb ┆ 936      │
│ Spencer Nelson                        ┆ 063d770e517b2273c2766f7135613f9adf814b0e ┆ 37       │
│ justnom                               ┆ 38509d583dc6abddd6067d5a9a1c58071fb4ae00 ┆ 115      │
│ Ross Duggan                           ┆ 1549adfccd0a19f2635bab5353f1f6c73038a89b ┆ 1        │
│ toshihisa                             ┆ bedd020deee5134e181a0e3e9551271a8afcf636 ┆ 2        │
│ aboschke                              ┆ a7c8d0714eabbcbb5eecf1be3042c6abc0c373b9 ┆ 9        │
│ Grisha Trubetskoy                     ┆ 6fbfd99ace68db5c3e328d79571085bdde5fdf7e ┆ 1        │
│ Buck Ryan                             ┆ 921944c9564b425200215bc4b6e210ae790fc633 ┆ 0        │
│ Nic Grayson                           ┆ ef9838c7967186f585119eab0383650fd43ddf57 ┆ 2        │
│ Philipp Preß                          ┆ a4c62673ee88d5e99458cbf7c1ca69fada50b389 ┆ 6        │
│ Andrew Teixeira                       ┆ 6e7c7b6a0bb227e808e1a94b86b598634c7b914b ┆ 6        │
│ Alex Berghage                         ┆ 53f02fc4a2a53cfdacc565bf136c39686e812b4a ┆ 10       │
│ Corey Farwell                         ┆ 82e502359c3d9118d2c982f146c3aefe027b285f ┆ 2        │
│ Piotr Komborski                       ┆ 3d28b8dec227716eda962716cb0e315074d2b05b ┆ 30       │
│ Adrian Chelaru                        ┆ e1eef15646fd8da87fa88fa41dca3c1ace37a86b ┆ 939      │
│ Timothy                               ┆ ef0b02ede3d9728346fdceb085ff7f8e76204ec2 ┆ 1        │
│ Paul Bellamy                          ┆ 52d178b7ac7f378cddc64d1395f1c0c86cf2ebd0 ┆ 126      │
│ pat                                   ┆ 6f7ef2faddb3f8597d163d9d0c2d00b14b22edc0 ┆ 442      │
│ Baraa Basata                          ┆ 4970040d1fe0f9a8a421682778b16d6ec7959f74 ┆ 1        │
│ Patrick Lee                           ┆ 85e3e78a5edc46b520b989d039f3a4118508cd7f ┆ 32       │
│ chrislovecnm                          ┆ 811a82d9b3f490e814cd4be4d1dc18ab5551be3e ┆ 4945     │
│ Michael Vermaes                       ┆ f0292d420fcb653ca18d60aa1513f577f29d1593 ┆ 1        │
│ Shu Masuda                            ┆ 1c37e908c70ba7e24fa63a87cf4f551b62527e07 ┆ 2        │
│ Nicki Watt                            ┆ 3809315af9dcef161348f4a9b9bbcf51ebcdf760 ┆ 97       │
│ Julien Fabre                          ┆ ed3f54cc47810d291e989bada385f486f1138a8c ┆ 77       │
│ Miguel Ferreira                       ┆ 9e42207fee27bb0c24914449525c7637e83e3152 ┆ 1        │
│ Luke Amdor                            ┆ f23a4994ae4b2ca9ce10021c76a924e8ac2da311 ┆ 2191     │
│ Chris Busbey                          ┆ 12d51edeb6024e0f976368368222d11b23b59285 ┆ 12       │
│ Brandon Rochon                        ┆ 6875e9aaec0f79f2437874c20f2369b877257804 ┆ 290      │
│ Jonathan Groth                        ┆ 8491f0883da775fc0cf8fb18f101ebb454756d46 ┆ 1        │
│ Sunil K Chopra                        ┆ bf88ee8ddb07149d33628c26b9de981a8052a0a4 ┆ 37       │
│ Chad Thompson                         ┆ d309f8b82b9af034eaa0a262c5ef2463b2348f3e ┆ 1        │
│ YuusukeMatsuura                       ┆ 7dd6b779cae3f8e35c332db2f35836b0948734b6 ┆ 16       │
│ Patrick Gray                          ┆ eadee6bd33e04a53c65792c36268905a7138f57c ┆ 1365     │
│ ryane                                 ┆ 4fc60c9f89cc4ebad933bbffb0f243eb9213c183 ┆ 293      │
│ mcinteer                              ┆ 64d982ac9ed2fe17a50967952bfce5e47211139d ┆ 1        │
│ Jef Statham                           ┆ 13e862673f31ce2c27b7a704946b23bb9c317a5c ┆ 2        │
│ Eddie Forson                          ┆ ad1c28990c37324575a1249a5f021ae45255a327 ┆ 5        │
│ Joe Gross                             ┆ a727b0c415981afb9ff29d351b603aef120d7340 ┆ 1        │
│ Will Stern                            ┆ 1ab69ab6383b65b4775b955fa4e2db6f9b92f2ed ┆ 1        │
│ Tomas Doran                           ┆ 87dd5c5bd077f67631a0103ea8db3d16fb2c9055 ┆ 45       │
│ Florin Patan                          ┆ e173b60f104c68553b44ed8a5e5eb5b3151d1ee2 ┆ 67       │
│ Jean Mertz                            ┆ 7d11b4b7e79e6c622eec0b076382dcef96e43b0c ┆ 235      │
│ Michael Austin                        ┆ a0322f9b8ce4b1c4179e8098f9d503c40f0cb297 ┆ 1925     │
│ AJ Bahnken                            ┆ ab273bb2ee0cb8655d9f78c7d3903b1615fa2b7f ┆ 18       │
│ Joshua Semar                          ┆ 31767accac0c524c928cf65fa63de10bd32d60bc ┆ 21       │
│ BSick7                                ┆ e0aad68ef1af0c169603862167779dab4a908a4d ┆ 330      │
│ John Gosset                           ┆ 61e890ecc90b9fb94ee851e2946b3957c131fada ┆ 3        │
│ Daniel Imfeld                         ┆ f23a8bfe4e855210a33640a5eabae120b63a531d ┆ 16       │
│ Vincent Latombe                       ┆ 44e93526a1d12140e0c5078f7fb5895351bf6ae0 ┆ 8        │
│ Warren Konkel                         ┆ 48439bdf625a33e34efe64a0b977e0f73ab877ae ┆ 1        │
│ Wojtek Mach                           ┆ 65cd53f70afac43665150b30c7e3287236648ce9 ┆ 3        │
│ gkze                                  ┆ ac0afad6e99a00cd19c30952629bea7cde8704aa ┆ 625      │
│ Nathan Zadoks                         ┆ 362a2035c0bb709162ab75d47ef6db2b23bcef56 ┆ 122      │
│ Joel Moss                             ┆ b1d731bd6f24a1aab2ede549a46bf2b9c93be68e ┆ 32       │
│ Garrett Heel                          ┆ 9c2725e0a5be1375796f9c323392854a71bd25c4 ┆ 261      │
│ Geert Theys                           ┆ aaac9435ecf4fa139e5160c2e39295ccc5d223d8 ┆ 1        │
│ Sam Handler                           ┆ b9c43b2ee91d56fdc7091c4584b4f6488797bdbc ┆ 124      │
│ Jonathan Leibiusky                    ┆ 57c80a0d46aa4236c2b5da4418345dff08aa2283 ┆ 345      │
│ Fatih Arslan                          ┆ 0090c063e8c29d8af226b00bffd31e8eb3b35f77 ┆ 80       │
│ Shani Elharrar                        ┆ 9a6f680eda2eef2044fee8b0cc8ffd8bdfa82231 ┆ 11       │
│ Daniel Paul Searles                   ┆ fd2d9371e9fe0b47d95d6206e0718e6c3101383c ┆ 4        │
│ Rafael Fonseca                        ┆ acb8d044a3893200ce386978ccb51380fe446889 ┆ 1        │
│ Svend Sorensen                        ┆ 73b51698ada29342e69086eba86e643f2e31bb1a ┆ 28       │
│ Guillaume Giamarchi                   ┆ e453decec833c5992b6692714cf76b1d0b69949e ┆ 2852     │
│ Robert Roland                         ┆ 2b75e65129a41a0723971ca0fc5b3fb4efb02043 ┆ 1        │
│ balser                                ┆ 4ede14ee3e60295ba7e02e3aaeaa54f7804d0ddb ┆ 3        │
│ carinadigital                         ┆ 1d6a5c5401a4abaa03d2a8233aac6e07ba321d8e ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Nuckolls                        ┆ bf9c5c46d09413c234e2ef3d784081ca290f15b8 ┆ 135      │
│ rob boll                              ┆ 325f95839a3a65bbaacc195c084255a6396d1eda ┆ 1        │
│ Carlos A Becker                       ┆ 362024056ff0a9add8e87621dedc07b2ec31e677 ┆ 9        │
│ Jason Gedge                           ┆ 3c6faf068f86534a47fefff998541db3bfa591e1 ┆ 84       │
│ Chavez                                ┆ ac4243269071b7f15dcea43b233a72fc5ceb6d6c ┆ 49       │
│ Enrique Garbi                         ┆ 72b0ffe22e5afcb41665e98167de6c827379b10c ┆ 2        │
│ Spencer Owen                          ┆ 1dfafe184057125284016e31c5b0bbcdb452db52 ┆ 2        │
│ thrashr888                            ┆ 55f3c8c76498cf181a1f3605b0e796e5cac6be07 ┆ 17       │
│ Anthony Scalisi                       ┆ 198e1a5186c264e0a03d7ffc26a175821f8b8dbf ┆ 76       │
│ zpatrick                              ┆ d261117901601141e72d8ced4307e219e7dd4958 ┆ 81       │
│ Jon Benson                            ┆ cf53778de59f2dc7a4dc5706f76c74b0b53e3b75 ┆ 1        │
│ Dave McDermid                         ┆ 00ea29aea7ee91ccfbbd61336d923f55f3302fe5 ┆ 53       │
│ Marcello Laganà                       ┆ 98808cb9b8f7f1126aebe9d1e1da715ec3ef1224 ┆ 60       │
│ Christian Berendt                     ┆ f6d69164e84a0e1efd396025f79e3743d28a0034 ┆ 644      │
│ David Winterbottom                    ┆ 68779490df3032565d01b8df6c9d5dad335a86e1 ┆ 4        │
│ Jeroen de Korte                       ┆ 2d1d47fac64d23531abe7efe20c22846c856c6ac ┆ 659      │
│ Sam Clinckspoor                       ┆ 1f6c688d85d0a9e58dc46864760e46ff48a5e241 ┆ 598      │
│ Gabriel Sobrinho                      ┆ 456fc37449217bd75a9e3d6169d88405c502cd5d ┆ 2        │
│ Casey Stamm                           ┆ 364a3b90df2e264781c9032007e5e50a9678ad3f ┆ 1        │
│ djworth                               ┆ 75c1475cc1940c7115a09dc31b3c17b5905a54a8 ┆ 1        │
│ Alex Gaynor                           ┆ a419cb30051d6b20703923c58065181569a2522e ┆ 5809     │
│ David Laing                           ┆ 79d8fde09c0fe9976f942d569eff8026d0e9925e ┆ 95       │
│ Pavel Vaněček                         ┆ d649af8813cca6ae8029df16e40605f822207bcc ┆ 1        │
│ Calvin French-Owen                    ┆ cb2d90a7d93bab26bb04c304e53f37150efb790d ┆ 12       │
│ Eric Connell                          ┆ 85d1d15d81deb7a486418773994bc6fe4710d33a ┆ 29       │
│ Pablo Cantero                         ┆ 5930f22974a87d4de40e4ddd2bebc223cf802bc7 ┆ 3100     │
│ Raúl Naveiras                         ┆ 87239dcec89fd3b518513cbedf77ed5eb19bac04 ┆ 1        │
│ Travis Truman                         ┆ d7e0e3fbe87289c74817b474b8008dedeac14d92 ┆ 38       │
│ Jon Simpson                           ┆ a2e14c04649196fda23f679e59af48b44ff055e2 ┆ 1        │
│ Garrett Johnson                       ┆ f9e825efcac1dc58dba8f56fee4f0f9d057f3f55 ┆ 181      │
│ Takaaki FURUKAWA                      ┆ a5209ad2c0892830977b0851f66a9d60e541d750 ┆ 0        │
│ Nick Laferriere                       ┆ aced88681f088afbb4be1b8992c1b37d2b4d99b2 ┆ 8        │
│ Alex Philipp                          ┆ 3cb2a3b0b8add7e80db14b0d9874f295c7456653 ┆ 1        │
│ Phil Frost                            ┆ fb1226321c5c81e6d37d813e6e0ddce15fb815d3 ┆ 1830     │
│ Katelyn Perry                         ┆ 6fbebe3172a3f6b7fefec0d6ec3b185c96d02ad4 ┆ 1        │
│ Richard A. Steele                     ┆ d71e9b968ab58cb4443cb06cd0278fe30a88df6b ┆ 36       │
│ Joshua Seidel                         ┆ 147efbc52c31470dbd89d14ba95c228b2f57b490 ┆ 143      │
│ Matti Savolainen                      ┆ 41a16b571924a58e5ea58f76b4c0647e0f51c222 ┆ 255      │
│ Nathan Sullivan                       ┆ bba53d46a659839779b476ee401c0e8c9a9bc9bb ┆ 46       │
│ Nathaniel Schweinberg                 ┆ c29b4a9edd438c7e455d010187215f09d32d412b ┆ 824      │
│ Kel Cecil                             ┆ 857f1394046a8c9d1006a8b785f07855a8e3d43a ┆ 1        │
│ Tomohiro TAIRA                        ┆ 405ed5754466adab16f5ce047ed19e0dc252356c ┆ 0        │
│ Adam Enger                            ┆ d206d6d5d8aad59eaa3332bd7c2dcdcfd5fb4ec7 ┆ 27721    │
│ John Ewart                            ┆ 7b7d754bb5522a5793d7278a7127a91b3de73c01 ┆ 2443     │
│ Jeff Zellner                          ┆ ac462d2ef1bc7834b7f3a78ac7d0de73efcb14b7 ┆ 3        │
│ aznashwan                             ┆ 5ff6598e6564432c8ddf0e5d9e29a81431171fe9 ┆ 6003     │
│ Aris Pikeas                           ┆ 4e18b78a0cc460aed120a610bc297cd83cb9a502 ┆ 1        │
│ Camilo Aguilar                        ┆ f6cd88bcc4b3f74ef0a589c8229a8fe71d381ac9 ┆ 874      │
│ Rui Lopes                             ┆ 02791d70dfa4f7f585ee2c612f8836cb06298d50 ┆ 6        │
│ Jimmy Cuadra                          ┆ 94b11ed690128853cd6b2121db0679b21cc2eaf1 ┆ 1        │
│ zollie                                ┆ 579b33b8a283d77d07275c1e18371694c929106f ┆ 19       │
│ Andrew Matheny                        ┆ 0ecd1fd054373a950834a01fe983065c6e08ba5a ┆ 1        │
│ Jason Berlinsky                       ┆ 06e2336467860b522a12b79fdc92406f8cd8b38c ┆ 76       │
│ Robin Walsh                           ┆ ad17cf55a0fa69bf865abc01e7464457864f4190 ┆ 33       │
│ Chiradeep Vittal                      ┆ f8d190f5375d1f5a4efe441b3357e14c694314ce ┆ 8        │
│ Ben Wen                               ┆ d4834091761ed00d1d2c2a1c8d9fd1fed6995015 ┆ 7        │
│ Sathiya Shunmugasundaram              ┆ 80dbf3ba76c568a4f9c384578b284f397cfea2bb ┆ 678      │
│ Dan Paquette                          ┆ ccf41461a4d62a39af4b043ff8be951a8d17dd32 ┆ 3        │
│ Michael Chapman                       ┆ 02e3d30aac9cda7bef47477d7484e1c35c86f38f ┆ 1        │
│ cvvs                                  ┆ eabaf8a08805ec57822d79007bb6c35518cdbd7f ┆ 12       │
│ Ian MacLeod                           ┆ 20558fcf70d367c782cb1b137517c4be132c18ec ┆ 1        │
│ Julian Schneider                      ┆ b9a437658eff7492b4556909630b53b80ef7dc1d ┆ 8        │
│ Trent Johnson                         ┆ 054a40475c82f21002ae0226deb584ec6c903e4f ┆ 445      │
│ Colin Moller                          ┆ 67e56671eccc649ee6457d70db039e2c4783a602 ┆ 391      │
│ Jacques Lemieux                       ┆ 1d9df96fc1ba3b8a763f77832c42af4d0d6c3f80 ┆ 96       │
│ benjvi                                ┆ bfcf5cd3d14aaaf10d6b2b4e17d3652511bcd134 ┆ 2        │
│ Benjamin Vickers                      ┆ e0b9961d939133867167149d2eea59a77a01e4f8 ┆ 551      │
│ Thordur Bjornsson                     ┆ f3a86114ae2fa6a7a63b08c85789550c4c5dd3ed ┆ 1        │
│ Joel                                  ┆ 3939236f8792f84f1b4d59bc2b2f7e943cb2b846 ┆ 5        │
│ Benjamin vickers                      ┆ 5e9d385f960c0e4352505c55f5d1e822cef65143 ┆ 354      │
│ Yuji Yamano                           ┆ 0b11c33fd44494e0a9e5b78f290435a7c1d9eed4 ┆ 4        │
│ Dan Hilton                            ┆ b909f7826b3e8c171e1ee295584394541c5bff75 ┆ 422      │
│ Syohei YOSHIDA                        ┆ 4702f4e97c7a2074e7e9f50adcecdecee09e3860 ┆ 11       │
│ dan                                   ┆ 8553d97682ac8447dc4cd113a0dc5a520debcdd9 ┆ 1        │
│ _jac                                  ┆ a09afbb4aa8a9b333455193b934d02860b8496fa ┆ 16       │
│ 7heo                                  ┆ ff9b74c7e8eb434727301db095f5463785e55929 ┆ 11       │
│ Sam Boyer                             ┆ b82bd0c28061b5a4e779a4adf0ffa461b16b82fd ┆ 15       │
│ Stephen Chu                           ┆ 5e2e2ffa20702452db6720611b4c7320b8dab9b6 ┆ 33       │
│ Julien Lavergne                       ┆ d56eb3eb920dabb02c83a18bdfdaa4cf8c22889d ┆ 10       │
│ Alexander Dupuy                       ┆ 739a411b4d867bf7036a38f3fd4feeca867cd939 ┆ 515      │
│ uzyexe                                ┆ 20436988193fbd75242fe55d13f861684c85d2d2 ┆ 2        │
│ Josh Bleecher Snyder                  ┆ 02e751e356a0d9e01f9cded685534ec1317eb3e9 ┆ 450      │
│ Grégoire Pineau                       ┆ c60fda3c1d079e8533da2acd495c5de8e5a81d55 ┆ 6        │
│ James O'Beirne                        ┆ 56ec897a8401c9596f701e28855d4b4fcc2f94ae ┆ 30       │
│ Felix Rodriguez                       ┆ 60c3ca04303beaf80a28905b2467c30c6484d2c7 ┆ 3        │
│ TANABE Ken-ichi                       ┆ 5be4ecdcdb785204373cffab7bee36e30fe19a93 ┆ 460      │
│ Jeff Thompson                         ┆ 8e53355ff355bbcf2115e897f12e1afee48167db ┆ 22       │
│ jba                                   ┆ c50bcf29308439e271583365526579c453492151 ┆ 517      │
│ Avi Nanhkoesingh                      ┆ 1411d4010f12bcf728e22af94388319585e0453c ┆ 71       │
│ Alan Grosskurth                       ┆ 023b2f94eb53c2614f46441ba0379b94a76b6d0a ┆ 1        │
│ James Stremick                        ┆ e586d05a7d8e55b94e70faea5a4f8cfbea5316ff ┆ 84       │
│ Reuven V. Gonzales                    ┆ e8e42decc9a0d400b6452aef9d7b92e12939979f ┆ 26       │
│ John Wegis                            ┆ 5495381c38e742ed7071df388b03179dd534f4bb ┆ 1        │
│ Peter Hollows                         ┆ c8c0d3ef9ff3f7774e4e3b92035d938dfdc3eee8 ┆ 1        │
│ Joshua Lund                           ┆ 68e4fcc6145f2ce00d7e7f0756fd15d151bee6bd ┆ 43       │
│ Dainis Tillers                        ┆ 2fa84036737f0d778fd84bce4116648b783abaca ┆ 136      │
│ skfmu                                 ┆ 2c3298874324a431a9401e87c84836bd0de9947e ┆ 19       │
│ Tomotaka Sakuma                       ┆ f3d9a287e1bdb4720d540b5961b7bfdece47ab9f ┆ 879      │
│ Gavin James                           ┆ c986c652382e128472964719766f5b9582a0bed2 ┆ 154      │
│ Matt Good                             ┆ 21b0a03d707db7955437065470a56d70e9701ec6 ┆ 347      │
│ Stephan Epping                        ┆ c2319da1aa49ba0d5411181048a395457396d31c ┆ 26       │
│ Nevins Bartolomeo                     ┆ 6da242de03e824db9328a6f9f240d2cea10cc82e ┆ 3        │
│ duncan                                ┆ e1ac4b9f9036dcdb0ec01419b4664691393b73c8 ┆ 17       │
│ Jon-Erik Schneiderhan                 ┆ 2515f44717c311e577b3de97faeab3000ce5ed37 ┆ 1        │
│ Nick Downs                            ┆ f74405d5e726ee8729c90ca1fa70972d4cdc9c22 ┆ 14       │
│ Eli Shvartsman                        ┆ 44d612389423a326ee3327afdc18ead961f7a28f ┆ 2        │
│ Jon Topper                            ┆ 6e3675e2def09a9d4a15b95bf4dacc7e7b363040 ┆ 1        │
│ Jason Waldrip                         ┆ 74bfbece69e6826836ae6820ad0cfa494d689128 ┆ 733      │
│ Thomas Lovett                         ┆ baf1625485a4d72b5d84d388a3447b70c8f61686 ┆ 6        │
│ Luis Faustino                         ┆ f3bc644bc2f3bbaa1fbfd99fff986e029b4baca6 ┆ 1        │
│ Alex Shadrin                          ┆ fdfb84df71182fedd480b5c529d2430abaa44452 ┆ 14       │
│ Nick HS                               ┆ 39598cf1faf6f345d4ea81a69c4d06301e702dce ┆ 6        │
│ Hart Hoover                           ┆ 3fcaab91143babed1f4c19991cea8b4d994fb04b ┆ 1        │
│ Rui Zhang                             ┆ 94bb3ed513ea76a25accf5abe018158f505be8ac ┆ 15       │
│ Tarrant                               ┆ f68c9eee638e278db646466f927625df5332b07c ┆ 2376     │
│ Michał Guminiak                       ┆ dc67b043fac9c4d45066e56bd8e0a00e33015a7d ┆ 5        │
│ Chris Buben                           ┆ 0092946f748f77770e7807d16f6c3e48ae6b14d1 ┆ 18       │
│ Eric Bellemon                         ┆ d03b420e623c4a9c4e8992c3f3d3ba5d573d2e9f ┆ 557      │
│ Long Nguyen                           ┆ 42fb14f19a85cc0a6b340498ccb889d52672306f ┆ 102      │
│ Jon Perritt                           ┆ 633e98dffe249a93e9592f46a1ca0b8a5f8a69ae ┆ 8876     │
│ Anton Tereshchenkov                   ┆ 6f76340192147f7a1f29a2831d2ed5cb6f167b8b ┆ 165      │
│ Nolan Darilek                         ┆ 9d75fa72aba677e84dc4638a13de7692d72d9051 ┆ 15       │
│ David Watson                          ┆ 988da2f90b4b1e7cf1ea211d4cdd9afb624209f7 ┆ 2532     │
│ Peter Beams                           ┆ e4214a998380e6872e01d8d6a0d6b9a45b91509d ┆ 6467     │
│ Suguru Namura                         ┆ 30941dfdc4e6d04d8e999f700286fbd24955f5f2 ┆ 46       │
│ Rahul Menon                           ┆ a34800dff270e9eb0484db0435b26aa5ab7f4289 ┆ 400      │
│ stungtoat                             ┆ 1ae50a18f85a14904e0c64a22d041061d3fc01aa ┆ 63       │
│ rmenn                                 ┆ d56c683602ace8799ff6f58f3d13da43a56d657a ┆ 1        │
│ Kevin Yi                              ┆ 0e3f1a865ea3098380a6ae617652deb848490244 ┆ 2        │
│ Alex Ianchici                         ┆ 916c64b166016eeeabd4bd3f7fac5aaf2a5d25df ┆ 8        │
│ Pablo Lalloni                         ┆ ac58a450bac27147d9df7bc15da4ec135978bf11 ┆ 214      │
│ Bryce Kahle                           ┆ fa8280a56ca819b0d046ea3f48669d9cf598117e ┆ 45       │
│ nevins-b                              ┆ b7238ca6f2225b10a577f9ae605b245104469d5b ┆ 169      │
│ lalyos                                ┆ 92540d3d880abb1e5dc9d9b35a9b6bdc55df6f94 ┆ 2        │
│ Amadeus Demarzi                       ┆ 61536cb1f8d3c49742967ed1b6003bdc6f21be46 ┆ 10363    │
│ Greg Osuri                            ┆ 481b3c7e3baeb5ecd257a405c6a59687de85be20 ┆ 95       │
│ Emil Hessman                          ┆ e7bbbfb09834789121e2a96a8fd889b8030eed3b ┆ 964      │
│ INADA Naoki                           ┆ f6367a779abac2c8b66ed10ddfe56afe1d156415 ┆ 58       │
│ Patrick Lucas                         ┆ bcc85be991a56ff3e9a6565d85f8c0dc6933c0ab ┆ 0        │
│ Ferran Rodenas                        ┆ f561e2a6a87aa4640929334c4a91e011bbd57f90 ┆ 687      │
│ Ryan Lewon                            ┆ 2923261ed7f28799a43ab39a695ba063fb58cc0c ┆ 1        │
│ Graham Floyd                          ┆ 91378ce0af30411b82d9b06f08e64546ba8d5eb6 ┆ 31       │
│ Sonia Hamilton                        ┆ 6b9f4e09b0ed08efec17af4602187636e4599739 ┆ 1186     │
│ Evan Krall                            ┆ 090a30e98830f1168f88549cce394d672130e5b1 ┆ 1        │
│ Armon Dadgar                          ┆ df71834ff7c5f3bdb25fd1e3a1d244336dcc4cd0 ┆ 25896    │
│ Phil Kates                            ┆ b211d69dde39f65cf8bcc5c6b17795b3daca7e1b ┆ 1        │
│ gulyasm                               ┆ 0486dd0624e97687bc88a61505f4556ff7704f58 ┆ 1        │
│ Sören Blom                            ┆ efca6b0e8ae41b13f7984bd9e2f6c2ee98a37d7b ┆ 2        │
│ Pete Hodgson                          ┆ 55347c0e59b2f844e8e1db3204e6caa092e89b92 ┆ 235      │
│ Igor Vuk                              ┆ 99834978d3126cdb5ca5abc560ca675907fb45af ┆ 49       │
│ Kevin van Zonneveld                   ┆ 07505ed1595cd6f7d890a356b0eb6ca293eb8808 ┆ 1        │
│ Dr Nic Williams                       ┆ e5aedc70afbc41fb01b730df6c10fe8d9e337db6 ┆ 29       │
│ Yahya Poonawala                       ┆ 7e4f41710734442de1c531e023736e2e94eb3221 ┆ 123      │
│ Don Johnson                           ┆ e02c62347dbc200b43f9a89a200fd712d8742fd3 ┆ 10       │
│ Sneha Somwanshi                       ┆ 5e3e8562fc30ef2b038f96b865d6b1c509c78cc5 ┆ 5730     │
│ Kushal Pisavadia                      ┆ b40b7ce01a25214f6bbb5e324049b5f6f33b23c9 ┆ 71       │
│ Alan LaMielle                         ┆ 3488afa6ae7efb6d88e400973c5a5b10dbff695d ┆ 2        │
│ Daniel Malon                          ┆ 1e3065ae112fdaa3d1abe92185045d22f319d30d ┆ 8        │
│ Madhu                                 ┆ 23c3280c1dfb3bddae3b84eb674fc4e52e262c24 ┆ 49       │
│ Daniel Farina                         ┆ 67b03247ec1dc4d9b1678bcd8c8e00bed2cfee32 ┆ 1        │
│ Rob Costanzo                          ┆ 8da91e9636d81f55719d383be442e98f247e6a9b ┆ 785      │
│ sneha somwanshi                       ┆ 750a36c51ed284530bb27e3362157c007819a9b9 ┆ 9        │
│ Simon Turvey                          ┆ 31132f1deda695364a030a417a4564c82adb7385 ┆ 114      │
│ Eric Buth                             ┆ 9fa25c40b2261311d4eef4dfd43917eabecff43c ┆ 2475     │
│ Matthieu Fronton                      ┆ d901d6213836dbbf141206413d20257260ae136b ┆ 2        │
│ Ben Gesoff                            ┆ 0d79a0f31e792cb58dbeabe92d9e69a9c0ae30bb ┆ 1        │
│ John Eckhart                          ┆ 22fa84ebcb03c76ea78840889cb2bfac9c39d94d ┆ 4        │
│ JCM                                   ┆ e6b94d1f7b8d82d91b05acff64fdadec3362c8a2 ┆ 1        │
│ Paul Lewis                            ┆ 3f5a9b70d8522ad17324f829a0ae82f33a16803c ┆ 0        │
│ Sean Herron                           ┆ 3e16190e69515e1fd21231842b1766e480602ba7 ┆ 64       │
│ Xu Wang                               ┆ df37e82f5b820b8a7961ab07c9bdbccd56456872 ┆ 14       │
│ cfortier2                             ┆ 77edd9d8d8cf89b843b94c4ccad54d2cbd50c7ac ┆ 2        │
│ Spencer Krum                          ┆ 60e6fb8fad7698c4a5ee97ee664997d6267e7987 ┆ 5        │
│ Ian Delahorne                         ┆ 9f91c4e8c3712ca0a36cae624e55c4535aa0797a ┆ 8        │
│ Alek Storm                            ┆ c7f219a781bb83b4179c349487b1ff7ef0577184 ┆ 81       │
│ James Martelletti                     ┆ 1f08ddf27d6f4e4fa15ea88d4122c4cb574b0f95 ┆ 6        │
│ Matthew Leventi                       ┆ ab311e840171d5d1d3c1a91ff6eeb99423880a84 ┆ 1        │
│ Hao-kang Den                          ┆ d9665bad4ee5089ff95200ead2537cdf0d67527d ┆ 32       │
│ Ben Smith                             ┆ 597a3bfddda0ee9faa9dea33de8e0694cd53fea6 ┆ 1        │
│ Godefroid Chapelle                    ┆ 41e13c0189d2f648c63dc2be975de34d0107bf88 ┆ 1        │
│ AJ Bourg                              ┆ aefa4b2399018c50ff312e389bab0e2ce8ce92eb ┆ 1        │
│ shin1x1                               ┆ 781e512dde37e3843cb45bef1e2d20b52f9fc07e ┆ 1        │
│ bdd                                   ┆ 4a53f38d3a415b0c2a25c1c044181b58bfe26e21 ┆ 30       │
│ Ian Atha                              ┆ 13b0e7ee2c1298c2ce88c112026e354b0a442d24 ┆ 1        │
│ Justyn Harriman                       ┆ a253c0efc2d2c38957abc9efb0d6d34639e110d8 ┆ 1        │
│ Jason Padvorac                        ┆ 8d97c3656ce3a539d6902fef671fd4060a8a5c40 ┆ 49       │
│ deoxxa                                ┆ 4405a8d9741dbc08bf341683975270f514706780 ┆ 93       │
│ Hector Castro                         ┆ 1420e261d742dc42fe352746a92f68a952ba99b0 ┆ 4        │
│ Danny Cosson                          ┆ e83862446851e7c6b587df60768d30bafa55fbda ┆ 1        │
│ Nicholas Rempel                       ┆ 41d03fac3fff6a3e1c87919c4bca7720b54c6a47 ┆ 1        │
│ Jason Giedymin                        ┆ c1ba945c7c82b198cd2f118865575966757347c1 ┆ 93       │
│ Luke Chadwick                         ┆ dcd6449245c64da6b387cc8d95cd4c45565fbeb0 ┆ 92       │
│ Tushar Pokle                          ┆ 7ff36710a6ecd91d5dd2ec93adb8746246548f88 ┆ 1        │
│ Mick Pollard                          ┆ f17106ef0a4c82db1ba215970f976d33c11c6d2e ┆ 1        │
│ Ben Marini                            ┆ 6dd629a334ad3e32f4ea27d896ef80e30a49d24b ┆ 238      │
│ Jorge Núñez                           ┆ aad0fec940e5f8e6415853267c0d3b97c5049b2e ┆ 22       │
│ Carlos Diaz-Padron                    ┆ d66c9f883fd36e007944b71650646d083e1d9db8 ┆ 47       │
│ scottsuch                             ┆ ea0ef2d31e41714240eb796dc7c84e27547e4642 ┆ 1        │
│ Sébastien Fievet                      ┆ 6e38cab0946f04f261f725d16de94d1f2bd0c749 ┆ 2        │
│ JT                                    ┆ edf67669ecfdfec514a74c6571a50dff093fe3eb ┆ 15609    │
│ borgified                             ┆ b5590ee6dae76301b732a526e1e3344b5efa30de ┆ 25       │
│ Cem Ezberci                           ┆ ff0889461d15c627c56c2d36ef1a977d695a6ac0 ┆ 1        │
│ Ryan Nielson                          ┆ 1cfa02ef6fb8022bceb01d29d8f9d089b2efa8fd ┆ 1        │
│ Oge Nnadi                             ┆ 62bb6652d2d4ac7d713ddadf434991f9ffe57edd ┆ 1        │
│ Fwiffo                                ┆ 47d352fcd2a1c13a5a1996cf4f6729a2358f080e ┆ 2        │
│ Andrew Clay Shafer                    ┆ 8f3c0475a93bc97d4f5d9445181a95f8f309169b ┆ 2        │
│ Jamie Alessio                         ┆ 3e844301c5f56b9213a4ea7cb008df468b8b8a04 ┆ 7        │
│ Bascht                                ┆ 1b8e2f966a1f05506ebe46fc3b4d3ba065f4ad4d ┆ 1        │
│ darron froese                         ┆ 1df50620d2c3de0e4c26a51056f2979214ebc4bf ┆ 2        │
│ Andrew Williams                       ┆ c7f5b9a019fe9d36fbe2a76a31553cd2255b4e08 ┆ 1        │

This a neat start however, being unable to control output or direct to a file really limits what I can do with it. If it had, for instance, the ability to output JSON, I could augment the features I want with JQ. However, this has no ability, at this time, to direct output, nor control format.

$ gitql --help
GitQL Command line interface (CLI) components

Usage: gitql [OPTIONS] --repos <REPOS>...

  -r, --repos <REPOS>...               Path for local repositories to run query on
  -a, --analysis                       Show analysis for front end and engine
  -p, --pagination                     Enable Pagination
  -s, --size-per-page <SIZE_PER_PAGE>  Set page size for Pagination [default: 10]
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version

However, for scripting, we can always use the native command line.

You are welcome to now chuckle at my multiple seds… However, if I had to figure out totals by file extentions in a branch (that have changed), I might run something like

$ git diff --stat main..origin/update-rfc | sed 's/^.*\///' | sed 's/.*\.\([^\. ]*\).*$/\1/' | sed 's/ .*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.
warning: you may want to set your diff.renameLimit variable to at least 913 and retry the command.
   1295 go
    570 tf
    298 mdx
    195 json
     66 tfstate
     49 plan
     39 hcl
     26 sh
     25 md
     12 yml
     10 proto
      6 zip
      4 warnings
      4 txt
      4 terraform-provider-null
      4 erb
      3 expected
      3 Dockerfile
      2 yaml
      2 terraform-provider-test
      2 terraform-provider-random-beta
      2 terraform-provider-random
      2 terraform-provider-legacy
      2 log
      2 jsonlog
      2 invalid
      2 gitignore
      2 exe
      2 errors
      1 toml
      1 tfdev
      1 terraform-provider-c
      1 terraform-provider-b
      1 sum
      1 ps1
      1 provider-installation
      1 mod
      1 jsonc
      1 js
      1 go-version
      1 executable
      1 empty
      1 debug-opentofu
      1 debug-opentf
      1 credentials
      1 build-Dockerfile
      1 VERSION
      1 Makefile
      1 0_x4
      1 0

That kind of thing seems to come up fairly often as we try and figure out what our repos contain as far as languages.

But if I really was answering this for management, they might really just want Standardized Lines of Code. This is a good use of SLOCCount

$ sudo apt-get install -y sloccount

Then run it against the git repo

builder@DESKTOP-QADGF36:~/Workspaces/opentofu$ sloccount --wide .
Have a non-directory at the top, so creating directory top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./1 to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./CODEOWNERS to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./Dockerfile to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./LICENSE to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./MAINTAINERS to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./Makefile to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./ to top_dir
Creating filelist for cmd
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./codecov.yml to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./copyright_headers.go to top_dir
Creating filelist for docs
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./go.mod to top_dir
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./go.sum to top_dir
Creating filelist for internal
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./opentofu to top_dir
Creating filelist for scripts
Creating filelist for testing
Creating filelist for tools
Adding /home/builder/Workspaces/opentofu/./tools.go to top_dir
Creating filelist for version
Creating filelist for website
Categorizing files.
Finding a working MD5 command....
Found a working MD5 command.
Computing results.

SLOC    Directory       SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
175     website         sh=167,javascript=8
144     scripts         sh=144
33      internal        sh=33
0       cmd             (none)
0       docs            (none)
0       testing         (none)
0       tools           (none)
0       top_dir         (none)
0       version         (none)

Totals grouped by language (dominant language first):
sh:             344 (97.73%)
javascript:         8 (2.27%)

Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)                = 352
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) = 0.07 (0.80)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05))
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months)                         = 0.19 (2.30)
 (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38))
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule)  = 0.35
Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 9,026
 (average salary = $56,286/year, overhead = 2.40).
SLOCCount, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 David A. Wheeler
SLOCCount is Open Source Software/Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPL.
SLOCCount comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, and you are welcome to
redistribute it under certain conditions as specified by the GNU GPL license;
see the documentation for details.
Please credit this data as "generated using David A. Wheeler's 'SLOCCount'."

And just one more way, using find and awk (credit to bard for helping with the awk)

$ find . -type f -not -path '*/.git/*' -printf '%f\n' | awk -F. '{ext[$2]++; total++;} END { for (e in ext) printf("%d : %s\n", ext[e], e); print "Total:", total}' | sort -nr
1340 : go
1228 : tf
367 : json
293 : mdx
168 :
133 : tfstate
89 : tftest
82 : log
29 : sh
25 : md
21 : terraform
16 : gitignore
14 : png
14 : in
13 : yml
13 : txt
9 : out
7 : tmpl
7 : 1
7 : 0
6 : zip
6 : tfvars
6 : config
5 : hcl
4 : pb
4 : 2
3 : key
2 : tfrc
2 : proto
2 : jsonlog
2 : exists
2 : exe
2 : csr
2 : crt
2 : 4
2 : 3
1 : yaml
1 : tfdev
1 : sum
1 : ps1
1 : mod
1 : licensei
1 : jsonc
1 : goreleaser
1 : go-version
1 : gitkeep
1 : eslintrc
1 : devcontainer
1 : copywrite
1 : cert
1 : auto
Total: 3942


Process Compose is a handy app that solves the problem of running dependent local apps easily. I can recall in the past needing to chain processes on windows servers or very long ago, on Linux for old Perl based build systems.

I could see it also useful for running demos where you want to fire a series of steps in order and easily watch their output. Today I often use several windows, but that doesn’t always work well when operating away from my larger screens such as presenting in meeting, conference or working remotely at a coffee shop or airport.

On GitQL, it is a pretty nice start to a tool. I see real promise with a few more features. Even if the tool just added JSON output, I could use it to some really nifty calculations. I thought it would be good to wrap by comparing its output with the old trusted SLOCCount and some standard bash commands to get file extension results.

Opensource commandline ProcessCompose GitQL SLOCCount

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Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson

Cloud Solutions Architect

Isaac is a CSA and DevOps engineer who focuses on cloud migrations and devops processes. He also is a dad to three wonderful daughters (hence the references to Princess King sprinkled throughout the blog).

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