Configure8: APIs, Environments and more

Published: Jun 27, 2023 by Isaac Johnson

The first time out with Configure8 I really enjoyed setting it up and integrating with all of my tooling. I want to keep that going with API access which we’ll use with more tooling, cost savings I managed to get right off the bat, and the setting up of Environments which will give us a way to pair services with cloud resources.

In this post we’ll also dig into the REST API, how to get details and later how to action on users to update values using the API. Additionally, we’ll set up a JIRA integration for displaying and interacting with our Issue Tracking suite.

Cost Savings

I’ve noticed my AWS bills climbing. I get a lot of traffic but that can’t really justify the costs.

All I can see from the AWS Cost metrics is some EC2 Instances and Other


But I have nothing!


No Instances and no Volumes


So what is costing me?!

I figured Configure8 might help here.

I let it index my three main accounts and there is a “Type” column that will prove useful


ECS is under EC2 and I wonder if either one of the VPC has a NAT gateway (which is billed as a little micro VM)

I found the defunct ECS cluster in Oregon region and killed it


I then moved on to killing VPCs


Which showed the IGWs


Some pointed to a phantom EKS


I acknowledge US$9 a month isn’t much - it’s a rounding error for most companies. However, out of pocket, that is a Hulu or other streaming subscription - that is a bargaining chip with the Mrs on keeping my Shudder subscription going.

A quick follow-up

Days later… the bill hadn’t gone down. Yet every VPC was gone. There was nothing in the EC2 list; What gives?

Turns out I had forgotten about a second ‘sandbox’ AWS account I made well over a year ago. It also had VPCs and 1 little t2.micro webserver just sitting there


That forgotten account was just pissing away money every month


I bring this up as a reminder to always double check your AWS Organizations page in case you might have created more than one account


I want to add an environment to a service.


Let’s set a name and view


Now we want to add some resources (Map Resources)


I’ll filter things to just AWS resources and start to select those items associated to this service (the blog)


When done, I have a mapping to resources


Now I can see all the resources when viewing my service and choosing “Diagram”

API Access

Let’s check out the Configure8 API next.

To do that, we need to setup an API key under API keys


I’ll start with an admin key


Which will show it once when created


I also created a MyReadKey with just Read permission as well.


Here is where I encountered a bit of trouble.

I could follow the docs here

However, passing in “pageSize” as a GET param didn’t work

curl -X POST --header "Api-Key: c8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7" | jq '.items[] | .providerResourceType'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 13969  100 13969    0     0  39572      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 39572

and try as a post param also failed

$ curl -X POST --header "Api-Key: c********************7" -d '{ "pageNumber":0, "pageSize": 100 }'
{"statusCode":400,"message":["property { \"pageNumber\":0, \"pageSize\": 100 } should not exist"],"error":"Bad Request"}

$ cat test.json
  "pageNumber": 0,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "sort": {
    "property": "string",
    "order": "ASC"

$ curl -X POST --header "Api-Key: c***************************7" -d @test.json
{"statusCode":400,"message":["property {  \"pageNumber\": 0,  \"pageSize\": 20,  \"sort\": {    \"property\": \"string\",    \"order\": \"ASC\"  }} should not exist"],"error":"Bad Request"}

Getting the ID of those 20 works, of course. So I can pull in, for instance, the GH Action name from one of those manifest entries we saw earlier

$ curl -X GET --header "Api-Key: c*********************7" | jq .n
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   858  100   858    0     0   3864      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3864

After I reached out to my contacts at Configure8, the error was actually pretty obvious; I had neglected to add --header "Content-Type: application/json" to the call.

A follow-up showed it working just fine:

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasfasdfasdfsafd_asdfasdf" -d '{ "pageNumber":0, "pageSize": 100 }' | jq '.items[] | .id' | wc -l
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 91569  100 91534  100    35  49719     19  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 49711

Getting details

I can get User details with the REST API

$ curl -X GET --header "Api-Key: sadfasfdsadf"
{"items":[{"id":"65a64ee3-asdf-asdf-asdf-657868e30195","firstName":"Isaac","lastName":"Johnson","email":"","displayName":"Isaac Johnson","status":"ACTIVE","role":"ADMIN","orgId":"c2685afa-asdf-asdf-asdf-9341a5906090","acceptedTermsOfServiceAndPrivacyPolicyAt":"2023-06-13T19:51:05.390Z","lastChangedBy":"","lastLoginAt":"2023-06-26T00:43:57.081Z"}],"totalFound":1,"pageSize":20,"pageNumber":0}builder@LuiGi17:~/Workspaces/jekyll-blog$ curl -X GET --header "Api-Key: sadfasdfasdf" | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   439  100   439    0     0   1699      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1694
  "items": [
      "id": "65a64ee3-asdf-asdf-asdf-657868e30195",
      "firstName": "Isaac",
      "lastName": "Johnson",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "Isaac Johnson",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "role": "ADMIN",
      "orgId": "c2685afa-asdf-asdf-asdf-9341a5906090",
      "acceptedTermsOfServiceAndPrivacyPolicyAt": "2023-06-13T19:51:05.390Z",
      "lastChangedBy": "",
      "lastLoginAt": "2023-06-26T00:43:57.081Z"
  "totalFound": 1,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "pageNumber": 0


Bash is fun, but what about Powershell? We can use the iwr (Invoke Web Request) to get the same details:

PS C:\Users\isaac> iwr `
>> -Method 'POST' `
>> -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' `
>> -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Api-Key' = 'c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf'}

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {"totalFound":0,"pageSize":20,"pageNumber":0,"items":[]}
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    Vary: Origin
                    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
                    Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
                    Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Forms             : {}
Headers           : {[Connection, keep-alive], [Vary, Origin], [Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, true],
                    [Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, same-origin]...}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 56

If we have entities, then we should get results

PS C:\Users\isaac> iwr `
>> -Method 'POST' `
>> -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' `
>> -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Api-Key' = 'c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf'}

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {"totalFound":1147,"pageSize":20,"pageNumber":0,"items":[{"id":"75b0d33b-asdf-asfd-asfd-df738c9276c
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    Vary: Origin
                    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
                    Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
                    Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Forms             : {}
Headers           : {[Connection, keep-alive], [Vary, Origin], [Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, true],
                    [Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, same-origin]...}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 13969

We can pull the full content with Select-Object -expand Content

PS C:\Users\isaac> iwr `
>> -Method 'POST' `
>> -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' `
>> -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Api-Key' = 'c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf'} | Select-Object -Expand Content
{"totalFound":1147,"pageSize":20,"pageNumber":0,"items":[{"id":"75b0d33b-asdf-asdf-asdf-df738c9276c6","name":".github/workflows/azure-static-web-apps-purple-bush-00ab46010.yml","orgId":"c2685afa-asfd-asfd-asdf-9341a5906090","description":"","tags":[],"metaTags":[],"links":[],"parents":[],"createdBy":"C8::CORE::SVC::DISCOVERY","lastChangedBy":"C8::CORE::SVC::DISCOVERY","createDateTime":"2023-06-13T20:29:54.199Z","lastChangedDateTime":"2023-06-13T20:29:54.199Z","type":"manifest","repoPath":".github/workf.... snip

So we can use jq to pull out all the GH Repo Paths

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf" -d '{ "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 100 }' | jq '.items[] | .repoPath' | sort -u
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 79302  100 79266  100    36  44389     20  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 44402

I can also see what cloud resources we have

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf" -d '{ "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 100 }' | jq '.items[] | .providerResourceType' | sort -u
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 79302  100 79266  100    36  46438     21  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 46456

Posting data

We can add a person to the catalog (but this is not the same as a user on the account).

$ curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf" https://app. --data "@userDetails.json"
{"id":"fe865c9d-2f92-463f-aa07-dabc03457296","name":"Isaac Freshbrewed","orgId":"c2685afa-ea1f-4474-92c6-9341a5906090","description":"My other id","tags":[],"metaTags":[],"links":[],"parents":[],"createdBy":"MyNewAPIKey","lastChangedBy":"MyNewAPIKey","createDateTime":"2023-06-27T02:52:20.254Z","lastChangedDateTime":"2023-06-27T02:52:20.254Z","type":"person","email":"","userId":"","photoUrl":""}

Gathering Costs

Right now, there are some steps one should to setup costing. The key steps are at the bottom of this guide

We’ll grab the CFN yaml here

Description: Export billing to customer bucket
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: AWS::CUR::ReportDefinition
    - C8DailyBillingBucket
    - C8DailyBillingBucketPolicy
        - RESOURCES
      Compression: GZIP
      Format: textORcsv
      ReportName: c8-daily-report
      ReportVersioning: CREATE_NEW_REPORT
      RefreshClosedReports: False
      S3Bucket: !Ref C8DailyBillingBucket
      S3Prefix: reports/
      S3Region: us-east-1
      TimeUnit: DAILY
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
    DeletionPolicy: Retain
      BucketName:  !Join
        - '-'
        - - c8-export-cost
          - !Ref AWS::AccountId
    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
      - C8DailyBillingBucket
        Ref: C8DailyBillingBucket
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: ''
              - s3:GetBucketAcl
              - s3:GetBucketPolicy
              - Fn::Join: [
                  '', [
                      'Ref': 'C8DailyBillingBucket'
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: ''
              - s3:PutObject
              - Fn::Join: [
                  '', [
                      'Ref': 'C8DailyBillingBucket'

I can use the AWS CLI or Console. Here I’ll just use the AWS console to load the CFN


I’ll give the stack a name


It should create it


This will create a daily billing export we can use later



If you had your Issue Management done in Atlassian JIRA, you might want to add that to Configure8 as well.


We’ll need a JIRA API key which, for hosted JIRA, we can get from the ID page of our user


We then can give the API key a name


We can now add it to Configure8 as a JIRA Credential


We can now add JIRA to our service. We add the JIRA plugin and pick the credential we created


In the next screen we can select our project


Now I see JIRA activity in the dashboard


We can also see project activity


Adding users

It’s pretty easy to add more users to our Configure8 account. We just need to invite them:


Once invited, we can see we have an invited user


And once their account is setup, we can see the second user


Let’s use the REST API to fetch our users

$ curl -X GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf" | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   826  100   826    0     0   1493      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1493
  "items": [
      "id": "65a64ee3-asdf-asfd-asdf-657868e30195",
      "firstName": "Isaac",
      "lastName": "Johnson",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "Isaac Johnson",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "role": "ADMIN",
      "orgId": "c2685afa-ea1f-4474-92c6-9341a5906090",
      "acceptedTermsOfServiceAndPrivacyPolicyAt": "2023-06-13T19:51:05.390Z",
      "lastChangedBy": "",
      "lastLoginAt": "2023-06-27T02:55:12.458Z"
      "id": "ab8c3e20-asdf-asdf-asdf-eede5e4aab96",
      "firstName": "Isaac",
      "lastName": "Johnson",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "Isaac Johnson",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "role": "USER",
      "orgId": "c2685afa-ea1f-4474-92c6-9341a5906090",
      "acceptedTermsOfServiceAndPrivacyPolicyAt": "2023-06-27T03:12:41.367Z",
      "lastChangedBy": "",
      "lastLoginAt": "2023-06-27T03:12:41.772Z"
  "totalFound": 2,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "pageNumber": 0

I can now use the REST API to PATCH the user to Admin

$ curl -X PATCH --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Api-Key: c8ak_asdfasdfasdsadfasdfsadsadf_asdfasdf" -d '{ "role": "ADMIN" }'
{"id":"ab8c3e20-6c8c-4d2a-af0b-eede5e4aab96","firstName":"Isaac","lastName":"Johnson","email":"","displayName":"Isaac Johnson","status":"ACTIVE","role":"ADMIN","photoUrl":null,"orgId":"c2685afa-ea1f-4474-92c6-9341a5906090","acceptedTermsOfServiceAndPrivacyPolicyAt":"2023-06-27T03:12:41.367Z","lastChangedBy":"MyNewAPIKey","lastLoginAt":"2023-06-27T03:12:41.772Z"}

Which we can see reflected in the UI



We covered some initial cost savings which I just loved finding, especially when it’s me paying the bill. We then explored the REST API before adding JIRA Integration. Lastly, we added an additional user and used the REST API to change the users role.

Also, we did some updates to set up costing details as documented that could be used for Cost details in OpenCost.

The fact is, I’ve had some fantastic conversations with Configure8 and there are some features rolling out in the future that I’m chomping at the bit to dig into. I absolutely will have a follow-up piece later on some of those, but for now, it’s a fantastic suite that I want to explore further with a more complicated service.

Configure8 JIRA Dashboard

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Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson

Cloud Solutions Architect

Isaac is a CSA and DevOps engineer who focuses on cloud migrations and devops processes. He also is a dad to three wonderful daughters (hence the references to Princess King sprinkled throughout the blog).

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